
OK< which one of you dumbasses was in Chicago this morning...

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Looks like at least one of them got caught ...


Daredevils trade plane for crane

September 30, 2006
Chicago Police on Friday were interviewing a person they suspect was involved in an early morning daredevil stunt where two men jumped from a downtown crane and parachuted safely to the ground.

The man, whose identity was not released, was picked up by detectives hours after witnesses reported seeing two men parachute -- or BASE-jump -- from a crane that's at least 400 feet tall at the CityFront Plaza at 240 E. Illinois.

Detectives also want to know if the man was involved last week when someone pulled the same stunt from the same crane, sources said. The crane is being used to build a 31-story condo development called The Fairbanks.

About 4:30 a.m. Friday, a security guard noticed two people in parachutes descending onto the plaza. According to police reports, the two escaped in a gray Porsche SUV.

The crane, owned by an outside company, is under the supervision of the general contractor working on the condo development. A foreman at the site refused to comment, as did the developer.

Ladders run from the ground to the crane's tower and extended arm, which people speculate was the launching point for the urban daredevils.

There was at least one fence the parachutists likely would have had to scale to get at the crane.

A local parachutist -- who works at a skydiving center but did not want his name used -- said illegal BASE-jumping (an acronym for Building, Antenna, Span and Earth) has caught on in other cities, including L.A. and Las Vegas. But he'd never heard of it in Chicago.

'I think it's awesome'
The point, he said, is the same as jumping out of plane, although the chute is packed differently.

"It's fun," he said. "I'm sure jumping off a building would be fun."

But the idea stunned some passersby Friday.

"Don't nobody want to see that in case it goes wrong," said Toya Ford, 50, a downtown worker.

"It's a little too crazy for my taste," said Jacinda Rodriguez, 32, a downtown officer worker.

But the wild ride down was appealing to some.

"I think it's awesome. I wish I could have seen it," said Chris Evans, 30, who was visiting from Indianapolis.

it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Okay, you all can knock these guys (excuse me if one or both of them weren't) all you want. What's worrisome is whose side are you on? I'm not going to elevate BASE jumping to something more important than it is, but it seems we are losing our appreciation for people who color outside the lines. Why is there such blind loyalty to the establishment over individual human achievement? And who doesn't realize that America depends on a little healthy "sticking it to the man" to stay centered?

In the case of BASE I used to think (20 years ago) that skydivers were threatened by the very existence of the sport. And I knew plenty that were. It was like BASE jumping raised the bar and skydivers were left behind. As we came to learn (the hard way) that BASE and skydiving are two completely different sports those feelings have somewhat subsided.

Nowadays, I'll guess the majority of skydivers posting here never lived in a world without BASE jumping and so it's no big deal. It's like I think a cell phone is still a pretty cool thing, while others have never known life without them.

BASE jumping, no matter how you feel about it, is a "for real" chapter in humankind's age old quest for flight. It's a natural thing we all deep down want to do but like most people's dreams go mostly unfulfilled.

In the end, when the earth is a burned out cinder, up in God's library BASE jumping will exist only in tomes that bookend those on skydiving. The first parachute jumps ever made were from fixed objects, and when the end comes, when the fuel and food is all gone, and anarchy prevails, the last parachute jumps ever made will be from fixed object jumps.

And ExAFO, I'll debate and defend my fellow BASE jumpers (or at least the concept of BASE as I'll concede some BASE jumpers are indefensible) all you want. Just don’t call me a, "Dumbass," or an, "Asswipe," and we'll go from there . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

Who/What do you fashion yourself--some bizarre combination of William Wallace and Guy Fawkes?

Get over yourself. The pretentiousness in your post is comical.

Bottom line: Break the law, expect consequences.
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Dude, BASE jumping is OK. Your remarks about the law and consequences are equally pompous as the post you were pointing to.

What really baffles me is that they did not research the security camera positioning and that they actually used a Porsche SUV. I mean talk about sticking out like a sore thumb. I am pretty sure they could find a goddamn explorer somewhere:D

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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...they did not research the security camera positioning and that they actually used a Porsche SUV. I mean talk about sticking out like a sore thumb...

