
Am I a Republican?

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1) Firearms including pistols and automatic weapons should be legal in the UK.

2) Human increase of CO2 has nothing at all to do with global warming, its down to the sunspots.

3) I belive in God.

4) Although I was against the war in Iraq initially I am now against pulling troops out.

5) I support the increase in US troop levels in Iraq to attempt to quench the violence.

I know a large group of southern democrats who believe in these points and also believe in fiscal responsibility.

Those are called Dixie-crats!

I didn't know they still exsisted.:P

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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3) I belive in God.

It doesn't matter what you believe in. It matters whether do you want to force others to act according to your beliefs.

It's a tragedy that you feel that way. What's worse is that you aren't the only person who feels that Christians force their beliefs down the throat of other people. I personally believe that God gave everyone the right to think and choose their own beliefs. It's not up to me or any Christian to judge you. Live the way you want and take it up with God when you die. (Of course that's only if you believe in God)

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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>You will be forced off campus if you want to hear about opportunities to join the military.

As you will be FORCED off campus anywhere in the US if you want to hear about opportunities in the skydiving or exotic modeling industries! Why, I hear you can't even buy Playboy in some high schools. Fascism! Way to FORCE CENSORSHIP down innocent teenager's THROATS!

I think Playboy is a bit different from a career in the Military

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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All jokes aside, he's probably refering to the recent proposals in SF to ban smoking in parks, ban smoking in cars if a kid is in the car, and ban smoking in a residence if your residence adjoins another or shares a common HVAC system. He has a good point: in SF where liberals are clearly in charge, they are trying to mandate their form of morality and social responsiblity, things that laws can't force on people. In other words: libs run amok isn't much better than repubs run amok. It gives us a choice:
With repubs we will slip into an Orwellian 1984 type of society.
With libs we well evolve into a Huxleian Brave New World type of society.
Either way the end is the same: the erosion of the very principles that have advanced humanity, and the crushing of free will and the American maverick spirit. I think it stinks either way. So fuck it, I'm gonna go watch FOX news now and find out how I should feel about some international stuff and Lindsay Lohan's dad gettin out of prison. YAY BREAD AND CIRCUS!!!! BAAAAAAAHHHH (says the sheep)!
Excessive drinking tonight aside, too much of either party's shit is not good for our country and will eventually bring about our fall, from the inside out, as it did the Romans before us. And then I won't be able to skydive and will be very pissed.

Also: Write your congressman and senators, say no to the new FAA funding bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blue ones to all ya'll

Don't forget that liberals force ideology to America from the bench in the court rooms.

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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yep, or join the crowd of independent thinkers who believe the republican party has better ideas than the democrats most of the time.

I have no party affiliation, but my idealogy usually aligns with republicans more than democrats ... usually.


yep, or join the crowd of independent thinkers who believe the republican party has better ideas than the democrats most of the time.

Yep, jion the shrinking number of those thinkers..... as in the Repubs and their ideologies have been voted out of power and nothing says that it won't continue in 08.


I have no party affiliation, but my idealogy usually aligns with republicans more than democrats ... usually.

Oh God help us all, what ideals that are Democratic do you align with? I know it's hard to agree with the neo-con party now, but quit your denial.

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1) Firearms including pistols and automatic weapons should be legal in the UK.

The Desm are slightly more against firearms that the Repubs, so don't act as if 1 is for; 1 is against. The NRA pulled GHW bush's card for his acts against firearms, GW Bush said he would sign the AW Ban if Congress passed it on, they didn't.

2) Human increase of CO2 has nothing at all to do with global warming, its down to the sunspots.

Most scientists believe that fuels have aggravated the issue, to what degree they disagree upon. I think only a ____ would think there is zero complicity, but it could be negligible. I think it is actually formidible, but just as Jebus, it's all a theory. But your point is that you believe as Repubs believe, but remember, they do so out of greed/apathy.

3) I belive in God.

Many Dems/ libs believe that way, but organized religion wants the neo-con right to prevail. Just as lib does not necc = Dem, belief in God doesn't necc = religious. So the types to believe in religion and want the right to prevail can be different than the types who simply belive in God.

4) Although I was against the war in Iraq initially I am now against pulling troops out.

Are you simply confused? :P What was your motive to not want us in Iraq then, and why do you think we should not leave? Pls don't say simple cliche's like "Terrorism" and the sort, be comprehensive; I will read it.

5) I support the increase in US troop levels in Iraq to attempt to quench the violence.

