
Child Molesting Priest Murdered in Prison

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Fuck him. I'm glad he's dead. The gentleman that ended his life should recieve a medal of valor for his efforts.

As a parent of four children, and a grandfather of 2 grandsons, all i can say is i'm glad he's gone. I'm quite sure his new residence is befitting of his crime.
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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First off, I'm glad he's gone too.

But as for the 'gentleman' who toped him getting a medal.. no way - he's a murdering bastard and deserves to be treated as one.
We have a system of law that tries to ensure that we leave behind vigilantly-ism to make us all more civilised.
The pervert did something wrong and so did the murderer - dont let sentiment get in the way of the rule of law... in that direction lies anarchy...


Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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shropshire, good post! +1

I really am astounded by the way so very many people here are debasing themselves to cheer this murder. On the one hand, they want civilization, i.e. people not to molest kids. And on the other hand, they cheer vigilante justice.

If that guy who murdered the priest never did murder the priest, I wonder how many people here would think he's such a great guy, convicted murderer that he is. But then, he does what they secretly (in the moments when they think God is not listening, I guess) wish for someone other than them to go and kill the priest because they're so indignant that he was a child molester -- and suddenly a MURDERER is a HERO?!

And we wonder why we live in such a fucked up world?! :S

The inmates are running this fucking asylum, people.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Ahhhh so this guy being murdered because of child molestation is bad, but my brother being murdered because of drugs is a "good riddence" and yes I fucking quote you from your bullshit bonfire post weeks ago... you seem to defend crimes against children, and you seem to like to judge people more harshly that use drugs then those that rape kids.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Im just curious why he finds the criminals that hurt and violate children should have rights , but feels someone being murdered becasue of drugs is a good thing...

If he thinks one reason of murder is a "good riddence" then why not this one?
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Do you really want to argue that because someone committed a certain crime, he does NOT retain his Constitutional rights?

Is that really your premise?

And would you please link me to the post you say offended you in Bonfire? I have forgotten what was said, and maybe I would want to restate my position. I honestly don't recall saying "good riddance" about your brother. Maybe I said it and don't remember; maybe you read something into what I did say that wasn't there. I dunno.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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he's a murdering bastard and deserves to be treated as one.

Not really. I consider him an avenging angel. I can't believe your calling this guy a "murdering bastard" what does that make the child molester? If vigilante justice was allowed, i can just about assure you these types of crimes against nature would not take place anymore. The way it is, WTF? 3 hots and a cot - cable TV - college education, etc....and WE pay for it. It's a sick joke. There is no deterrant to make an individual think twice, even three times before laying there hands on a child.

Do you have children? Grandchildren? If you do, you probably have a part of you that hates these types of "humans"

Maybe we should free Manson? After all, he didn't kill anyone, he merely put others up to his dirty work.

Bleeding heart liberals. >:(
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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Which part of Murder is AGAINST THE LAW dont you understand?

The pervert was found gulity and sentenced as per your countries system of justice. He was not sentenced to death.

If you dont like the way that your laws work (and dont think that there is enougth deterant) then vote for someone who thinks the same way as you to try to change the law, untill then you're going to have to learn to live with it or become a victim of it.

:SAs for <> - Of course I detect those sort of people, what would ever make you think otherwise? :S - & BTW, the legal system is NOT about HATE.

WTF is the shite in your post about freeing Manson? How is that even remotely relevant - no one ever suggested that the now dead pervert should be release:S

<> My post had fuck all to do with being a bleeding anything - it's more about being LAW Abiding - how the fuck is that so difficult to understand?.

Kindest Regards,

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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>I can't believe your calling this guy a "murdering bastard" what does
>that make the child molester?

A criminal.

>If vigilante justice was allowed, i can just about assure you these types
>of crimes against nature would not take place anymore.

Sure they would. Crime still happens in states that have the death penalty, so death is no deterrent for some of these people. And the criminal's friends would have license to kill YOU when you killed their friend.

>Maybe we should free Manson? After all, he didn't kill anyone, he merely
>put others up to his dirty work.

Why? He's a criminal.

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Maybe i should just say i'm not real broke up about him getting offed....O.K.?

I have zero tolerance for these types of individuals. If it were up to me, i'd have them in front of a firing squad, or in the gallows.
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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Maybe we should free Manson? After all, he didn't kill anyone, he merely put others up to his dirty work.

Bleeding heart liberals. >:(

Who you calling a liberal?! I'm saying EXECUTE anyone you really feel is that great a threat to society.

But your own twisted "logic" works against you in this example. You suggest that we should free Charles Manson because he did not murder, he only put others up to murder. Isn't that what you're hoping to do by encouraging inmates to murder molesters in jail? :S

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Sure they would. Crime still happens in states that have the death penalty, so death is no deterrent for some of these people. And the criminal's friends would have license to kill YOU when you killed their friend.

Actually studies show that countries with less harsh punishments have considerably less crime.

The point of a healthy legal system is not to avenge people but to lower crime.

I would gladly be called a bleeding heart liberal, as that seems to mean that you still have some empathy and logic left in you.

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Seems as everyone wants to give a guy a break, no matter how severe the crime. Well, at least until it happens to them.

