
Global Warming is Racist

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Citing Katrina as a case-in-point, some environmentalists say global warming impacts minorities and the disadvantaged harder than other groups.

You know what?
If someone is poor and without resources, losing a loved one to a car crash also impacts his/her family more forcefully.

If I'm a rich dude with a big life insurance policy and only a wife and two kids as dependents, and I buy it on the highway, they'll no doubt be a lot better off than if I'm a poor dude with no insurance to speak of, a n ex-wife with two of my kids and a second wife with four kids, who now have lost their major breadwinner.

The idea that it's RACE that makes people more vulnerable, and things would be just fine for them facing a hurricane and flood and what have you while WHITE... that's just fucking ignorant.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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if the shoe fits...

we only need look at the spike in consumption and the sales distribution, and the writing is clear.

Or check out how many SUVs have "off road appearance* options that add weight and nothing else.

Sports cars have the same bullshit. Haven't you seen Mustangs with FAKE fairings, FAKE air dams and scoops?! Look at the hood of the next 2XXX Mustang you see, and check out that black area that looks like it would scoop air into the engine: on most of them, it's blocked-up with plastic! Same with the "cooling vents" near the rear wheels.

It's because consumers are stupid. They'll buy SHIT, as long as it's dressed up to simulate the good stuff. Few people care about functionality and substance -- they just want the IMAGE. (It's why kids these days are wearing big-ass fake "diamond" earrings when we KNOW they could not afford a pair of 5 ct. diamonds...)

We live in an empty world where style trumps substance. [:/]
People are conditioned to value petty, trivial shit (like who won "American Idol") and discount meaningful stuff (like education and self-improvement).

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I am lost when it comes to race..All my black friends who work have jobs live life normally hate fucking jessee jackson. After the good old mayor of No made his speech. They are now ashamed to be black why is this? Colour should never be an issue its attitude. It happens in all colours. As this one dude once said can't we all just get along..I think he also said GET THE FUCK OFF WELFARE AND FIND A FUCKING JOB YOU LAZY BASARDS....LOL

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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i get along with everyone except the irish...lol I just hate when i see on the news(which is always 100% correct) All this discriminatin shit. In todays society its so hard to discriminate. Can u believe i applied for a modeling job and they say i was too fat can u believe that discrimity shit...

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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As this one dude once said can't we all just get along..I think he also said GET THE FUCK OFF WELFARE AND FIND A FUCKING JOB YOU LAZY BASARDS....LOL

Yeah, but he said that after he won millions of dollars in civil lawsuits, after he got his ass beat for charging LAPD cops while high on drugs... :S

Prior to that, I think, he was on welfare. :|

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Using 2002 US census data as an example, there were 34.5 million people below the poverty level in the US. Out of those, 8.6 million were black. If impoverished is indeed a factor to destruction, how could more blacks be at risk than whites? Or, how come we never hear anything about the huge groups of disadvantaged or impoverished whites for that matter?

The black community and broadcasting does itself a great "dis"service by so often making everything a race issue, and Jesse Jackson makes the same mistake. It is clearly written with these suggestive words to anger blacks, and make them feel singled out - when there could be so many that would be affected if it were only true. A supernova for instance would not care what color you were, but somehow I get the feeling that would be slanted towards a given group suffering the most from it - perhaps something like, because of certain people's color, socioeconomic status or geographic location, they will die 2 seconds before the whites in the suburbs as the world dissolves. Does anyone really care about that difference? Probably not, but guaranteed if it could be measured, someone would complain about it based on race.

Or how about something like a tidal wave comes by and flips over a cruise ship. It turns upside down, and in order to get out people have to pull themselves up through a long series of stacks using just their arms. Most women have less upper body strength than men, so more women don't make it out and consequently die in the disaster. This would then be like radical feminists responding the women should be a disadvantaged group where tidal waves are concerned. and therefore, tidal waves are pro men. It's ridiculous, and would only serve to create emnity between the genders.