Is it that you just want it to end so increasing numbers will expedite it? Why is it that you think a militay solution will work when it has not to this point, yet a political solution won;t work.

My thinking is that you have had a paradigm shift and that somethinghappened to you, perhaps a tax increase or something to make you think that American Republicanism is the best way. Remember, if you become a Republican ideologically, you have to deny logical debate and graphs of the debt.

QUESTION: Do you think giving masses of $$$ to the rich and tax breaks as well is the best way to manage a government? As well as the result being astronomical debt rendering teh $$$ worth much less and ultimately going to crash teh $$$. So do you fiscally agree with the Repoubs as well? Perhaps you aren't as much of a Repub as you might think.

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1) Firearms including pistols and automatic weapons should be legal in the UK.

2) Human increase of CO2 has nothing at all to do with global warming, its down to the sunspots.

3) I belive in God.

4) Although I was against the war in Iraq initially I am now against pulling troops out.

5) I support the increase in US troop levels in Iraq to attempt to quench the violence.

I know a large group of southern democrats who believe in these points and also believe in fiscal responsibility.

These were the Yellow Dog Dems who put the 3 stooges into office, then they helped to shitcan the garbage bac out this last Nov. Question is, will they vote for a Hillary or an Obama?

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Your accusation that SF is actively stopping kids from getting info about military careers just because recruiters aren't on campus is so weak.

Uh, that accusation doesn't exist. My assertion is simply that the SF local government banned them last year, and that's a matter of record. I have not spoken about their motives, but it doesn't take many smarts to understand their motives.

My main point is that use of the word "force" is a two way street when it comes to politics. But some people only apply that word when the issue is something they don't like.

You accused me of incorrectly using the word -- here's another try just for you:

The act of marriage has for centuries been legally defined as the union of a man and woman. Now, certain parties would like to force everyone to accept that marriage now includes the union of same-sex couples.

Is that statement untrue, or does it misuse the word "force"?

. . =(_8^(1)

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The act of marriage has for centuries been legally defined as the union of a man and woman. Now, certain parties would like to force everyone to accept that marriage now includes the union of same-sex couples.

Is that statement untrue, or does it misuse the word "force"?

Take out "everyone" and insert "the gub'mint" and I would agree with that.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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It's a tragedy that you feel that way. What's worse is that you aren't the only person who feels that Christians force their beliefs down the throat of other people.

That's because they do.
We can skip the past, where you can easily find a whole lot of examples, starting from crusaders and heretics, and engind up with J.Bruno and Galilei). But take a look on modern times, and you'll still find a lot of examples. For example, all the arguments I've heard about gay marriage, premarital sex and pregnancy, condoms and birth protection were based on the Bible. Remember when the whole world was laughing on this stupid attempt to force Kansas children to study the groundless Bible-based "intelligent desing" theory? Remember 1959, when the JUDGE(!!!) said that "Almighty God created the races, white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents...."?
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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Uh, that accusation doesn't exist. My assertion is simply that the SF local government banned them last year, and that's a matter of record.

So far you haven't seen any harm for _anybody_ (including minority) from this regulation. I wonder why you didn't bash ban on smoking in planes then - just as a matter of record.


I have not spoken about their motives, but it doesn't take many smarts to understand their motives.

No, I wouldn't say it is clear. Basically you should either allow any legal recruiter in school, or no recruiters. A lot of people have asked you whether police, fire fighters and street cleaner rectuiters should be allowed in school as well, but you didn't reply.


My main point is that use of the word "force" is a two way street when it comes to politics. But some people only apply that word when the issue is something they don't like.

No, people just talk that you are forced to do/not to do something not because there is any harm to others, but because _believes_ there is harm for others. And his believes are based on the old book full of contradictions.


The act of marriage has for centuries been legally defined as the union of a man and woman.

Not really, if you talk in general. For example, there are several countries, where the marriage is defined as a union of a man and one or more women.


Now, certain parties would like to force everyone to accept that marriage now includes the union of same-sex couples.
Is that statement untrue, or does it misuse the word "force"?

