
Muslim Terrorists Jailed

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Interesting you point that out, specially knowing what contriuntions have the UK has given the world in the past century alone, lets say India, Pakistan, Palestine, Israel...:S and the african countries in the 60's to name few of how thriving that part of the world is (with the exception of India).


"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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I doubt that the history of 8 centuries ago is a big factor now.

It goes back a few thousand years more than that.

God promised Abraham's descendants the mdidle east.

By the time Abraham got to be 86 he still hand't made children so his wife Sarah had him try their servant Hagar with whom he sired Ishamel from whom Mohamed and the Palestinians descend.

At 99, he and Sarah finally begat Isaac from whom the Jewish people are descended.

We're still arguing over who gets Israel.

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I guess that all of you liberal fuckers don't realize that the Muslims are engaged in A HOLY WAR to take over the world.

What really pisses me off is that the events of 911 have been forgotten by the left aka Teddy and Hillary.

Although they hold the presidency and both houses, the Republicans aren't doing anything to indicate they remember 9/11 either.

Fifteen of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, four from the UAE, one from Egypt, and one from Labanon.

We're currently at war in Iraq which was home to none of that set of terrorists.

yuo might want to recheck your facts on who holds what dems hold house and senate
light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak

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Another useful comment:S. WTF has that got to do with this conversation? or anything actually? People from all countries in the world have done really bad stuff in the past and some still do, that NEVER makes the COUNTRY guilty. Are you going to put your hand up to all of the bad shite that your countrymen have ever done? Becuase I'm certainly not, I feel NO guilt for stuff that I did not do.

If you want to bash for the sake of bashing ... knock yourself out ........ "NEXT".

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I guess that all of you liberal fuckers don't realize that the Muslims are engaged in A HOLY WAR to take over the world.

What really pisses me off is that the events of 911 have been forgotten by the left aka Teddy and Hillary.

Although they hold the presidency and both houses, the Republicans aren't doing anything to indicate they remember 9/11 either.

Fifteen of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, four from the UAE, one from Egypt, and one from Labanon.

We're currently at war in Iraq which was home to none of that set of terrorists.

So Abu Nidal's long-term presence in Baghdad was just a fluke? Remember, he was only the best-known terrorist to have a haven there, courtesy of Saddam.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Glad to see you sourced your information from such an illustrious publication as the sun.


You didn't bother to point out nary a single thing that was incorrect about the Sun's reporting of these muslim terrorists. Unless you can do that, your sarcastic innuendo against The Sun means nothing.

On the other hand, it probably means that you can't prove what you are saying about The Sun's reporting on this story. So instead, you just try and slander the entire publication and hope that everyone will buy it.

There was nothing slanderous about my remark, although it was a bit sarcastic, I will admit that.
However the Sun is well known for its strong editorial bias and right wing views. AS with all papers, they employ a large number of lawyers to keep there dialogue in check and avoid litigation.
I guess my point is that nobody in the UK would try and make a serious point using that paper as reference alone. Click on the link at the bottom of my OP and you will see why, that was a genuine headline for this newspaper!

Furthermore If there are so many quality publications discussing this serious incident, why choose this grubby publication to make your point?

I suspect it is because their editorial style is so ridiculously biased (not a slanderous remark), it ensures the conclusion to your "poll" falls in line with your own personal beliefs without ambiguity.

If that is the case, why bother with this rhetorical poll, afterall it is an interesting subject to discuss but again trivialised by your limited scope of answers.

Thank you for the google links, I clicked on all of the publications and not one of them discussed the muslim beliefs of the convicted at any length, but rather they focused on their links to Al-qaeda.

Not one of these journals described islam as a violent faith. If this was the case as you stated, don't you think it would be disussed at some length?

Ho, hum, still waiting for replies on the other points :|

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You didn't bother to point out nary a single thing that was incorrect about the Sun's reporting of these muslim terrorists. Unless you can do that, your sarcastic innuendo against The Sun means nothing.

On the other hand, it probably means that you can't prove what you are saying about The Sun's reporting on this story. So instead, you just try and slander the entire publication and hope that everyone will buy it.

There was nothing slanderous about my remark, although it was a bit sarcastic, I will admit that.
However the Sun is well known for its strong editorial bias and right wing views. AS with all papers, they employ a large number of lawyers to keep there dialogue in check and avoid litigation.
I guess my point is that nobody in the UK would try and make a serious point using that paper as reference alone. Click on the link at the bottom of my OP and you will see why, that was a genuine headline for this newspaper!