Any group that tries to turn one against the other by using racial digs (in this case against white) is bad news for the people they are presuming to "help."

It's indicative of our current state of society that it could take a color-blind scientific phenomenon and turn it into an essay for minorities. Yes, some people do live in more impoverished conditions, but there are even more disadvantaged whites below the poverty level, and in that equation, it doesn't matter that there are more whites than black in the US. To think that way would be to devalue the worth of each individual soul, which would also be racist.

This type of reporting, is, at it's core not just a spin, but a subtle form of hate-speak designed to cause division and indeed usurp unity between the races.

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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Sports cars have the same bullshit. Haven't you seen Mustangs with FAKE fairings, FAKE air dams and scoops?! Look at the hood of the next 2XXX Mustang you see, and check out that black area that looks like it would scoop air into the engine: on most of them, it's blocked-up with plastic! Same with the "cooling vents" near the rear wheels.

But virtually no one pretends that their sports car isn't a gas guzzler and unnecessary. And they pay a large purchase tax for low fuel economy. SUVs duck that one by using a few loopholes meant for commerical use vehicles.

My subaru has the stupid fake scoop too. I wish I could easily replace it with a flat one. (it is functional on the turbos).

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Using 2002 US census data as an example, there were 34.5 million people below the poverty level in the US. Out of those, 8.6 million were black. If impoverished is indeed a factor to destruction, how could more blacks be at risk than whites? Or, how come we never hear anything about the huge groups of disadvantaged or impoverished whites for that matter?

The black community and broadcasting does itself a great "dis"service by so often making everything a race issue

maybe thats the thing..... why in the richest country in the world are there that many poor people white or black or whatever people . yes racisism is alive and well but different than in years past , but it is still just a smoke screen that keeps us/u.s from working together to improve our community and world (education based on knowledge of life skills , health care , enviroment...etc) the same as the dem (clinton) vs rep (bush) , gun rights vs. gun bans , and pro life vs.prochoice smoke screen .

i don't mean to change the subject , i imagine the racist snipes must be fun ( i've got caught up in it myself so i know) , but it's my nature to cut through bullshit . it's no doubt easier to fall into these debates than to see the real deal , but don't pay it no mind . ( picture taking that feeling in the air and living it)


people see me as a challenge to their balance

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Agreed, that is the thing. Why is it about race at all? Since disadvantage through impoverished affects all races, with a significant part of that being white, the issue could easily be on improving standards of living for all. So why is this a race issue?

It's a race issue for those in the biased media or those with a bone to pick who are determined to make it a race issue, and that's what's wrong with it. They are willing to divert focus from the real issue at hand and fall back on their own, personal race agenda. Regardless of how people start, many have overcome the setbacks of disadvantaged beginnings and have become successful. Sitting on race as an issue no longer achieves the desired result, and should be abandoned as an approach. That would make sense, and be the most productive. But bias is not about making sense, and that is what this article was filled with.

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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It's because consumers are stupid. They'll buy SHIT, as long as it's dressed up to simulate the good stuff. Few people care about functionality and substance -- they just want the IMAGE. (It's why kids these days are wearing big-ass fake "diamond" earrings when we KNOW they could not afford a pair of 5 ct. diamonds...)

We live in an empty world where style trumps substance.
People are conditioned to value petty, trivial shit (like who won "American Idol") and discount meaningful stuff (like education and self-improvement).

I totally agree with that. And I can't believe that pop girl won over the rock guy in American Idol! :D Nah I don't watch that shit, just saw a clip as I walked throught the room and the TV was on the other day. No, seriously, I did. ;)

May Contain Nut traces......