I was a victim of this when I was 9-years old. I cannot tell you how my parents felt about it when they found out. They read an article in the paper about this priest who had been molesting altar boys and CCD school kids. Well, I had been going through 'christian' couniling with him and had spent time with him alone. Needles to say, the shit hit the fan. We sued the catholic diocese of Orange. I won, too. The worst part - they just sent him back to England, where he probably molested more kids....

Oh, I do have such thoughts of revenge, but that really will just poison me.....I'd much rather skydive
Twin Otter N203-Echo,29 July 2006
Cessna P206 N2537X, 19 April 2008
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Sure they would. Crime still happens in states that have the death penalty, so death is no deterrent for some of these people. And the criminal's friends would have license to kill YOU when you killed their friend.

Actually studies show that countries with less harsh punishments have considerably less crime.

Can you establish causation?

Is it your assertion that BECAUSE they offer lighter punishments to their criminals, their criminals decide not to commit as much crime? :S I mean, WTF? Where else would you be trying to go with that? Aren't you trying to imply that if the U.S. would abolish the death penalty for murderers, and maybe make the standard sentence for murder, say, 8 measly years, our criminals would just go out, get jobs, and stop trying to rob, steal, rape and murder? :S Gimme a fuckin' break.


The point of a healthy legal system is not to avenge people but to lower crime.

I would gladly be called a bleeding heart liberal, as that seems to mean that you still have some empathy and logic left in you.

Empathy for rapists and killers?
What the FUCK, man? Aren't there, like, MILLIONS of people worth giving your empathy to before you WASTE it on the fuckin' dregs of the earth, who commit vicious crimes against innocent others?

It's a modern, recent, idiotic premise, that the penal system (read that word again) should be about "rehabilitating" people whose personas are broken -- who think, for whatever reason, that they are the be-all and end-all, and everything they want, they should have, and that everyone is fair game for them to steal from and hurt, just to gratify themselves.

Face it, we don't have the ability to take apart a human mind and diagnose and fix it with anything even remotely like a modicum of reliability. Not like we can find out what's wrong with a car engine and fix that. So in the meantime, all we can do is remove murdering scum from our midst. One way is prison (but we have this sick fascination with letting them out and saying, "Let's see if he's okay to be in society again; I mean, come on, what's the worst that can happen?"). Another way is executing them so that we KNOW we will NEVER be bothered or harmed by them again.

I most certainly favor the latter.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Can you establish causation?

The more brutal the law enforcement system is the more brutal criminals you get … It’s as simple as that. If you lock someone up in a place where he or she have nothing else to do than to learn crime from others then, surprise surprise, he or she will learn crime. I was not trying to put moral in my previous statement, I only wanted to point out that brutal punishment doesn’t lead to less crime.

America is one of very few democracies in the world that still have the death penalty. What do you think is the reasons why all these other countries have abandon this system? And how come America has so very high murder rates? Forgive me if I’m sounding like a basher but I feel that USA is the best example to use here.


Empathy for rapists and killers?

Empathy is required because of the same reasons as I mentioned above. If the system is brutal the people will become more brutal. If the system is filled with empathy, this will also affect people. There is of course a limit for how “nice” you can be, where the punishments are not effective any longer, but I doubt that is a problem anywhere in the world.

Beside the punishment there are of course thousands of other factors, like class differences, the risk of getting caught, cultural values and so on… This makes isolating the role of punishment hard to evaluate but there is still overwhelming evidence that harsh punishment is an ineffective way of lowering crime. Getting more cops on the street and educating them is a far better one…

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Don't make them hardened

Many become hardened because of their constant disregard for the law. It actually becomes a way of life. Don't think there haven't been efforts over the last 50 years to provide alternatives. Most have failed because you are dealing with someone who in many cases has a pschological disregard for laws and authority. Certainly your not suggesting if we just be nicer to them, they will reform their ways and become upstanding citizens. That type of pop-psychology BS came and went during the 60's.

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pschological disregard

Do you mean psychopaths? If so I will agree that that is an incurable mental disease, and as such it should be treated (mental ward for life…)

Don’t get me wrong, of course there are people that need to be behind bars for the rest of their life, but is that really the problem in today’s society? The risk of getting killed by psychopath is extremely slim, but the risk of getting killed by some little punk who was raised in a rough environment is far greater.

Since a lot of people seems worried about their safety I have a suggestion: If everyone on this thread takes a long walk today, and maybe skips the beer this weekend (I wrote maybe ;)) I would gues that we have compensated for the average life expectancy los because of the risk of murder. Who’s with me? ;)

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Do you mean psychopaths? If so I will agree that that is an incurable mental disease, and as such it should be treated (mental ward for life…)

No, I'm not talking about someone with a mental illness, I'm talking about someone with a personality disorder who has chosen crime as a career.


Don’t get me wrong, of course there are people that need to be behind bars for the rest of their life, but is that really the problem in today’s society?

The problems in society begin way before someone is arrested the first time. Some are just bad/lazy parenting and some are more generational.


The risk of getting killed by psychopath is extremely slim, but the risk of getting killed by some little punk who was raised in a rough environment is far greater.



Since a lot of people seems worried about their safety I have a suggestion: If everyone on this thread takes a long walk today, and maybe skips the beer this weekend (I wrote maybe ;)) I would gues that we have compensated for the average life expectancy los because of the risk of murder. Who’s with me? ;)

You are posting on a skydiving website. :D

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