
Canada's PM Paul Martin plans on banning hand guns

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As some of you know, I'm not a big fan of fire arms. But I'm also a realist and Paul Martin the Prime Minister of Canada is going way too far with his election platform. Today he's announce that if re-elected he will legislate an outright ban on all hand guns in Canada.

See more about the story here.

What the fuck I say? What kind of moron is Paul Martin? The gun registry in Canada is nothing more than a waste of money targeting legitimate gun enthusiasts instead of targeting the real problem. The illegal drug trade by organized crime and gangs. Go after the criminals Martin. The gun enthusiast are not the problem. He's clearly trying to buy votes preying upon the fear many people have thanks to the recent gang violence, violence by youth gangs against rival youth gangs. Yes every once in a while an innocent person is being shot and that is sad. But for the most part, you're seeing criminals killing ciminals.

For the record. I am NOT a gun enthusiast. I don't need guns in my life. But I don't have issues with the gun enthusiasts. Passing a law to remove all hand guns from society is a pipe dream. It's going to hurt the law abiding citizens and do nothing about going after the real problem ... building a culture where young people don't feel that they need to turn to crime in order to make money in life.

Paul Martin is a moron!!!

PS: Have I learned anything JohnRich? :ph34r:

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Dude, you hit the nail on the head, this guy is completely off the map, too bad the other candidates are equally unimpressive (though I do like the way Layton plays the game) .
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For the record. I am NOT a gun enthusiast. I don't need guns in my life. But I don't have issues with the gun enthusiasts. Passing a law to remove all hand guns from society is a pipe dream. It's going to hurt the law abiding citizens and do nothing about going after the real problem ... building a culture where young people don't feel that they need to turn to crime in order to make money in life.

Paul Martin is a moron!!!

PS: Have I learned anything JohnRich? :ph34r:

Indeed you have. I'm quite proud of you for that statement. :)
I'm seeing stories in the news whereby America's NRA is being used as a consultant by Canadian firearms groups on how to stop that madness.

Handguns have already been registered in Canada since 1934. So if they think that a complete ban is now necessary, then this is an admission that registration is a failure. And therefore, they should rescind that handgun registration law, as well as the more recent long gun registration.

But will they ever admit that they were wrong? Oh no, they just conclude that they haven't yet gone far enough. All they need is just one more law, and then, magically, all the previous laws will suddenly start working as intended.

And it goes once again to show that every step the anti-gun folks take, is really just a move towards their ultimate goal: complete confiscation. They'll settle for nothing less.

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I saw that. The reason stated for the ban was that there were too many shootings involving handguns. Given Canada's current regulations, I'd bet you a weeks worth of beer that NONE of the referenced killings involved 'legal' firearms. Making them illegal again won't change that...
illegible usually

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And if the ban goes through, and still accomplishes nothing, they will blame it on the "easy accessibility of guns from across the border in the US".
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I saw that. The reason stated for the ban was that there were too many shootings involving handguns. Given Canada's current regulations, I'd bet you a weeks worth of beer that NONE of the referenced killings involved 'legal' firearms. Making them illegal again won't change that...

I'll bite.

1. Suggest a good way of getting illegal guns out of circulation.

2. Suggest a good way of preventing legal guns from becoming illegal guns.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Why are Americans so happy with the high crime/murder/ gun ownership rate they have?
when like is compared with like the US has a staggering gun crim rate. That is when socio-economically and politically simliar countries ie western democracries to you and i, the US comes off very badly. In a recent study (krugg , powell and Dahlberg)the US has a murder rate 6 time higher than the avergae western democracy.Murder by gun rate is even worse. The Us has a gun murder rate 12 time higher than the average of Western democracies. Hardly a coincidence that these lower gun crime nations have less guns : the US 22% of households, .1% in the UK 0.2% in Holland and 2% in Australia. Coincidence? i think not.

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I'm like a stack trace working my way backwards...


2. Suggest a good way of preventing legal guns from becoming illegal guns.

Build a society where youths don't feel they need to turn to crime as a way of making money.


1. Suggest a good way of getting illegal guns out of circulation.

I don't think there is a solution to this problem. But it's a pipe dream to think that passing a law will rid the country of all handguns. I'm all for passing laws that throw the book at criminals who use guns in their crimes (and this includes people being caught smuggling). But to outlaw all handguns is a joke. I propose we (in Canada) pass a law that forces politicians to stop being such idiots. But that's a pipe dream as well. ;)

PS: It's clear that the USA doesn't have a monopoly of ignorant politicians.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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when like is compared with like the US has a staggering gun crim rate. That is when socio-economically and politically simliar countries ie western democracries to you and i, the US comes off very badly. In a recent study (krugg , powell and Dahlberg)the US has a murder rate 6 time higher than the avergae western democracy.Murder by gun rate is even worse. The Us has a gun murder rate 12 time higher than the average of Western democracies. Hardly a coincidence that these lower gun crime nations have less guns : the US 22% of households, .1% in the UK 0.2% in Holland and 2% in Australia. Coincidence? i think not.

And you think having a complete ban on handguns will affect this stat at all?
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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"If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq Theater of Operations during the last 22 months and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000, The rate in Washington DC is 80.6 per 100,000. That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot and killed in our nation's capital, which has one of the strickest gun control laws in the nation.
Conclusion: We should immediately pull out of Washingtion, DC." received this today; not authenticated
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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According to the Florida Dept of Law Enforcement (FDLE), the crime rate in Florida is at a 34-year low.



