
Do you believe in sin?

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Why thank you.

Bro, I thought that avatar was your actual photo. I thought you were just making a goofy face. It was believable because you have a blue skies and green grass in the background, so I assumed it was taken at your DZ. Oh man. Who is that person in your avatar?

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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That is a disturbing avatar.

hell for that matter "pajarito" is quite a disturbing user name, well not disturbing just funny you being a guy and all...

incase youre wondering I'm cuban, next time youre around one of your hispanic peeps ask them what the term "pajarito" refers too:$

just so this isnt a total hijack, sin, dont know nothing about it, dont beleive in all that bullshit.

[edited to add]

its a lovely story anyhow.
if you want a friend feed any animal
Perry Farrell

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No. I don't believe in sin. I do believe in mistakes. I believe that under any circumstance, the person will make the best choice they can under those circumstances. Sometimes it's a good choice, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's a selfish choice, sometimes selfless. Sometimes things turn out well, sometimes not. Regardless, a person will do what they think is the best thing to do. What people see as the "best" choice for them isn't always what society sees as the "right" choice. We then either take the opportunity to learn from those choices, or we ignore the opportunity and continue to make the same mistakes.

We all look at the world through our own lens, using our own experiences and abilities to focus. I don't know what choices I would make if I was in someone else's situation. I'm not. It's easy to talk about what you would do or could do, but until you're actually there, you really don't know. Sometimes what I see as the right choice isn't what someone else would see. I try to make good choices because I've seen what happens when I make bad ones. I've seen what happens when other people make bad choices. I try to learn from their mistakes too.

So, I don't believe in sin, and I don't believe in evil. I do believe in humanity.

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I'm a theist, not an atheist or agnostic, but let me ask, what do you define as "sin"?

If it's fun, or feels good it's probably a sin. Skydiving is probably the closest thing to a sin, that is not a sin, that exists.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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So, I don't believe in sin, and I don't believe in evil. I do believe in humanity.

So if someone raped and killed your mom, that wouldn't be evil, just a poor choice that you wouldn't have made? :S

Moral relativism at its best. [:/] Feelings always seem to change when it becomes extreme and personal like you described, though.

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That is a disturbing avatar.

hell for that matter "pajarito" is quite a disturbing user name, well not disturbing just funny you being a guy and all...

incase youre wondering I'm cuban, next time youre around one of your hispanic peeps ask them what the term "pajarito" refers too:$



The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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That is a disturbing avatar.

hell for that matter "pajarito" is quite a disturbing user name, well not disturbing just funny you being a guy and all...

incase youre wondering I'm cuban, next time youre around one of your hispanic peeps ask them what the term "pajarito" refers too:$


Jaybird is a titmouse! ;)B|:P:$


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I guess it depends on the true definition of sin... and what your own personal definition is as opposed to what is truely evil.. and what has convieniently been put in place by control freaks in the pulpit trying to control every aspect of the "flocks" life to justify thier exalted positions.

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So, I don't believe in sin, and I don't believe in evil. I do believe in humanity.

So if someone raped and killed your mom, that wouldn't be evil, just a poor choice that you wouldn't have made? :S

Evil implies that there is a higher power other than humanity at work. I'd say that kind of action would be awful and horrible and warranting either severe punishment or treatment depending on the situation, but not evil.

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Evil implies that there is a higher power other than humanity at work. I'd say that kind of action would be awful and horrible and warranting either severe punishment or treatment depending on the situation, but not evil.

so in your vocabulary - you refuse to even come up with a secular definition of either 'evil' or 'sin'

sounds a bit frustrating to me and turns this part of the discussion away from substantive talk and into a semantics contest

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Evil implies that there is a higher power other than humanity at work. I'd say that kind of action would be awful and horrible and warranting either severe punishment or treatment depending on the situation, but not evil.

so in your vocabulary - you refuse to even come up with a secular definition of either 'evil' or 'sin'

sounds a bit frustrating to me and turns this part of the discussion away from substantive talk and into a semantics contest