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agreed yet again, and on the topic of that one article, or a hundred thousand more like it , my point is why bother picking apart each one when it is a simptom ( spelled right?) of being a bit misguided. yes that guy is a bit off like bush is abit off and nagin is a bit off, and it's easier to sit on the side lines and poke holes in something than to be the one to actually add meaning or substance to the mix.

so thinking out loud , my question is who's gonna be the one to stop with the cycle of he said that so those 21 inch rim riding welfare knappy head ingrates shouild go back to africa shit or whatever.

it's easy to divide. people want conflict it seams. on a macro or micro scale . the us vs them thing . us vs the terrorists , black us vs white us , american black vs caribean black , blood vs crip, my school vs your school , etc....

and i'm really not countering you but bouncing off of you , expanding on what you're saying .

some one once said there are three levels of conversation. the simpleist is to talk abot other people or things that happened allready , the next is to talk about things happening now , and the most advanced is to talk about ideas and future concepts.

the first two are damn important and fun, but with out the third makes one ignorant in my opinion .

people see me as a challenge to their balance

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Ahhh, the ol' selctive cut 'n paste special

Ahhh, another mindless criticism, void of any facts or logic to substantiate it.

Actually it's not a mindless criticism, all one need do is look at the article as it was posted and compare it to what you posted here.

And there's another mindless criticism, void of any facts or logic to substantiate it.

Aren't any of you critics actually capable of specifying some point that you wish to make? Okay, so you compare the stories: so what? Did I falsely invent something that wasn't in the story? No. Was the story oriented towards blaming race instead of economic disparity? Yes.

Apparently you wish to imply that some omission from my excerpts somehow changes entirely the character of the story - is that what you're trying to say? If so, give examples and explain.

Otherwise, dispense with the mindless void.

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Actually it's not a mindless criticism, all one need do is look at the article as it was posted and compare it to what you posted here.

And there's another mindless criticism, void of any facts or logic to substantiate it.

Aren't any of you critics actually capable of specifying some point that you wish to make? Okay, so you compare the stories: so what? Did I falsely invent something that wasn't in the story? No. Was the story oriented towards blaming race instead of economic disparity? Yes.

Apparently you wish to imply that some omission from my excerpts somehow changes entirely the character of the story - is that what you're trying to say? If so, give examples and explain.

Otherwise, dispense with the mindless void.

Do you deny that you deliberately cut and pasted only bits and pieces of the article referred to? All one needs to do is to read the ENTIRE article to see that you only cut selected portions of it.
Either remove your cranium from your posterior regions or install a porthole... enough of your cosmic debris...
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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Do you deny that you deliberately cut and pasted only bits and pieces of the article referred to? All one needs to do is to read the ENTIRE article to see that you only cut selected portions of it.

Mindless drivel!

Yes, I provided excerpts only.

As I explained in message #13 (how did you miss it?), copyright law requires that technique. It is against the law to post news stories in their entirety. You wouldn't want me to violate the law, would you?

What is your point in highlighting this? Is there something wrong with complying with copyright law by posting excerpts to start a conversation?

Explain yourself for christ's sake, or be doomed to the mindless void.

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My subaru has the stupid fake scoop too. I wish I could easily replace it with a flat one. (it is functional on the turbos).

Check your Subaru again. Are you sure that the scoop doesn't at least actually admit air into the engine compartment? It may not feed a turbocharger, but I thought that it at least fed air.

My Subaru (2002 Impreza Outback wagon) does not have the hood scoop -- that's reserved for the WRX turbo version.

I'm very pleased that my Subaru doesn't have a lot of froofy frilly bullshit like most American cars do -- stuff designed to fool you into thinking the car is better than it actually is.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I think if you consider the underlying facts--the overall economic disparity between blacks and whites--there's a basis for the article.

Ding ding ding! Correct. But the article doesn't mention that once - only skin color.

Of course the article doesn't mention it, they would rather make it an issue of skin color. I also notice they failed to mention the white families who live in the same conditions.

Um, HELLO....the souce is BET, not WET. The entire point of BET's existence is to bring news/entertainment/etc about black people to black people. The white community isn't a central issue for BET. Blacks can get allll the info they need on white folks' problems from any of a wide variety of other sources.

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