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***The US threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" if it did not fight against al-Qaeda, the country's president claims.

General Pervez Musharraf said the warning was delivered after the 11 September attacks. David Chazan reports.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Wow...........ever since Clinton got shit canned there's actually a few people with balls in the white house. B| As it should be.

And here I thought he was reelected the one and only time he was allowed to by Constitutional law..... maybe I missed something.

Here, I'll post a momento of Clinton's not having balls:


Damn, balls are expensive. Pretty soon all of our enemies will have to just knock us over with a feather, just the way the former USSR went.

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LOL yea I read that this morning.
I think Bush wants to take over the world. I mean we declare war on everyone. Anyone in the Middle East other then Israel that we have not threatened?
Wow I wonder why there is so much hate in that region? I just can’t figure it out:S
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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***The US threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" if it did not fight against al-Qaeda, the country's president claims.

Those exact words, huh? :S

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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For what it's worth, when you read this story (clicky) in today's CNN.com, the statement attributed to Armitage is denied by him, and there isn't a single first-person attribution of him saying it; thus far, it's just hearsay which has been denied by its alleged speaker.

Not like Armitage is all that credible, of course. In fact, I'm going to send him a yellowcake for his birthday.

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Ummm...........I don't get what Clinton slashing the shit out of govt spending has to do with him having balls. He sure didn't mind spending $1M a pop to shoot cruise missles at mud huts in Afghanistan. :D:S


Anyone in the Middle East other then Israel that we have not threatened?

Sure..........Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Yemen........I'm sure there are others.;)

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Actually we hit a medicine-making factory then said oops.

I don’t get this opposition with Clinton, or bringing up Clinton whenever President Bush Jr. or this administration is criticized.

NEWS flash he is not president any more.
When he was we had a record surplus, a booming economy, and no major wars.

Our troops were home, Gas was cheep. And don’t forget when he took over we had a huge debt.

Yes he got a blowjob and he lied about it. That’s between him and his wife, at least he wasn’t stupid or dishonest (pick what you believe) to get us in to a false war where it has cost us so much.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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there was no actual surplus, check out the facts.

If you look you will see that we never had a surplus and still had a large national debt.

Surplus was a slogan and not a reality.

Maybe, maybe not. And yet, not remotely an answer to:

I don’t get this opposition with Clinton, or bringing up Clinton whenever President Bush Jr. or this administration is criticized.
NEWS flash he is not president any more.

....is it?
Don't like Clinton? Fine. Start a thread about it.

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Wow...........ever since Clinton got shit canned there's actually a few people with balls in the white house. B|

Too bad their balls are typically slapping GWB's chin. :D

How did Clinton get shit-canned? :S

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Elect a C student to the highest office in the land who puts down his opponents as bein rich elitists, when he is one.
Ignore his track record as governor of Texas.
Watch as America is fed more propoganda-do you ever see much negative material about the current regime on Fox news?
Watch as our jingoistic international rhetoric (some people confuse this crap with balls and patriotism) causes the people of this world to think that the good old USA is the greatest threat to peace.
Watch as he commits soldiers to a war (Iraq) right after cutting their combat pay and VA benefits.
Attempts to loosen environmental protection laws. There is no acceleration of global warming due to human activity, who cares what NASA scientists say.

No wonder his idea of diplomacy is join us or die.

There was a time when educated and intelligent people used to do this kind of work...
Ben Franklin would vomit if he were alive today.
"Remember the First Commandment: Don't Fuck Up!"
-Crusty Old Pete

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You should recheck your facts.
We had and have a national debt. Clinton took over and we had a trade defecit and a budget defecit (spending more than we're making on paper each year) too. Under Clinton, the trade gap decreased and the annual budget defecit was eliminated-America learned to live within its means, unlike me thanks to skydiving and credit cards. This surplus (money we were taking in and not spending each year) was going into paying off our national debt, like the money i won't be spending on skydiving during the winter and will be sending to credit card companies. Under Clinton, we could project when our national debt would be paid off. Now we can't.
So he wasn't warlike enough for me personally, but some times it is better to err on the side of caution.
"Remember the First Commandment: Don't Fuck Up!"
-Crusty Old Pete

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Wow...........ever since Clinton got shit canned there's actually a few people with balls in the white house.

