
Guns and crime

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You must not be reading the same thing I read. I read something that did not talk about crime being down in the U.K.; it rated nations for their rates of violent crime and Britain was rated worse than even (*gasp*) the United States!
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Here's one, for now. Oddly, it's on the BBC website! :D

Scotland leads developed nations for violent crime!


"Scotland has been named the most violent country in the developed world by a United Nations report.
The study found that, excluding murder, Scots were almost three times as likely to be assaulted as Americans.

Victims of crime in 21 countries were interviewed by the UN, but senior Scots police officers criticised the study.

The survey concluded that 2,000 Scots were attacked every week. That figure is 10 times the number recorded in official police figures."

There's some goofy shit in that article, too.


"We have been doing extensive research into violent crime in Scotland for some years now and these have shown that in the vast majority of cases, victims of violent crime are known to each other."

Um, so victims of crime know each other? :S
"Hey, buddy, did I tell you I was knifed the other day!"
"Really?! Hey, I was knifed last week!"


A Scottish Executive spokesman added: "While violent crime has decreased recently in Scotland, people are still the victims of violence, especially knife crime.

I've seen reports that state that knife wounds tend to be much more difficult to survive than gunshot wounds. And let's not forget that once you're in knife range, it's pretty difficult to miss your target. Most people just don't realize how difficult it is to be accurate and hit someone with a handgun. If someone is moving, perhaps zigzagging, you could miss him repeatedly even just feet away. (I know a lot of the people here who don't like guns but don't know jack about them will dismiss that statement, but whatever.)


"That's why we will address the culture of violence by doubling the maximum penalty for carrying a knife to four years...

Yeah, um, they don't mind committing the crime of STABBING people, but they'll be real worried about being picked up for carrying a knife. Let me ask something, to these fuckin' geniuses: will that four years be more than what stabbing someone would get you? If not, what's the point?!


...by strengthening police powers of arrest for people suspected of carrying a knife, and by raising the age at which a person can buy a non-domestic knife from 16 to 18.

Let's criminalize the idea of purchasing, owning and carrying one of the oldest, most useful tools known to man! That'll control those criminals!


"We are also reforming Scotland's drinking laws to help reduce the connection between alcohol and violent crime."

Hey, look into our success story and maybe you'll want to adopt it for yourselves over there: we called it "Prohibition" -- it was the ultimate "reform of drinking laws," and boy did it work well!

Or from this article:


"If we focus only on the use of a knife, then it's too late - somebody's been stabbed, somebody's been slashed. We need to focus on the carrying of the blade," he said.

Can you see why some of us are scratching our heads about the U.K. approach to crime lately?
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We have a much larger population AND registered gun owner population than the UK does BY FAR, yet their gun death numbers are rapidly approaching ours.


Seriously, that's classic. There were a grand total of 46 firearms homicides last year in this country. "Approaching US levels"...HA! You people crack me up!

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You must not be reading the same thing I read. I read something that did not talk about crime being down in the U.K.; it rated nations for their rates of violent crime and Britain was rated worse than even (*gasp*) the United States!

Problem is, our violent crime rates have plumeted over the last decade. See attachment on a previous post here: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=86666;

Ps: Scotland is not the same as "the UK".

Scotland is that windswept country to the north of England and Wales. It's a country that when their principal airport was bombed last week by Islamic terrorists... passer by's went up and kicked the living shit out of the suicide bombers while they were still on fire.

Violent crime in Scotland in the form of consensual brawling is kinda like a hobby for a lot of people.

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Ps: Scotland is not the same as "the UK".

No way! Next you'll be telling me that parasailing is not the same as parachuting! :P


It's a country that when their principal airport was bombed last week by Islamic terrorists... passer by's went up and kicked the living shit out of the suicide bombers while they were still on fire.

Now, you must have a link to a news story about that, yes? If it's true, I'd love to see it.


Violent crime in Scotland in the form of consensual brawling is kinda like a hobby for a lot of people.

Well, that changes everything. Suddenly, now that I know that brawling is a hobby there, I have a newfound respect for the scots. :S
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Yes there must be reports about it somewhere – as you may expect however the print news were stereotypically reserved about the matter.

The real comedy came from the TV media who interviewed the baggage handler who ran up to stove the bombers head in. He was hilarious and classically Glaswegian about his deeds with his quote; "This is how we do justice in the West of Scotland baby."

See here for a start: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article2020607.ece, though I suspect utube may be your best bet for a laugh.

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Apparently you guys kill approx 30,000 of yourselves each year with guns,admittly that figure includes suicides and accidents.....

lets not foget the 45,000 that die in auto accidents. Damn cars.....better ban 'em.

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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Apparently you guys kill approx 30,000 of yourselves each year with guns,admittly that figure includes suicides and accidents.....

lets not foget the 45,000 that die in auto accidents. Damn cars.....better ban 'em.

And the swoopers...we should also ban them:S
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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hey why post under the name trigger?

I mean trigger is the part of a firearm that causes it to discharge.

Why not call yourself "fuzzybunnyslippers" or something that won't cause you sleeplessness from fear of guns?

Or maybe call yourself Tofu?, because while it is not scary, there are still alot of people that don't like it.

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Given the US population is 5 times the UK our homicide rate only being 3 times the UK's numbers tells me you have a higher homicide rate per population than we do.

Are you seriously trying to tell me you think there are only 138 firearms related homicides in the US per annum???

Either you are hideously ill informed or you really, really suck at math!

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Given the US population is 5 times the UK our homicide rate only being 3 times the UK's numbers tells me you have a higher homicide rate per population than we do.

Are you seriously trying to tell me you think there are only 138 firearms related homicides in the US per annum???

Either you are hideously ill informed or you really, really suck at math!

Ahem, he said "homicides" not "firearm homicides"
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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And what do you have against fuzzybunnyslippers:D:D:D

:D:D Oh dam, please don't think I was intending to insult fuzzybunnyspliipers!!!! I sure as hell don't need that political group on my butt now too!!:D:D
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it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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And one post earlier he was discussing firearm homicides. Besides, he's actually using homicide rates and then adjusting them for population.

So in his mind, (according to what he posted above at least), if the US has a homicide rate 3 times that of the UK rate... then that means in his mind that the UK, with a 5 times smaller population, has more homicides per capita than the US...

Does that not strike anyone else as just being incredibly bad math??

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And one post earlier he was discussing firearm homicides. Besides, he's actually using homicide rates and then adjusting them for population.

So in his mind, (according to what he posted above at least), if the US has a homicide rate 3 times that of the UK rate... then that means in his mind that the UK, with a 5 times smaller population, has more homicides per capita than the US...

Does that not strike anyone else as just being incredibly bad math??

Hey, it's just homicides per (capita^2), a perfectly acceptable unit for the innumerate.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Watch a Brit comedy Only fools and horses;)
Trigger has nothing to do with firearms in the comedy series,but the character earns his nickname due to his quick reactions or should i say lack of them;)

Sort of a metaphor for Britain's lack of reaction to its crime problem, right? :P
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