
What percentage of the world are lefty extremists?

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This is inspired by some of the American conservative posters who say that the media is lying to the world because the media is all controlled by leftists.

I'm wondering: With Bush's approval ratings at 35% in America, and significantly lower overseas, plus the lefty liberal agenda that supposedly dominates the media....

How much of the world is now leftist extremists??

If 80 to 90 precent of the world are left of center, what is the center anyway?

Are the small number of Bush supporters the only "fair and balanced", normal sensible people, and the vast majority of the world way the hell out on the extreme left wing???

Speed Racer

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It's a very interesting question indeed. What strikes me is the difference of where the "center" is in different parts of the world. I have a feeling that that "center" is the most right in America with a few exceptions. An even more interesting question is why some values that are liberal and leftist in one region of the world could be hardcore right wing in another. Often it seems as if these issues are more about tradition than ideology.


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If you're honestly interested in a discussion, not just in stirring the pot, you might want to put some parameters of who you're talking about... like limiting it to industrialized nations... or democracies. It seems to be too much of an open field to look at the entire world.

Similarly, looking at the economic conditions of certain groups of Americans, on an all-inclusive worldwide scale, wouldn't be a good comaprison. Pointing out that household income of the poorest Americans is higher than 75% of the rest of the world (just a guess - to illustrate a point) doesn't give an accurate representation of their situation.

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Are the small number of Bush supporters the only "fair and balanced", normal sensible people, and the vast majority of the world way the hell out on the extreme left wing???:o

Seems pretty simple:

1/3 of Americans approve of Bush completely
1/3 of Americans disapprove of Bush completely

1/3 - the middle group - are a mixed bag. These are your "fair and balanced" people that don't let any one party's dogma rule their thoughts.


Throwing "the rest of the world" into the question based on their feelings about Bush is nonsense.

. . =(_8^(1)

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>1/3 of Americans approve of Bush completely
>1/3 of Americans disapprove of Bush completely

Uh . . . no.

1/3 of americans approve of the job he is doing, 2/3 disapprove. The "unsures" make up 3-10%.

Thanks for the correction; my numbers are more descriptive of political lines in general. It's just that right now, the middle-of the-roaders disapprove of Bush more than they approve.

Bush is not "disapproved" by 90% of Americans raging liberal lefty style.

. . =(_8^(1)

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Spider Pig, Spider Pig
Does whatever a Spider Pig does

Can he spin, a spider web?
No he can't, he's a pig

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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No he can't, he's a pig

Now with the wisdom of years, I try to reason things out
And the only people I fear are those who never have doubts
Save us all from arrogant men, and all the causes they're for
I won't be righteous again
I'm not that sure anymore

. . =(_8^(1)

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>I won't be righteous again
>I'm not that sure anymore

There's a place in the world for the angry young man
With his working class ties and his radical plans
He refuses to bend, he refuses to crawl,
He's always at home with his back to the wall.
And he's proud of his scars and the battles he's lost,
And he struggles and bleeds as he hangs on his cross
And he likes to be known as the angry young man.

. . .

Yes there's always a place for the angry young man
With his fist in the air and his head in the sand.
And he's never been able to learn from mistakes
So he can't understand why his heart always breaks
But his honor is pure and his courage as well
And he's fair and he's true and he's boring as hell
And he'll go to the grave as an angry old man.

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Are the small number of Bush supporters the only "fair and balanced", normal sensible people, and the vast majority of the world way the hell out on the extreme left wing???:o

Seems pretty simple:

1/3 of Americans approve of Bush completely
1/3 of Americans disapprove of Bush completely

1/3 - the middle group - are a mixed bag. These are your "fair and balanced" people that don't let any one party's dogma rule their thoughts.

You seem to be saying that a full two thirds of the American populace are political extremists.

Ya sure about that?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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This is inspired by some of the American conservative posters who say that the media is lying to the world because the media is all controlled by leftists.No, that is not what we are saying

I'm wondering: With Bush's approval ratings at 35% in America,twice what congress is:o and significantly lower overseas,who cares plus the lefty liberal agenda that supposedly dominates the media....Again, that is not what we are saying

How much of the world is now leftist extremists??

If 80 to 90 precent of the world are left of center, what is the center anyway?

Are the small number of Bush supporters the only "fair and balanced", normal sensible people, and the vast majority of the world way the hell out on the extreme left wing???


The total premise of this thread is so far left it fell of the flat world:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>1/3 of Americans approve of Bush completely
>1/3 of Americans disapprove of Bush completely

Uh . . . no.

1/3 of americans approve of the job he is doing, 2/3 disapprove. The "unsures" make up 3-10%.

and last time I saw, less than 1/5th aproved of congress
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Are the small number of Bush supporters the only "fair and balanced", normal sensible people, and the vast majority of the world way the hell out on the extreme left wing???:o

Seems pretty simple:

1/3 of Americans approve of Bush completely
1/3 of Americans disapprove of Bush completely

1/3 - the middle group - are a mixed bag. These are your "fair and balanced" people that don't let any one party's dogma rule their thoughts.

You seem to be saying that a full two thirds of the American populace are political extremists.

Ya sure about that?

No, my usage of the word "completely" above was a poor choice -- replace it with "mostly" or something similar.

I see a smooth gradient of beliefs amongst the population. Right now the disapproval line with Bush is way to the left, but that does not mean that 90 or 97% of the population wholeheartedly disagrees with everything to do with Bush.

. . =(_8^(1)

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>but that does not mean that 90 or 97% of the population wholeheartedly
>disagrees with everything to do with Bush.

True. Around 67%, not 90%, thinks he is doing a bad job.

Keep in mind that there are people who will support "their guy" no matter what. Bush could declare martial law to prevent the press from "losing the war" and some people would support him. Heck, the day before Nixon resigned his approval rating was 22%.

Likewise, there are people who will hate a president no matter what. I've met republicans who would rather die than support Bill Clinton in any way, shape or form. So you're not going to see a 5% or 95% approval rating, no matter how good (or bad) they are.

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>Equating Al Sharpton to the US Congress? Nice.

And we have a big "whoosh" going out to our listener NCclimber . . .

No:D I think the "whoosh" is on you!!!:D:D:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Around 67%, not 90%, thinks he is doing a bad job.

Phrase that as "67% believe he is making more wrong decisions than right ones" and we're on the same page.

Some people might think he makes fifty-one wrong decisions out of every hundred, but they aren't in the same category of people who think everything he does is wrong.

. . =(_8^(1)

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Around 67%, not 90%, thinks he is doing a bad job.

Phrase that as "67% believe he is making more wrong decisions than right ones" and we're on the same page.

Some people might think he makes fifty-one wrong decisions out of every hundred, but they aren't in the same category of people who think everything he does is wrong.

"Doing a bad job" doesn't mean "everything he does is wrong".
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>Phrase that as "67% believe he is making more wrong decisions than right
>ones" and we're on the same page.

Well, I think the most honest way to phrase it would be to use the same phrasing the poll did, which is "67% disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president." That's the question people answered for the poll.

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