
A service obligation for young adults

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The link to the proposal is


Do you think that this is a good idea?

Should the rich and well connected be able to get out of it or should this requirement apply to everyone, with no excuses?

Which question do you want us to answer?

Yes: I think it's a good idea.

No: I don't think the rich and powerful should be exempted.

Yes: I think if we are going to have something like this, the requirement should be applied to everyone with no excuses.

No: I don't think it will ever happen becasue the Liberals will come up with all kinds of reasons it isn't fair.

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Wasn't that one of Kerry's platforms?

That would be kind of hard to determine wouldn't it? :P

not at all - every position was in his platform. You just have to be in the right audience to hear it.

It's not Flipflopping. that's not fair. The word is pandering. It's an art form.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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No: I don't think it will ever happen becasue the Liberals will come up with all kinds of reasons it isn't fair.

So why was it clearly spelled out as a goal of Kerry's?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Compulsory service is slavery, whether for a private owner or the government.

Are you saying that any obligation coming with a citizenship equates slavery?
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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No: I don't think it will ever happen becasue the Liberals will come up with all kinds of reasons it isn't fair.

So why was it clearly spelled out as a goal of Kerry's?


I believe he was advocating opportunity, not obligation. His deal was a social service program that people could do for 2 years and get money for college. It was billed as a way to serve, but not the military. Didn't ever hear a single detail about the proposition, so I chalked it up to election year politics: good idea that will never get done.
FWIW - Opportunity=good; obligation=bad

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Compulsory service is slavery, whether for a private owner or the government.

Did you register with your local draft board when you turned 18?

If the USA reinstates the draft due to military neccessity, would it still be slavery?

Are you familiar with the recent history known as "The Vietnam War" and the social and political turmoil of those times?

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No: I don't think it will ever happen becasue the Liberals will come up with all kinds of reasons it isn't fair.

yeah, those fuckin' liberals. Like that bastard JFK whose administration started the Peace Corps.
Speed Racer

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No: I don't think it will ever happen becasue the Liberals will come up with all kinds of reasons it isn't fair.

So why was it clearly spelled out as a goal of Kerry's?


Because Kerry would say anything to get elected and if he had, that's the last you would have heard of it.

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this MAY be a good idea, depending on how its enacted.

would they be paid a living wage while serving? Could other forms of volunteering be substituted for working for the government, ie, working with certain types of grassroots organizations, such as habitat for humanity or Catholic Charities or something?

it depends on how it's worked out.
Speed Racer

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No: I don't think it will ever happen becasue the Liberals will come up with all kinds of reasons it isn't fair.

yeah, those fuckin' liberals. Like that bastard JFK whose administration started the Peace Corps.

There's Democrats and then there's Liberals. Just as there are Republicans and Conservatives. I never considered Kennedy a Liberal. If anything, he was a Conservative Democrat. The Democrats and America in general would be well served with more JFK's.

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this MAY be a good idea, depending on how its enacted.

would they be paid a living wage while serving? Could other forms of volunteering be substituted for working for the government, ie, working with certain types of grassroots organizations, such as habitat for humanity or Catholic Charities or something?

it depends on how it's worked out.

and of course, they will need a Union.

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the proposal suggested in this editorial is smokescreen for a draft, nothing more. A 4 year draft at that. The alternatives are vaguely described, and do not exist now aside from the Peace Corp which I understand is pretty particular about what they want (engineers), and it's not high school graduates. And no remark on the gender issue.

While I think the college payback after the service is appropriate, being away from academia for 4 years will put them at a serious disadvantage and the freshman year will be mostly remedial. Same applies to the two year commitment in a smaller degree.

Such a plan would hurt America, and greatly.

It might be improved by making it one year or two in the military, and by allowing a window of 10 years to fullfill it.

Or we could stop trying to engage troops all over the world?! If we're stretched too thin, it's a hint about priorities. Bin Laden >>> Hussein and the rebels that have replaced him in Iraq.

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Because Kerry would say anything to get elected and if he had, that's the last you would have heard of it.

You mean like "I'm a uniter, not a divider"? ;)

Just like Bush wanted to implement tax cuts, Kerry wanted to implement a service program. It wasn't a case of saying something to appeal to one group of reporters and something different to a different group of reporters. It was clearly identified as part of his agenda.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Lets face it. If it becomes mandatory to serve they might as well open the borders to Canada because the cry baby liberals will just burn their draft cards again (& hopefully a bra or two) and move. Thus creating a better society for us to live in here in the U.S.

And what branch of the military are you currently in?

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I guess some of you people haven't learned that war is a horrible thing that should only be ventured into as a last resort. By having mandatory service requirements for your young, you are giving the polical leaders the freedom to wage war whenever they want at the expense of someone else's life.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I'm liberal, and am all in favor of mandatory year of service for young people.

If you choose the military, with its longer commitment, then you get the scholarship, medical, etc. benefits.

If you choose civilian service, you are provided with housing, enough food, clothing, and a nominal stipend for entertainment. Some entertainment should be provided as well (e.g. a library with videos).

It applies to everyone upon turning 18 or graduating from high school (whichever happens last). Not when you've finished your summer vacation/spring break/whatever. Not when football season is over. Yes, it means a whole new group to deal with each beginning of summer, but I'd imagine some would choose to stay -- that would be an option.

Not sure about sole-support-of-the-family exceptions, but not for college, not for the summer trip. If you're handicapped, well, ya know, there are generally productive things you can do, and this is a good time to mainstream.

What kinds of service? Stuff like the 1930's programs like Civilian Conservation Corps, working to revitalize inner cities, day care for the children of single parents getting off welfare (or serving their commitment :)
And the military would be noticeably preferable in terms of reward -- don't want to discourage it. But service can take many forms.

Wendy W.
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I guess some of you people haven't learned that war is a horrible thing that should only be ventured into as a last resort. By having mandatory service requirements for your young, you are giving the polical leaders the freedom to wage war whenever they want at the expense of someone else's life.

This is why I oppose the end to the cap on Social Security payments (currently capped at 90k income) to solve the problem with the boomers. Right now it just gives more money to spend on wars and tax cuts, while doing nothing about 2030.

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Lets face it. If it becomes mandatory to serve they might as well open the borders to Canada because the cry baby liberals will just burn their draft cards again (& hopefully a bra or two) and move. Thus creating a better society for us to live in here in the U.S.

Which of the following eligible young men went to Vietnam in their youth?

Dick Cheney
George W. Bush
Tom Delay
Jeb Bush
Dennis Hastert
J. Danforth Quayle
Newt Gingrich
Trent Lott

I guess they're all liberals!

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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