Yeah, criminals tend to be pretty fucking stupid in general.
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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...they did not research the security camera positioning and that they actually used a Porsche SUV. I mean talk about sticking out like a sore thumb...

Yeah, criminals tend to be pretty fucking stupid in general.

Yea, and just a heads up for those "stupid base jumpers"....just so they know...Mr. ExAFO is on the way to becoming a lawyer. My guess is he wouldnt hesitate to prosocute those who break the law. [:/]

BTW you download any new music lately for free there ExAFO...

You need to get off your fucking high horse and stop throwing rocks at the stupid shit...If it isnt your cup of tea that is fine, but there is no freaking reason to bash those who do. I am damn sure you are not perfect and even more damn sure you have commited a crime at some point in your life.

There are far worse crimes being commited right now....BASE is not one of them.

I will be sure to never tell you about anything I might do involving BASE, or even slightly illegal...ohh wait I jumped in FL on a Sunday??? ohh you gonna lock me up? That is illegal!!! :o
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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LOL!!! Criminals?

Trespassing to gain altitude is not exactly legal but criminal? What about going up there as an average citizen just to check out the view? It's the same action.

I did well over 100 BASE jumps last month and no laws were broken. Not a single one. So are all BASE jumps criminal actions? Is BASE jumping the crime or something else?

They trespassed and climbed an easily accessed ladder. Anyone can do that. If caught, punishments may vary.

The only difference is that jumping off is a fairly "spectacular" way to get down from the crane. If they climbed back down and walked away, the same crime is commited.

Chances are, if they were just going up to sight see, they would have received a ticket and sent on there way.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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BTW you download any new music lately for free there ExAFO...

Removed from original post....:P

Yea and im not the one on here trying to point fingers at those who do things illegal....you get on here like you are something special and get on the high horse putting others down.

Guess what, you are not special, you are no different then the rest of us. So get over it.
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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>>Bottom line: Break the law, expect consequences.<<

Do you realize there would never have been RW jumping if everyone thought your way? More than one jumper per pass was banned until a few hardy souls said screw that and started doing it anyway.

Now if we can just bump you up another notch to debating the argument rather than attacking me we'd have something . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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You need a reality check.

The mayor of chicago has been doing what he pleases for years.

How the hell would a few BASE jumps affect Meigs reopening, I mean BASE affecting an airport????

I am interested what your background is in terms of aviation that allows you to connect the two?

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Thanks a lot, asswipe.

Isn't it fun to poke and prod nerve endings - :D

Just to make sure I'm not misunderstanding you, did you mean the material that is used or the action of doing? The reason I'm asking is that I'm not sure any individual can actually BE an action.

Grammar police . . . any help here?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Mr ExAFO. Why did you stop posting when you were outed as as a lawyer wannabe? Why did you delete the post where you admitted to (Criminal act deleted... oops too late. without paying for it?

You stated this
"Yeah, criminals tend to be pretty fucking stupid in general."

By the way, in general (not parachute related) I disagree with that comment.

I asked some questions and don't really expect you will reply, but I would like to hear your retort to my post. I was very clear in stating that no laws of any sort were broken to perform the BASE jumps last month.

I just read the news article so have deleted a few comments. Such criminals. Can they just pay a fine rather than receive unwanted anal intercourse from Bubba? (unless they do want it, but it's unlikely)
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Mr ExAFO. Why did you stop posting when you were outed as as a lawyer wannabe? Why did you delete the post where you admitted to downloading music without paying for it?

You stated this
"Yeah, criminals tend to be pretty fucking stupid in general."

By the way, in general (not parachute related) I disagree with that comment.

I asked some questions and don't really expect you will reply, but I would like to hear your retort to my post. I was very clear in stating that no laws of any sort were broken to perform the BASE jumps last month.

I just read the news article so have deleted a few comments. Such criminals. Can they just pay a fine rather than receive unwanted anal intercourse from Bubba? (unless they do want it, but it's unlikely)

He is just another loud mouthed hypocrite who has no spine. I would like to see him say that to Johns face and see what happens. Some people like to talk like bad asses over the internet but in person they are spineless jelly fish.

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On the radio this evening I heard them read off a couple names saying they'd been arrested.

Haven't seen it posted online tho.

The news story I believe was posted in BASE forum.
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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