Furthermore If there are so many quality publications discussing this serious incident, why choose this grubby publication to make your point?

Easy - just have to turn the page from Page Three:D, the only reason anyone actually opens The Sun

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The options are a little extreme don't you think? Especially when they have been banged up already. Why would anyone want to set them free. Not your best poll John.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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It's been shown that the reason they are getting away with it is because the rest of the muslim community stays silent out of fear.***

Massive incorrect genralisation. Scources please?
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I guess that all of you liberal fuckers don't realize that the Muslims are engaged in A HOLY WAR to take over the world.

What really pisses me off is that the events of 911 have been forgotten by the left aka Teddy and Hillary.

Although they hold the presidency and both houses, the Republicans aren't doing anything to indicate they remember 9/11 either.

Fifteen of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, four from the UAE, one from Egypt, and one from Labanon.

We're currently at war in Iraq which was home to none of that set of terrorists.

yuo might want to recheck your facts on who holds what dems hold house and senate

the recent change in Congress 5 months ago doesn't change the point he made about the GOP for the past 4 years, fighting in Iraq rather than going after the people responsible for the 2001 attacks.

Instead, we've now lost more soldiers fighting the country whose leader might have remotely assisted al Queda than the number we lost that day. OTOH, the Taliban definitely supported this terrorist element and the fact that they still exist at all should be pissing you off more.

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> Where do you suppose this is all going to end ?

It won't.

There was a time that christians burned witches and killed Muslims by the millions because they were Muslims.

Millions? How many millions? And when was that time? Or is this just another exagerated, well outside the bell curve comparison?

Please enlighten me. I just want to learn.

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I guess that all of you liberal fuckers don't realize that the Muslims are engaged in A HOLY WAR to take over the world.

What really pisses me off is that the events of 911 have been forgotten by the left aka Teddy and Hillary.

Although they hold the presidency and both houses, the Republicans aren't doing anything to indicate they remember 9/11 either.

Fifteen of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, four from the UAE, one from Egypt, and one from Labanon.

We're currently at war in Iraq which was home to none of that set of terrorists.

yuo might want to recheck your facts on who holds what dems hold house and senate

the recent change in Congress 5 months ago doesn't change the point he made about the GOP for the past 4 years, fighting in Iraq rather than going after the people responsible for the 2001 attacks.

Instead, we've now lost more soldiers fighting the country whose leader might have remotely assisted al Queda than the number we lost that day. OTOH, the Taliban definitely supported this terrorist element and the fact that they still exist at all should be pissing you off more.

first we did not go into iraq becuase of 911 it has never been said that it was the reason it was a premptive strike against sadam for a regime change becuse of wmds(and dont go spouting your no wmds crap) and just to add a wmd attack would kill many times more than the current loses second it does upset me that the taliban was not handled a little better but it also upsets me that when it would have been easier to take them out it was not done, if you new the history of the taliban and where they actually come from and who supported them and put them in power you might come to see my point of view, research this subject, you might be shocked with what you find.
light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak

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have to disagree. For this I will let history be my teacher.

Way back in the day the muslim world was the center of the universe back in the second century under Nebercanezer (spelled badly).

UMMMM, WTF??? do you mean Nebuchadnezzar??

If so, he was the king of the Babylonian empire in the 6th century BC.

where are you getting this "second century" stuff from???

Islam was not founded until about 600 AD.

or am I missing something here???:S:S
Speed Racer

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Why would anyone want to set them free. Not your best poll John.

Four people here do. Ask them to speak up and explain their vote.

Some people hate America and England so much that they cheer for the terrorists to win. They would like to see guys like you and me killed.

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However the Sun is well known for its strong editorial bias and right wing views...

I'm still waiting for you to provide an example from that particular story that shows a bias as you claim, or any incorrect facts.

You talk about this bias a lot, but you never prove anything.

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>Some people hate America and England so much that they cheer
>for the terrorists to win.

No one here does. I think you have a flat there, my conservative friend.

>They would like to see guys like you and me killed.

Two flats! Better pull that car over before your wishful thinking gets you any more flats.

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Why would anyone want to set them free. Not your best poll John.

Four people here do. Ask them to speak up and explain their vote.

Some people hate America and England so much that they cheer for the terrorists to win. They would like to see guys like you and me killed.

I'm gussing they're just pulling your chain mate, or am I wrong? Does anyone REALLY belive these guys should go free???
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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>Some people hate America and England so much that they cheer
>for the terrorists to win.

No one here does. I think you have a flat there, my conservative friend.

