
Imus in the morning

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I think that there are plenty of people who are ultrasensitive to many things. However, sometimes you gotta look at things to see WHY they are so sensitive.

I offended a black woman a few weeks ago when she told me she was a grandmother. She looked great, and I told her she doesn't look old enough to be a grandmother. I thought it fairly innocuous but it bothered her.

She had her reasons. She was a successful woman, and actually appeared younger than her stated age and in very good shape. But - she viewed the comments as being like a stereotypical black girl having kids at age 14.

I could understand that. She didn't want to be viewed like that, and it is something I hadn't considered. On the flip side, she hadn't actually considered that I was not making a nasty comment - I actually thought she looked good.

Subjective experiences lead to being offended. Of course, subjective experience is not always indicative of objective reality. Imus said something that was pretty ill-advised and deserved some feedback. However, I don't think that it deserved the type of rage that it got.

I'm no fan of Imus and he deserves to be castigated. But I don't think he should be ruined.


I agree! Why, should Imus lose his livlihood over this? His show, is a 'comedy' show. He satarizes everything and everyone. When Al Sharpton lied to police, years ago, he wanted and recieved forgiveness. Look at him now! Some Christian he is! He wants Imus' job and his career. We've all forgiven Mel Gibson and others who have made racial comments... why not Imus? I am not condoning racial slurs, bigotry or racism. To me, Al Sharpton is a reverse bigot and racist. I think, Sharpton has an 'axe to grind' and is taking it out on Imus. Imus has apologised and is going to apologise directly to the ladies he insulted. Let it lie down.


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Imus is an idiot for even addressing Sharpton and the rest. It was a joke, and if they can't take it, to freaking bad. There are lots of things he could have said that are blatantly racist, but "nappy headed ho's" isn't one of them.

But shit, throw him off the air. I like O&A and R&F anyway.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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I agree with you.

It’s not like he said lets lynch some ni$$ers. People have become way too sensitive.
I hate to tell anybody this but black people do have nappy hair and this is coming from someone who grew up in New York. Most of my best friends are African American. As far as I know they really don’t give a shit about being told they have nappy hair. It is the truth

I am getting so sick of Jessie Jackson and his bullshit. Talk about a fucking hypocrite. I am willing to bet Imus has done a lot more for the humane race then that fucking leech.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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For you to say "Black people DO have nappy hair" show you obviously don't fully understand what the term means. "Nappy" has a decidely negative connotation and is 10 out of 10 times an insult. Take into account the other things he said right along side that comment and it was obvious HE understood what he was doing. He also referred to them as "hoes" and I hope I don't have to explain how that's an insult as well.

Stick and stones? Garbage. Words do hurt. I promise you he wouldn't have said that to any of the players' faces. The difference here is there is no equivalent experience for people who aren't black. It IS a big deal, and honestly if you displayed a little humility and honestly wanted to learn and understand you might be able to. You don't. Still don't think it's a big deal? Walk up to a black person and tell he or she their hair is nappy. It's a big muthafucking deal.

This was not date line it is a news/comedy show. He makes fun of every one. People need to chill out
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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The New N-Word is NAPPY

Who woulda guessed?

My Guess for the next 10 "N-Words" (As Defined by Al or Jesse) that some poor white guy will have to apologize for:

1. Napish.
2. Non-Napish.
3. Nap-of-the -earth.
4. Neanderthal
5. Nerd.
6. Nancy Lover
7. Naggers
8. Nerbert
9. Nebraska
10. Nazi-Sharptonish.

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The same way everyone moved on when Senator Lott made his remarks?

Rev. Sharpton is tenacioius...I'm not saying he's right, but he's not letting go.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I think it offensive, insulting and inappropriate to call girls on a college athletics team "hos" on a nationally broadcast radio program. If I were a parent of one of these girls he insulted I'd be really pissed.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>I strongly suspect that it is entirely listener dependent.

is this what you meant?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I think it offensive, insulting and inappropriate to call girls on a college athletics team "hos" on a nationally broadcast radio program. If I were a parent of one of these girls he insulted I'd be really pissed.

excellent point - I don't think there is any subjectivity OR racial context to calling young women ho's (it's pretty universal today even if it originated in a racial context - nevertheless, it's an insult to ANY woman). It's just a crappy statement.

The "nappy" thing is a moot point - subjective and only an issue if the listener chooses to make it so. "Hos" is the real insult. Sharpton wants to make it a racial thing? that's what he does and he's a clown. Now if someone wanted to defend some young women from odd name calling? I appreciate that.

I didn't hear the broadcast, IMUS isn't someone I listen to.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Now, he's found Jesus and that makes him better than anyone else?

Seems to work ok for our cocaine snorting, drunk driving, awol combat avoiding president.


Seems to work quite well for many
'special' folks.


