
Night and Day Difference

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Just wondering........

We all know what Katrina did to Louisiana........and the disorganized,dangerous mess that turned into

And on the other hand.......

In Texas..............evacuations proceeding relatively smoothly..........federal,state,county and city entities seem to be organized and prepared..........no one being left behind in hospitals or nursing homes,prisoners not being turned loose, etc.

Would you credit the difference between the two situations to

A) Lessons learned from Katrina?

B)Are Texans just better organized and more self-reliant than Louisianans?

C) Combination of A and B ?

D) Pure,blind,dumb luck?

What do you think?
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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i'm inclined to think that it's a lesson learned but, my more rational side tells me that people want to get out before the CIA blows up the levees to kill all of the mexicans.
"Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch
NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329

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***Eh, a little of A and B. I think the people in charge here are much better than the asshat Gov. and Mayor in NOLA.

Kind of my line of thinking........

Having had family living in and around NOLA,the government in La. has a reputation for being inept,incompetent, greedy and inefficient.........as well as corrupt ;)
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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I'd say it's B...Texans tend to be a very proud self reliant nation within our nation. they are not like the morons running the show in NO and LA...those guys are a bunch of idiots. sorry can't blame that fuck up totaly on bush. it started low and worked it's way upward.

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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>A) Lessons learned from Katrina

Definitely. Nothing like seeing the results of not evacuating to get people to evacuate. If Katrina hadn't hit when it did, I think you'd have a lot of self-reliant Texans deciding to brave the storm instead of running away. Now that it did hit, the language is more like 'wisely evacuating.'

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I dont agree with that Billvon... alot of people in florida, even after seeing the devastation of previous hurricanes still choose to stay...

Demographics and type of local and state govt is where it is.

N.O. had a hurricane plan they ignored.

Texas has one they are following...

simple as that
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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>alot of people in florida, even after seeing the devastation of
>previous hurricanes still choose to stay...

They didn't have a hurricane that killed a thousand people and destroyed an entire city happen a few weeks before.

>N.O. had a hurricane plan they ignored.
>Texas has one they are following...

>simple as that

It is indeed simple. And they are following it because they now know the consequences of not following it. People remember what happened less than a month ago very well; their memories are not as good going back 105 years.

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my more rational side tells me that people want to get out before the CIA blows up the levees to kill all of the mexicans.

caught me off guard on that one. Cleaning up soda mess right now

I'll give credit to the Texans for following a plan even without Katrina's lesson - though that had to help

I also want to give credit that Category FIVE hurricane would also get more respect than Cat 3..

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>>even after seeing the devastation of previous hurricanes still choose to stay...

>No didnt kill thousands cause Florida follows evac plans....

I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say here. Does Florida follow evacuation plans, or do people stay?

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Umm, the hurricane has yet to hit. Isn't it a bit early to make any conclusions about how well Texans handled it?

I seem to recall lots of people evacuated New Orleans as well.

You have to expect they'll come out better since they're not living below levees, but we'll see how many people get killed because they wouldn't leave home.

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In Texas..............evacuations proceeding relatively smoothly

"relatively smoothly"???

I've been hearing reports of massive traffic jams . One guy said he had only gone 75 miles in 24 hours. There are reports of many motorists running out of gas do to the extended idling!!!

Relatively smoothly?

If you say so.


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Ahh!!! It's Bush's fault!!! *shrill* Don't you know about this? How can you be so dumb? *shrill* The storm is Bush's fault you capitalistic pig of a racist! How do you not understand that this means that we must now raise taxes to give the money to the poor and let them stay in their temporary trailer shelters permanently!@!!!!!!!! *shrill* These people will never understand that the government was supposed to shield them with a secret shield that Bush invented just after 9/11, but instead he chose to go to the Pentagon today and talk about the war on terror!!!!!! Arrrrggggghhhhhhh!!! *shrill* *shrill* *shrill* *shrill* ............ ........... ..............

***head explodes***

So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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In Texas..............evacuations proceeding relatively smoothly..........

Doesn't sound all that smooth. Some people from Houston are just turning around and going back home because it's too hard to get out of town:

As for everything else that you mentioned, I would definitely credit most of it to lessons learned from Katrina.

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In Texas..............evacuations proceeding relatively smoothly

"relatively smoothly"???

I've been hearing reports of massive traffic jams . One guy said he had only gone 75 miles in 24 hours. There are reports of many motorists running out of gas do to the extended idling!!!

Relatively smoothly?

If you say so.


Believe the reports. The idea of getting out of Houston is pretty much ludicrous at this point

I drove around my area (west side of Houston) last night from about 1:30am - 2:30am and checked out traffic, gas availability, etc. I only saw two gas stations (out of at least 30) that had gas and those two had lines.

Many people are obviously in a panic. The traffic jams are not only caused by the enormous number of vehicles, but from all the vehicles running out of gas.


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I'd say it's B...Texans tend to be a very proud self reliant nation within our nation

Yes. Y'all have your sh.t so together you should consider secession again. I can assure you, even though I'm sure the rest of the country would suffer dearly without your brilliant Texan expertise, rich Texan culture, and gifted Texan public servants, there are plenty of Americans that would have NO problem with it at all.


they are not like the morons running the show in NO and LA...those guys are a bunch of idiots

And they're not like the morons in Washington either. Oh, wait...whoops


sorry can't blame that fuck up totaly on bush. it started low and worked it's way upward.

Yes, things work like that, don't they? If that retarded mayor actually did his job right, and that incompetent governor did what she was supposed to do, it would have been cake for Bush the expert to clean it all up and play hero. They just dropped the ball and made it really hard on the federal government.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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But so many of those people have S.U.V.s, which is supposed to stand for Sport Utility Vehicle.

I can never find my little Mazda Protege in parking lots because its hidden in the canyon between two gigantic vehicles with names like the Ford Behemoth 2000.

I wonder why they run out of gas so fast????

But they're "Sport Utility Vehicles" so you don't need a road to get out of town right? You can just ride straight over fields and mountains! I mean, someone wouldn't buy these gas-guzzling monsters just to drive them to the mall, right??
Speed Racer

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>Texans tend to be a very proud self reliant nation within our nation.

From AP -

"This is the worst planning I've ever seen," said Judie Anderson, who covered just 45 miles in 12 hours after setting out from her home in the Houston suburb of LaPorte. "They say we've learned a lot from Hurricane Katrina. Well, you couldn't prove it by me."

A lot of people are turning around. They've opened both sides of the freeway now to outgoing traffic, but it may be too late. Some may have to ride it out; I wish them luck.

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