>They would like to see guys like you and me killed.

Two flats! Better pull that car over before your wishful thinking gets you any more flats.

It's not like anyone would intentionally vote one way just to stir the pot. :o

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Why would anyone want to set them free. Not your best poll John.


Four people here do. Ask them to speak up and explain their vote.

Some people hate America and England so much that they cheer for the terrorists to win. They would like to see guys like you and me killed.

I have an alternative view. they voted 'set them free' purely in protest at the inane content of the poll.

You don't seriously believe there are 4 mad mullahs out there, sat at their computers 24/7 clicking on dropzone polls (possibly between bouts of stroking their AK47s and dreaming of 72 virgins) in order to mantain fair representation in an otherwise meaningless poll?

Well if you are out there.>:(>:(.(large echoey sound reverberating through the ether....) .Come on you mad mullahs, speak up and lets hear it!:P

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> Where do you suppose this is all going to end ?

It won't.

There was a time that christians burned witches and killed Muslims by the millions because they were Muslims.

Millions? How many millions? And when was that time? Or is this just another exagerated, well outside the bell curve comparison?

Please enlighten me. I just want to learn.

Maybe it was exaggeration for rhetorical purposes. Happens a lot, I'm surprised you haven't noticedB|.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Glad to see you sourced your information from such an illustrious publication as the sun.


You didn't bother to point out nary a single thing that was incorrect about the Sun's reporting of these muslim terrorists. Unless you can do that, your sarcastic innuendo against The Sun means nothing.

On the other hand, it probably means that you can't prove what you are saying about The Sun's reporting on this story. So instead, you just try and slander the entire publication and hope that everyone will buy it.

My 'slander' as you put it has everything to do with the sun and the news of the world being a scurrilous rag and has been backed a number of times in court.

My original comment against the sun was directed against the sun as a whole and surpirse that you chose this as your only reference (when by your own admission others were available!).

It lends no credibility to your poll and renders your latter argument of 'prove this story biased" utterly meaningless. Afterall, in the world of journalism, reputation is everything. If they criminally bullshit on other stories (see below), why should I rely on the quality of reporting in this?

Slander the whole publication and hope that everyone buys it?
That won't be difficult.
The sun is by its own admission a tabloid newspaper. Read the first google search description.

As you are not familiar with this newspaper, check out:


and the sunday edition


Be sure to check out the sections describing libel actions brought against the news of the world and 2006 phone tapping scandal for examples of how incorrect facts and criminal behaviour by this newspaper lead to multiple huge court payouts and a hefty prison sentences for one of their journalists.

As for bias, there are detailed sections describing the political and social leanings of the sun/news of the world. It has a LONG history of xenophobia, homophobia, sexism, vigilantism and harrasment of celebrities and innocent parties alike by using papparazi tactics.

.....and if that is not enough, it has had a set of tits splashed accross one of the primary news pages every day (page 3 if you didn't know already) for the last 38 years.
You are still trying to tell me to take this newspaper seriously?

Well keep on digging, but no-one will take you seriously if you carry on trying to defend the sun as a reliable source of fact.
THis is not a court of law and the sun lawyers are far too shrewd to allow me to illustrate to you personally that they are presenting incorrect facts. However previous court cases (as detailed above) have shown that this paper is prepared to go well beyond "bias or incorrect facts" to titilate gullible individuals.

This is the nature of tabloid journalism and I am surprised I have to point this out to you.

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> Where do you suppose this is all going to end ?

It won't.

There was a time that christians burned witches and killed Muslims by the millions because they were Muslims.

Millions? How many millions? And when was that time? Or is this just another exagerated, well outside the bell curve comparison?

Please enlighten me. I just want to learn.

Maybe it was exaggeration for rhetorical purposes. Happens a lot, I'm surprised you haven't noticedB|.

You mean like naming a thread "Pelosi - I want my jet!"?

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>Some people hate America and England so much that
>they cheer for the terrorists to win.

No one here does. I think you have a flat there, my conservative friend...

1. I don't think you qualify to speak on behalf of everyone here.

2. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

3. I'm not necessarily conservative.

Three strikes - you're out!

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Slander the whole publication and hope that everyone buys it? blah blah blah...

I'm still waiting for you to provide an example from that particular story that shows a bias as you claim, or any incorrect facts.

Speak in generalities all you want, but you've yet to show that there was anything wrong with the story which started this thread.

The tits on page 3 have no bearing upon the accuracy of the story of jailed muslim terrorists on page 1.

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