
Could Osama bin Laden be dead already?

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In this opinion piece columnist & author Michael Ledeen says that Osama may have died last month from complications related to kidney problems & was buried in Iran, where he has been hiding out most of the time since the overthrow of the Taliban.

There's no outside verification that I know of, but consider that we haven't heard a peep out of Osama in about a year (in which he mentioned the 2004 USA elections), and that all Al Quaeda leadership statements since then have come from Ayman al Zawahri.
Speed Racer

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well, i hope he is. and if they find his grave, they need to bury a pig with him, that way he wont be able to see his god, and will be touching an unholy animal.

oh, did i say that outloud....fine then.

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I'd always wondered if he died in the initial round of bombing of the mountains in Afghanistan. After that we only heard second or third hand people claim he was alive.

I was sceptical because Osama always liked having his face on TV, and if he was alive he would have prooven it to the world, if not just to create more fear.


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I suggest that he be called out.

Bush, or Rumsfeld, etc, could assert that he is dead because he hasn't released any videos lately. If the 'challenge' is not met within a month or so, he probably is dead,and the administration should take credit for his death. It doesn't matter if it actually was due to his ailments, Bush would benefit.

I don't think Bush haters (Conservativephobes) would like that at all. :ph34r: They would have to figure out someway to not allow Bush to take credit for his death. :( They at least want him to be alive for the elections in November.
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um, but if he died of natural causes in Iran.....:S

Still, if he wasn't on the run from our forces, he would have been able to get proper treatment...

Remember, if he was too visible, even in Iran, he would be taken out. Even in Iran he would have to get medical care secretly, so it won't be the best.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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who really gives a f#*k

I for one, do. I want his a$$ drug thru every street in Afghanistan. But that is just my own personal hatred.

If he is alive, he most likely isn't in Afghanistan anymore. US forces have got great relations with the LN's [local nationals] and I have no doubt they would turn him in or at least tip us off.

However, Pakistan is a possibility. Even with high visibility of who he is, I seriously doubt they would turn him in. Even with humanitarian aide we offered after the earthquake last year, the majority of the country doesn't like Americans.

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[Actually it would be a good thing if Osama died of natural causes. If he was killed in battle his supporters could look to him as a martyr. Dying with his boots off (so to speak) while hooked up to a machine & wetting his bed doesn't look so heroic.
Speed Racer

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I suggest that he be called out.

Bush, or Rumsfeld, etc, could assert that he is dead because he hasn't released any videos lately. If the 'challenge' is not met within a month or so, he probably is dead,and the administration should take credit for his death. It doesn't matter if it actually was due to his ailments, Bush would benefit.

I don't think Bush haters (Conservativephobes) would like that at all. :ph34r: They would have to figure out someway to not allow Bush to take credit for his death. :( They at least want him to be alive for the elections in November.

For the record. I think Bush is an idiot and one of the worst presidets we've ever had.

I also hope that OBL is dead. I can even give Bush full credit for killing OBL and still think that on the full balance sheet, he's done more to weaken our great country than AlQaeda ever could.
illegible usually

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Interesting question. Unfortunately it would also prove that al Qaeda is a much more effectively organized network, since they can obviously continue their operations without him, or any other individual (al Zarkawi and the like) at the top.

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well, a year ago supposedly Osama passed the crown to Ayman al Zawahri.

But what you said is true & has been known for some time: Al Quaeda just means "the base". The terror cells around the world are independently run. Osama or Zawahri do not manage them. Zawahri probably only actually commands the Al Quaeda group in eastern afghanistan.

Peter Bergen has written that following the overthrow of the Taliban, there was a split-up among Al Quaeda. Many Al Quaeda members became completely disgusted with Osama & turned away from him, because they believe that the 9/11 attacks caused them to lose Afghanistan (they are correct, of course).
Speed Racer

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I'd always wondered if he died in the initial round of bombing of the mountains in Afghanistan. After that we only heard second or third hand people claim he was alive.

I was sceptical because Osama always liked having his face on TV, and if he was alive he would have prooven it to the world, if not just to create more fear.


Agreed. He is their biggest rallying point, and especially for such a dispersed effort, some focal point common to all is big. I find it extremely suspicious that he has been as quiet as a dead person.
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The Hydra that is AQ has many heads, in many locations, with many hands attached to those heads.

OBL is not necessarily someone who likes the publicity; he isn't one to claim responsibility for actions in a rapid sense; on occasion, he has never claimed it. He is not a media hound in the sense we tend to think about it. He has used it, appropriately for his messages, but doesn't run around like Arafat did, or like others. He slides through the underground, getting his messages out when it suits him, not when it suits us, and not at our goading (and we've tried, many times.). He's a wily SOB, no doubt...

Is he alive? Or is he dead? I'd think that if he were dead, there would be information and confirmation of it. But I've been wrong many times before, and will be again. He might be; however, one can't base that conclusion on the lack of media/public statements, in my opinion.


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