
Who would you vote for or like in office in 2008

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Yessir! For this day and age though, it would be un-orthadox for the way we've been doing it. Wouldn't the possibilities just boggle the mind? We could have a Pres. from one party and a V.P from another party. :D:D:D What we really need to do is... get rid of the forking lobbyists! Like, that would ever happen! A line-item veto to keep some of the ridiculous 'riders' from making it through, wouldn't hurt.


Actually, I think it'd work well... definitely agree on the lobbyist issue!!

I don't see any President getting a line item veto. Clinton had it for a short while, but then the SC trumped it.

There's still talk of an amendement to grant line item veto, but no action that I know of. There's a bill in Congress now that would grant a 6 year line item veto power.

I think the only way that bills are going to get cleaned up is either to give the President line item veto power to clean out pork, or (in my mind a better solution) an amendment or law that Congress must only submit "clean" bills (no riders or pork). Having to submit open bills for the pork barrel instead of hiding it in riders on other bills would really open the public's eyes to what their friendly neighborhood Congresscritter is REALLY doing over in DC...


sure see your point and in thinking about it, I don't see what's wrong with the idea. Besides... what does the VP do, anyhow?
I think, a lot of those riders are the direct result of lobbyists. It's the lobbyists who get the greedy senators and congressmen in trouble. I really feel strongly about getting rid of lobbyists and getting in, a line-item veto... forever! I wonder, if, the lobbyists were gotten rid of, would the job of senator and congressman be as 'popular' to run for?:D


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I see what you are saying but I just dont think he did enough. He cleaned up times square so now it only smells like urine from 11pm-6am.


O.K., what has McClain done besides, having been a POW in Viet Nam. I am by no means demeaning that, either. He and all the others who served during that mess did their job to the best of their ability. How would he make a good president?


Well, he tried to clean up campaign financing, and he initiated the Act that forbids the US from torturing anyone ( and Bush then said he wouldn't abide by it in his signing statement). That's more good than Bush ever did before being elected (or since, for that matter).

McCain is worth 100 of Bush.

I also believe he is worth 100 of Bush, but most of his votes support higher immigration, foreign labor, and amnesty. He did vote for a border fence. The man is a see-saw most of the time wanting to help people here illegally.http://profiles.numbersusa.com/improfile.php3?DistSend=AZ&VIPID=33
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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\liberals' .... mentality ......

A black woman president. What else would there be to bitch about?

They would claim she is neither a woman nor a black "Really". And wait for the ethnic slurs. That's alreay happened. It's so far from the party of tolerance that it makes one puke in disgust.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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\liberals' .... mentality ......

A black woman president. What else would there be to bitch about?


They would claim she is neither a woman nor a black "Really". And wait for the ethnic slurs. That's alreay happened. It's so far from the party of tolerance that it makes one puke in disgust.

At some point their real colors will be run up the flagpole, then the minions may begin to see the light.

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It'd work well in Britain as well, only we have the monarchy as an unelected head of state.

If someone doesn't have to go through all the mechanisms of buying enough popularity to be elected, then that person doesn't have any debts to repay.

Damn it. We have a monarchy AND we have to pick up the tab for the election. Who's bad idea was that?!?!?!?!?!

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[They would claim she is neither a woman nor a black "Really". And wait for the ethnic slurs. That's alreay happened. It's so far from the party of tolerance that it makes one puke in disgust.

At some point their real colors will be run up the flagpole, then the minions may begin to see the light.

However, if those "minions" don't have a better choice at that point then we remain screwed. At least now with two incompetent parties, we can hope they stay busy pissing on each other rather than making even bigger messes.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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However, if those "minions" don't have a better choice at that point then we remain screwed. At least now with two incompetent parties, we can hope they stay busy pissing on each other rather than making even bigger messes.

Actually I wish they'd all just go home. They can keep their paychecks, just don't come back to work and spend any more of our money. The best service they give our country is when they're in recess.

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Actually I wish they'd all just go home. They can keep their paychecks, just don't come back to work and spend any more of our money. The best service they give our country is when they're in recess.

Why, you sound downright fiscally conservative.:D

Too bad neither party falls in that line.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Actually I wish they'd all just go home. They can keep their paychecks, just don't come back to work and spend any more of our money. The best service they give our country is when they're in recess.

Why, you sound downright fiscally conservative.:D

Too bad neither party falls in that line.

Sometimes I think we'd have been better served if they'd made 11 amendments in the BOR and chopped the first off after "Congress shall make no law...."
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I would figure after 8 years Americans would want a President with an IQ slightly above 100. Preferably one who can actually construct a sentence. On top of that it would be nice to have one that doesn't hear voices in his head?

I had always thought those were somewhat prerequisites to even becoming President...

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Just wanted to know where the nation stands at here in 2006 for when the time comes.,

I already committed to vote for Nightengale

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I would figure after 8 years Americans would want a President with an IQ slightly above 100. Preferably one who can actually construct a sentence. On top of that it would be nice to have one that doesn't hear voices in his head?

Unless you claim he cheated on his SATs, you have to accept that his IQ is at least in the 120s range.

Speech making ability is unrelated to IQ. On that, how many geniuses have you heard that were captivating talkers? How many of them can't even get a date.

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I would figure after 8 years Americans would want a President with an IQ slightly above 100. Preferably one who can actually construct a sentence. On top of that it would be nice to have one that doesn't hear voices in his head?

Unless you claim he cheated on his SATs, you have to accept that his IQ is at least in the 120s range.

Speech making ability is unrelated to IQ. On that, how many geniuses have you heard that were captivating talkers? How many of them can't even get a date.

True, dictatorial geniuses usually are really smart...... 1 out of 2 aint bad

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Let's see:

John "McClain"
"Hilary" Clinton
"ALL" Gore
"Condolasa" Rice
"Somone" with no "polictical..."

Give me your voter's registration card now. C'mon, hand it over.

Pretty funny there. :D Kind of shows, though, just how screwed up our political system is anyway....:|

I'd vote for Condi if she's just break away from being a "Bush Yes-(wo)Man" and stand up for herself. Has she committed political suicide by being so devoted to the present administration?


I'd vote for Bundy had he not been such a serial killer. We can "iff - n - butt" all day long, but condi IS a yes beotch with twisted values and subserviance to a dictator.......

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but condi IS a yes beotch with twisted values and subserviance to a dictator.......

From what I read in the check out aisle she's already experienced the commander in chief position.
That may explain the "my husband" slip a couple of years back...wink wink, nudge nudge...say no more eh;)

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