
He got "Busted!"...Info on what to expect?

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Bad news...'somebody' Close to my heart got really wrapped up in all that internet chat leads to meet ya & etc. crap and with a individual who STATED that they WERE A MINOR.
As soon as he showed up at the agreed apon place, he was busted.
I guess he's had a work place sexual harrassment charge against him a handfulof years ago...those can be iffy depending on the person and situation, ya know?
But he's never been in any legal trouble ever before.

What should we all be expecting to happen to him?
He's going to court on Monday.

Nobody is really 'there' for him, and he's way out of state, but since I've known him, like forever, I may make that long road trip to visit him...

any insight that anyone can give is greatly appreciated.

thanx - LuLu.

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Bad news...'somebody' Close to my heart got really wrapped up in all that internet chat leads to meet ya & etc. crap and with a individual who STATED that they WERE A MINOR.
As soon as he showed up at the agreed apon place, he was busted.
thanx - LuLu.

If the cops kept the log of their chatting .....and "she" did state "she" she was a minor.....all the cops need is intent. If they have all this and he was arrested, hes fucked.
Why would you keep someone like this "close to your heart"? He obviously needs help. Are you prepared to give it ?
Good thing it wasnt my minor daughter because he would never make it to court.

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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What should we all be expecting to happen to him?

Jail, hopefully.

Oh, thats just the beginning if he's guilty.


yeah, followed by daily ass-reamings... B|
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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thanx - LuLu.

Hit 'em on the top of the head and say "What's wrong with you?" when you see him.

Then kick him in the balls for me.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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But he's never been in any legal trouble ever before.


He picked a whopper to 'start' with!

There is a local news station that does similar 'stings' here in Houston...they then tape the 'meeting' and show it on television, complete with Police and the arrest.

A local well known businessman was "busted" on such a sting a couple years ago...he too had some prior sexual harassment inconsistencies in his past.

The more the press dug into his history...the more he looked like a Jerry Springer guest!

He must have finally seen the error of his ways because he stuck a pistol in his mouth and had a little tonsil target practice...

So you friend DOES have some options here.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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This kinda thing has been going on for quite a few years now and the cops get excellent conviction rates based on the content of the chats prior to the meeting. Generally the "MINOR" is aged about 12 - 14, which is young enough that no jury would have any "jailbait" sympathy for someone going for a "hot, older looking, 2 weeks from 18 year old after 5 drinks" misunderstanding.

I think he's in a world of shit, and if found guilty, deserves whats coming.

It's the year of the Pig.

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I hate some of the US rules!!

My girld friend just turn 18 and I'm 23;).

Good thing is that she live's in Colombia, and over there they don't give a F#$k if you are daiting a 16 year old. "Got to love that placeB|"

So if you are able to bail your friend out. Let him know that he is not doing anything wrong, He is just in the wrong place and invite him to go to Colombia we have beautiful girls and unexpencive drinks too.;)

Get Killed or Die Trying!
Patent pending ATFK15456

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My girld friend just turn 18 and I'm 23


So you were 21 and she was 16?

I'm guessing the intellectual interaction was quite a challenge for you
and is probably what the relationship is based on?

You should be proud!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I hate some of the US rules!!

My girld friend just turn 18 and I'm 23;).

Good thing is that she live's in Colombia, and over there they don't give a F#$k if you are daiting a 16 year old. "Got to love that placeB|"

So if you are able to bail your friend out. Let him know that he is not doing anything wrong, He is just in the wrong place and invite him to go to Colombia we have beautiful girls and unexpencive drinks too.;)

Obviously he was, otherwise he wouldn't be in jail right now.

If he was 21 and she was 17, eh, ok, but I seriously doubt that was the case. I don't think the police would waste their time on something like that.

Personally, I find the fact that you mention 16 year old girls and cheap drinks together pretty messed up.

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Personally, I find the fact that you mention 16 year old girls and cheap drinks together pretty messed up.


I think you incorrectly quoted him...

~ It's "girld" not "girl".

~ It's "UNexpencive" drinks..not "cheap".

It sounds like they're just perfect for each other...[:/]

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Personally, I find the fact that you mention 16 year old girls and cheap drinks together pretty messed up.


I think you incorrectly quoted him...

~ It's "girld" not "girl".

~ It's "UNexpencive" drinks..not "cheap".

It sounds like they're just perfect for each other...[:/]

Sorry for the miss spells, I speak and write 3 languages and sometimes I mist up some words. Is not that I’m dumb, my native language is not English.
And yes, you will be amassed how mature my GIRLD friend is for her age.

Perdon por los herrores de otografia, yo hablo y escribo en 3 diferentes idiomas, y algunas vezes suelo equivocarme con las palablas. No es que yo sea estupido, my lengua native no es ingles.
I si, usted estaria impactado en saber que tan madura es mi novia para la edad que tiene.

Pardon pelos herrores do otografia, Eu falo e escrevo em 3 línguas diferentes, e alguns vezes moeram para confundir-me com palablas. Não é que eu sou estupido, meu nativo da língua não é ingles.
I se, bata o estaria você no conhecimento que assim maduro é meu fiancèepara a idadeque tem.

Get Killed or Die Trying!
Patent pending ATFK15456

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lets just say that we come from diferent cultures, and you are older than me.


Fair enough...

And I do understand that in many cultures such a relationship is considered appropriate.

The one in which you currently reside it is not, for the most part anyway...
Hence your statement that "He didn't do anything wrong" is incorrect.

The fact that we come from different cultures and that I'm older aren't our only differences...

I've always tried to align myself with women that are smart and more accomplished than me. It tends to push me ahead, and keeps the relationship interesting, challenging and fresh.

My wife for example is a Capitan for a major airline, speaks and writes 7 languages, is an accomplished airshow performer / aerobatic pilot, an author....

Someone I look up to...
I wonder sometimes how I was so lucky to land her...

I do know though...it wasn't with cheap drinks.

To each their own.;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I understand that, no matter were you come from, when you enter a country you are accepting to obey there rules. But I disagree on some of the rules, but still obey them.

I can assure you that some people that are deeply in love for each other and mean no harm or bad intensions, have been prosecuted and are in jail right now!!
Some time love is a crime when you see true the eyes of a human been, but if that love is truly love is a crime not to take the chance.

“Now Don’t give me that crap (You are young)”

There are fallowers and leaders.
there are people how like to be push and people how like to push people.


Get Killed or Die Trying!
Patent pending ATFK15456

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A child knows love in a different sense then an adult. If a adult male or female prays on a child , it is NOT LOVE. A child and yes I consider anyone under 18 a child but speaking more specfially for those 15 and under... in any form of romantic relationship with an adult is AGAINST the law for a reason.

It shouldnt be about following the rules, it should be about being a decent human being. A child is a child is a child. I would spend the rest of my life in jail to protect my children from people like you. Who think it is okay to pray on innocent , vulnarable CHILDREN.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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