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I think it offensive, insulting and inappropriate to call girls on a college athletics team "hos" on a nationally broadcast radio program. If I were a parent of one of these girls he insulted I'd be really pissed.


Is it any better said in 'private'? Imus is gioing to apologise in person to the ladies he insulted. Is that acceptable? Or, does it depend on the person making the apology? We've been through this with Jimmy the Greek, Howard Cosell, Mel Gibson and countless others. Sharpton is what he is fighting against. Jesse Jackson has said things he had to come-back and apologise for. We're all guilty of it. Those parents can be pissed and have a right to be but, you can't let something like that eat you up... move-on.



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Rev. Sharpton is tenacioius...I'm not saying he's right, but he's not letting go.

would he not be letting go because the victim mentality is the message being focused on for the black community to hook into? I am of course referring to the part of the black community that finds the Sharpton/Jackson message the one they choose to focus on, rather than the self empowerment message from the likes of Bill Cosby. Who got chastised for his message if I recall correctly.

That may be why a white on black crime would be more newsworthy than a black on white crime.

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I think it offensive, insulting and inappropriate to call girls on a college athletics team "hos" on a nationally broadcast radio program. If I were a parent of one of these girls he insulted I'd be really pissed.

Shouldn't it be feminists up in arms not Sharpton?

Maybe they should blame the guy Imus was talking to then because he's the one that called them hos first.

I blame the hip-hop culture....tsk tsk.

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I think it offensive, insulting and inappropriate to call girls on a college athletics team "hos" on a nationally broadcast radio program. If I were a parent of one of these girls he insulted I'd be really pissed.

Dem ho's was chargin' fo' BJ's and HJ's after da' game, so dey is ho's! Troof.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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If I were a parent of one of these girls he insulted I'd be really pissed.

but you are not.

Do you think his career should be ended?

I do. If he can't control what comes out of his mouth, he doesn't belong on live TV or radio. The guy's no spring chicken either- this could be an early sign of senility. Time to retire, maybe move on to something else or just sit on his porch and scare all the neighborhood kids off his lawn. :S

And hey, I've got to ask. Has anyone seen the show Absolutely Fabulous? He looks remarkably like Patsy! [:/]

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I do. If he can't control what comes out of his mouth, he doesn't belong on live TV or radio. The guy's no spring chicken either- this could be an early sign of senility. Time to retire, maybe move on to something else or just sit on his porch and scare all the neighborhood kids off his lawn. :S

And hey, I've got to ask. Has anyone seen the show Absolutely Fabulous? He looks remarkably like Patsy! [:/]

Please tell us who does belong on TV.

You have the option not to listen beyond that nobody deserves a veto.

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>If he can't control what comes out of his mouth, he doesn't belong on live TV or radio.

Eh, it's much tamer than what comes out of many other TV/radio personalities. Just listen to Howard Stern for a while, or indeed much popular music. Some gems:

"All women are whores, they will spread their legs for any man with enough money."

"Niggas in the church say: kill whitey all night long. . "

A better solution would be to not listen to people who say things that offend you.

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Executive producer Bernard McGuirk was the first one to call them "ho's". So why aren't they going after him?


What about the "hos" part?

That's actually a good point. Its as if the producer was egging him on, and no one seems to care about his comments at all. He doled out just enough rope for Imus to hang himself with, and that's exactly what he did.

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>If he can't control what comes out of his mouth, he doesn't belong on live TV or radio.

Eh, it's much tamer than what comes out of many other TV/radio personalities. Just listen to Howard Stern for a while, or indeed much popular music. Some gems:

"All women are whores, they will spread their legs for any man with enough money."

"Niggas in the church say: kill whitey all night long. . "

A better solution would be to not listen to people who say things that offend you.

I don't listen to him, but he's on a station that's dedicated to news and current events. A station that would not hire Howard Stern. Isn't he supposed to be more of a journalist than an entertainer/comic/ personality/ shock jock?

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Umm... I never referenced Sharpton or Jackson or black comedians. The issue is what Imus said.

The problem is that this is inexorably linked to whether others say the same thing without reprisal. The Fugees can do a song called "Nappy Head," and Wyclef and Lauryn Hill are pretty well respected in the community.

I'm seriously thinking about this. It seems as though calling them "nappy headed" was the bad thing. Calling them "hos" was all right, though?

There are so many things that people need to watch their steps about. Sure, he shouldn't have said it.

But, there IS a difference between ignorance and racism. What is perceived to be "racist" by those in the know may be mere "ignorance" by the speaker, who doesn't know the term's implications to others.

It's a tough issue.

As an aside, think of the "Caveman" commercials. Utterly hilarious, right? Not to the Caveman. The ad guys didn't mean to offend anybody, but the Caveman was offended by it.

I know, I'm a weird dude for spending time thinking of the socio-political implications of a Geico commercial. But if you think about it, it raises some pretty freaking important issues.

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