If he had balls he would take a couple of walks around town without a security detail...if he had balls he would have at some point seen active duty, he had enough opportunity. If he had balls, maybe at one point in his life he would have been associated with a successful business.

If it wasn't for his family name his life is mediocre at best. He really is no better than the majority of the Kennedy clan.

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Just to keep the record straight, it wasn't all Clinton's magnificent leadership that kept our deficit going lower. There was some creative accounting, and a huge boom/bubble that helped.

On the other hand, we were a lot closer to being on a path to fiscal responsibility then than we are now. The state we're in now is embarrassing and appalling. Our children and grandchildren have a world of hurt coming up, unless, of course, we simply default on all that debt.

After all, we're Americans -- if we need it, we should just take it :S

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Just to keep the record straight, it wasn't all Clinton's magnificent leadership that kept our deficit going lower. There was some creative accounting, and a huge boom/bubble that helped.

On the other hand, we were a lot closer to being on a path to fiscal responsibility then than we are now. The state we're in now is embarrassing and appalling. Our children and grandchildren have a world of hurt coming up, unless, of course, we simply default on all that debt.

After all, we're Americans -- if we need it, we should just take it :S

Wendy W.

I disagree. I do think it was great fiscal leadership and the 93 Omnibus spending Bill that raised taxes on the rich that generated a lot of money. Ultimately it also sent unemployment to under 4% as well, even tho Repubs say raising taxes will raise unemployment.

But the boom did aide him well, I agree. But this clown would find a to F that up if he had a boom like that.

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Wow...........ever since Clinton got shit canned there's actually a few people with balls in the white house. B| As it should be.

The right wing would've crucified Clinton if he went after OBL and AQ back in the 90s. You guys probably would've said why is he going into Afghanistan a third world nation that cant harm us.

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Wow...........ever since Clinton got shit canned there's actually a few people with balls in the white house. B| As it should be.

Clinton never got canned!

Clay what the hell is wrong? I know that you are in Iraq a lot but to support that Monkey, retarded, doesn't know how to even run Texas,............can't even make a proper speach Bush, is just crazy!
I love and Miss you so much Honey!
Orfun #3 ~ Darla

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***The US threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age"


Those exact words, huh? :S

It wouldn't have taken much effort to do so... I can tell you that...

Think that warning got them to listen... We've gotten several top al qaeda operatives in custody since then with Pakistan's help.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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can't even make a proper speach Bush, is just crazy!

Yes..........he is a HORRIBLE public speaker. I laugh at his speaches all the time. I could do better than that. :D However..........I think he is a good leader. He isn't afraid to make a decision. Critics be damned. Clinton was SO AFRAID to make a decision it cost MANY lives. Somalia.........cost us 18 American Soldiers. On ONE DAY! Why............Clinton insisted on being diplomatic. My friends were on the ground trying to call air support. Yep............the requests went ALL THE WAY TO THE WHITE HOUSE........and were denied. The blood of those 18 Rangers and Delta guys is on Clintons hands. From there it just got worse. After a "defeat" i SOmalia it emboldened the terrorists. After they attacked the World Trade Center, Two American Embassies, and a US Navy ship. Clinton did....................yes nothing. Or right next to it...........in fact he did worse. He made Americans look like pussies so the Muslim extemeists came after us harder. Now we are having to prove otherwise every day. [:/]


We attacked a baby milk factory? Yeah right..........I still call bullshit on that one.

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If he had balls he would take a couple of walks around town without a security detail...

Yeah...........POTUS is just going to take a stroll. Are you fucking stupid?


if he had balls he would have at some point seen active duty

Why? He had a good deal because of who his daddy was. Dont be jealous.


If it wasn't for his family name his life is mediocre at best. He really is no better than the majority of the Kennedy clan.

They were certainly shit bags. But............are they supposed to somehow ignore the fact that they are part of a certain family. My Dad was a mechanic in the ANG. Does that make him somehow less of a man? I have a friend that was born into the Rockefellar family. Is he supposed to give away the $90M he inherited just so people won't think he got an easy ride. Sooty please. :D

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