That's funny. Just look in 1959 in Virginia, and you'll find exactly the same story: "The act of marriage has for centuries been legally defined as the union of a man and woman of the same skin color". It was legally definedl the interracial marriage was illegal in 17 states, there were state laws, court decisions and punishment up to five(!) years in jail. And then certain parties would like to force everyone to accept that marriage now includes the union of man and woman of the same skin color. (that's your statement)

Yes, it is misuse of the word "force". Nobody was forced to marry a person of different race after the interracial marriage ban had been repealed. Introducing this ban did force the people who wanted to do so, but removing this ban forced no one. It is the same here - just because people of the same sex could get married, does not mean that YOU have to marry a person of the same sex.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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In the U.S. one is considered a republican if he or she is for small government[minimal involvement of the gov. in our lives], lower taxes, right to bear arms[militia of the people], right to life[life is sacred],right to be as prosperous as one wants to be, and a strong military to protect our way of life.The democratic philosophy is more like socialism, big gov., higher taxes,take away guns[people dont kill people,guns do],abortion is morally OK, spread the wealth[be lazy and we will give it to you], and small, weak military[man is basically good] hope this helps! BlueSkies

That's the official mantra. But what the realistic description? (or are you still believing the myth?)

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That's the official mantra. But what the realistic description? (or are you still believing the myth?)

No, that's one of the two official mantras. Both are nonsense.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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That's the official mantra. But what the realistic description? (or are you still believing the myth?)

No, that's one of the two official mantras. Both are nonsense.

The first half was a mantra embraced by one side while the second half was one that was imposed on the other side. From that perspective I consider it a single viewpoint. But you're right, they are both nonsensical.

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That's the official mantra. But what the realistic description? (or are you still believing the myth?)

No, that's one of the two official mantras. Both are nonsense.

The first half was a mantra embraced by one side while the second half was one that was imposed on the other side. From that perspective I consider it a single viewpoint. But you're right, they are both nonsensical.

no, no, no

This is one mantra composed of two parts - I agree with you there. The other "side" (whatever that means) has it's own version of the mantra where they put forth their self conceived fantasy and then imposes their stereotype on the other side.

I didn't see your interpretation, good observation though.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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1) Firearms including pistols and automatic weapons should be legal in the UK.
2) Human increase of CO2 has nothing at all to do with global warming, its down to the sunspots.
3) I belive in God.
4) Although I was against the war in Iraq initially I am now against pulling troops out.
5) I support the increase in US troop levels in Iraq to attempt to quench the violence.

Am I a republican?

1 - I believe firearms are inherently evil and will load themselves and fire at people all by themselves. However, if we have to have them, then the government should only provide them to the very poor that need them to "obtain" money and food to offset the horrible things they have to live through. You wouldn't understand.

2 - I believe that the mere presences of people cause death even due to just our foot prints causing grass to be bent slightly. But only if you're a male high school graduate making over $15000 per year or have ever inherited something from a dead relative. That, and other humans, but you have to start somewhere. I farted the other day and was terribly guilty until I paid a group who said they'd plant 3 trees for that donation.

3 - I believe that people that believe in God should be shut in rooms with guns. It's for the better as any religion practiced by Americans is the sole cause of any and all deaths in the world. That and guns. and Aids. The SOLE cause. All would be fixed with stem cells. Except religion.

4 - I believe that terrorists are really just decent people and all the people that died in terrorist attacks is the fault of the dead people for having the nerve to be born in the US (including those not born in the US) and for having the nerve to make over $15,000 per year and to think cars are neat. Even if they don't.

5 - I believe that anyone making over $15,000 should have that cash taken away and given to people who don't work. They should also be chastized and beaten once a week, just for fun. I honestly believe that people will still continue to work if we do this. And, it's ok if union leaders are filthy rich as long as no one else is.

6 - I believe nuclear power is pure evil. But, if they would have just called it "Natural Fission" then I'd march in parades to promote it.

7 - I like Jambajuice and the little sayings they print on the styrofoam cups.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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This is one mantra composed of two parts - I agree with you there. The other "side" (whatever that means) has it's own version of the mantra where they put forth their self conceived fantasy and then imposes their stereotype on the other side.

I didn't see your interpretation, good observation though.

Right, I didn't think about that until after I sent the reply. Which makes me wonder, if both are nonsense, then do they have any value beyond the fantasy? Which brings us to the larger philosophical question, why do people embrace a perception that they know is false?

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Right, I didn't think about that until after I sent the reply. Which makes me wonder, if both are nonsense, then do they have any value beyond the fantasy? Which brings us to the larger philosophical question, why do people embrace a perception that they know is false?

It makes them feel good and they don't have to think in individual terms, only mass-speak based on emotive perceptions.

Mob mentality is a good thing.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Mob mentality is a good thing.

Yea, but it's no fun without torches.

yup, walking around in the dark with pitch forks can really ruin your day

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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