I don't see it as semantics at all. "Evil" and "sin" are vocabularies of the Christian faith.
"right" and "wrong" are from the vocabularies of mankind.
Don't you feel it's necessary to establish the language of the topic to as to set the tenor?
The Sanatana Dharma, which is indisputably the oldest writing of "Gods Law" mentions nothing of "sin" nor "evil" but rather what is right and wrong with regard to human interaction within society.
There are varying degrees of "right" and "wrong," which in my opinion, closely echo the degrees of "sinfulness" of Christians.
Where my difference lies, is that I think it's beyond utterly ridiculous to assert that we're born in sin or as a result of sin. That's just a silly scare tactic that can be philosophized or debated to death, and still end up with no valid conclusion.
So...no. I don't believe in sin. I believe that humans are capable of horribly wrongful acts towards each other and the earth, however.
Is it a sin to dig a hole in the earth for accessing uranium and leaves a wasteland that kills every one that walks through it? Or is it just plain "wrong?"
If it is a church that digs the hole, is it still "just plain wrong?" or is it a grievious sin? If the church knows they've dug a hole that kills people and does nothing about it, are they guilty of murder, but if the profits go to "supporting the Lords work," is it no longer a sin but rather just an "oops?"

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I don't see it as semantics at all. ....(a whole lot of semantics stuff........)....

as a non-religious person my opinion is it is 'semantics'. Your comment that sin "closely echos" the more generic concepts of right and wrong is where I find common ground in the discussion.

were I an anti-religious person, I'd likely consider it semantics, but pretend it was meaningful in order to try and eliminate the term in an attempt to dilute religious affect in the world by belittling the vocabulary of religion - as you use this thread to state how "it's beyond utterly ridiculous to assert" in context of another's religious beliefs.

If I was religious, then maybe it would be something meaningfully different.

:P so there - I sit squarely in the first group

the old time atheists were very thought provoking and had good discussions and empathy

the modern style atheists really just don't have anything going for them other than really juvenile discussions and gut debates - there's a good discussion on this on today's OpinionJournal.com

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I would argue that doing "right" comes just as naturally as doing "wrong." For some however, the absence of "wrong" doesn't equate to the existence of "right."
Frans deWaal, a Christian primatologist/zoologist, has written quite a bit about the genetics involved in primates (and humans) that allows for self-sacrifice, survivability, compassion, etc.
His opinion as both a Christian and a zoologist, is that morals to a great extent, are genetic. In other words, ethics and morality are biological, not spiritual.

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That is a disturbing avatar.

hell for that matter "pajarito" is quite a disturbing user name, well not disturbing just funny you being a guy and all...

incase youre wondering I'm cuban, next time youre around one of your hispanic peeps ask them what the term "pajarito" refers too:$



sick bastards! was even sicker is that it stuck. too funny:D
if you want a friend feed any animal
Perry Farrell

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That is a disturbing avatar.

hell for that matter "pajarito" is quite a disturbing user name, well not disturbing just funny you being a guy and all...

incase youre wondering I'm cuban, next time youre around one of your hispanic peeps ask them what the term "pajarito" refers too:$


Jaybird is a titmouse! ;)B|:P:$

Little Bird guys... Little Bird... B| I know.. I know.. I looked up the Cuban bastardization of the word and the way they use it. >:(

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>So...no. I don't believe in sin.

"Believing" in sin or not seems like giving more importance to the term than is warranted.

Sin, to me, is deliberate violation of a moral code - society's, religious, personal. It's most often used by religions. "Wrong" means more something that's incorrect without bringing volition into it. A man who deliberately cheats on his wife is sinning, but a kid who runs in the street because he doesn't know any better is just plain wrong.

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>So...no. I don't believe in sin.

"Believing" in sin or not seems like giving more importance to the term than is warranted.

Sin, to me, is deliberate violation of a moral code - society's, religious, personal. It's most often used by religions. "Wrong" means more something that's incorrect without bringing volition into it. A man who deliberately cheats on his wife is sinning, but a kid who runs in the street because he doesn't know any better is just plain wrong.

I acquiese to your more articulate expression. I choose not to use the word "sin" only because it's one of those buzzwords most often used by Christians. Were it not for that quality, it would be a common word in my lexicon as well.
However, I don't know that "wrong" necessarily discounts or ignores volition or will.
It could equally be argued (depending on one's moral code) that cheating on your wife is a crime as much as a wrong. Robbing a bank is definitely a crime, but may not be a sin.
Mormons believe in a context of "Lying for the Lord." My experience is that most believers in the bible exercise an identical code at one point or another. Are they sinning? Committing a crime? Or merely behaving in a wrongful fashion?:S
I'd argue all three, but once you toss the religious lexicon in there, it takes on an entirely new direction and value.

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