In 1999, Governor Bush signed the “10-20-LIFE” crime bill into law, requiring a minimum 10-year sentence for crimes committed with a gun, a 20-year sentence for firing a gun during the commission of a crime and 25 years to life if the bullet fired causes death or injury. Since 1998, the volume of crimes committed with guns has decreased 18.6 percent, while the rate of gun crime has gone down 30.3 percent in that same period.

Legislators realized that if they just put criminals in jail, it might solve the problem. Novel, but it seems to be working.

This is my guess, but if you are in a gang and shooting other people, the legality of the gun isn't going to be a stumbling block.

Maybe a good noise ordinance and a fine will help.
"Anyone shooting a noisy gun at someone else will be give 15 hours of community service."
(It just sounds sarcastic when I say it.)

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more guns more gun crime pretty obvious if you ask me.

Guns are inanimate objects that do no possess the ability to do anything by themselves.

What causes gun crime is armed criminals.

Thus, what your statement should say is: "more armed criminals more gun crime pretty obvious if you ask me."

Now, do you have any ideas on how to keep criminals from getting guns?

Taking them away from the law-abiding isn't going to help...

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"Guns are inanimate objects that do no possess the ability to do anything by themselves. "
I agree but i think theres no doubt that its a lot easier to kill someone witha firearm than without which is why the USA has a much higher homicide rate than similar Western democracies. Making guns illegal willnot ensure criminals wont have guns but its a start. Police can arrest those with guns for simply having them, so whilst some will still have them, hopefully the number will be less. now this not some fantasy this is reality in most wetsern democraices. it it works well in the Uk, Holland, New Zealand etc.
Mosre importantly you seems to assume that gun crime is commited by career criminals. In fact at least some, and many claim most, gun deaths are comitted in domestic disputes in a non premeditated matter. So theres every reason to believe reducing the amount of guns even from "law abiding citizens" will indeed reduce the number of gun deaths. the idea that guns can be used for self defence seems misguided. If a criminal pulls a gun on you its not very likely that you will be able to get your gun out in time unless you are some kind of wild west superstar gunslinger. to quote the American medsical Students Association"In fact, wielding a gun in a home invasion crime can be more harmful than beneficial. In one study of 197 such crimes in Atlanta, a gun was successfully used to repel an intruder in only three cases (1.5%); whereas, in six cases (3.0%), the intruder actually reached the homeowner's gun first or seized it during a scuffle with the victim. "
Furthermore we have
"firearm-related death in the home is rarely related to strangers breaking in. One study of homicides revealed that 70% of murders were committed by a relative or intimate of the victim, with only 4% of murders traced to an intruder; in the remainder of cases, the victim-perpetrator relationship was unknown. 18 The National Crime Victimization Survey reported 85,000 annual defensive uses of guns both inside and outside the home and one million instances of offensive uses of guns in injuries, deaths and criminal victimizations, 19 suggesting that outcomes with guns are much more often negative than positive.

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I agree but i think theres no doubt that its a lot easier to kill someone witha firearm than without which is why the USA has a much higher homicide rate than similar Western democracies.

Are you fucking serious? Bunch of liberal bullshit. It couldn't have anything to do with the drastic difference in culture in the US. No it must be the guns.


the idea that guns can be used for self defence seems misguided. If a criminal pulls a gun on you its not very likely that you will be able to get your gun out in time unless you are some kind of wild west superstar gunslinger.

In a home invasion the idea is NOT to confront the criminal with a holstered or cased firearm. LMFAO. Quite often in the US the mere presence of a firearm protects ones self or property with out even being discharched. Furthermore you mistakenly are under the impression that firearms are only to be used against criminals armed with another firearm! ???????

It it an honor over their to be killed via a knife or baseball bat? A while back around where I live a 71 year old man from out of state was being beating by his own cane by a bunch of youths that were robbing him. He was in legitiment fear for his life and managed to get to his car amist the violence where he retrived and put to work his loaded .44 mag. He is still alive. And even though one of the youths was killed and he was in a non CCW state, he was not charged for ANY crime. The Senate has now just passed a CCW bill in this state.


The National Crime Victimization Survey reported 85,000 annual defensive uses of guns both inside and outside the home and one million instances of offensive uses of guns in injuries, deaths and criminal victimizations

The who? National Crime Victimitazion Survey? One should really expect honest fiqures here.

Do you know that other studies indicate firearms are used (used does not imply fired) over 2 million times a year for personl protection.?
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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Taking them away from the law-abiding isn't going to help...

Expecting law abiding gun owners to take better care to prevent their legal guns becoming illegalguns is a reasonable expectation.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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This makes no sense. Canada ALREADY bans handguns. What the hell is he talking about?

The paper was full of screaming articles and opinion pieces the other day: Martin's plan is too little too late! No, it's vital to the survival of everyone! This drastic action won't help enough! This drastic plan is too draconian. Do it! Stop it!

And in the corner, in little letters and a vague, uninviting headline was a teeeny little story: Experts say this represents no change from current policy.

But that's ok. It's fun to panic.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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