
Bush takes the blame

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You know, this already is Georgie's 2nd turn, right?

This is first time NO got hit with a hurricane with GW as president with such catastrophic results.

So your point is what? that the federal and local and state governments acted too slow? Yes we all know that and GW has been the better of any of them and taken the blame.


It was not only current incident I referred to. Just as a whole, (and not only) 9/11, Iraq, Katrina: GWB shows lacks, which a leader of 1st nation in world should not present. He leaves impression of beeing weak. That's affecting the country itself. To clarify:

I do NOT hate the US. No reason for that. I'd love to spend much more time there (if only the ugly work for living will not stop me always!). It is the summary of what GWB showed in the past.

JFI: We too have a lot of idiots in policy. Gerhardt Schroeder is not the best one. He only looks good in his Armany suit. For the rest: Forget it.

But they do not stick like glue on our trousers: If they fail, they have to go. Period. You will not read about too many excusions.

Last but not least: There are billions of US$ in question, which should not be forgotten. That will affect the US future.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Takes a big man to say you're wrong..... Good start George.

You know, this already is Georgie's 2nd turn, right?
How many turns will he need to learn, how quick and efficient decisions have to be done? His (wrong) decisions could kill people (and still do every day), btw.

I just don't get it! :S

That man is the president of super power No. 1 in the world and get's excuses like Little Joe in the morning, missing the school bus, as he just promised his teacher, never to do this again.....Good start, Little Joe!

Good start, George!:S It's a "long" start, isn't it?


You don't know what you're talking about.

First of all (for everyone here), taking "responsibility" is not the same is taking blame and technically, it's not admitting wrongdoing either. Second of all, he clearly stated that of the failings at all levels of government, local, state and federal, to the extent that the federal government was involved, he said he was responsible.

If you do a little research of the timeline of events, you'll notice that item one was that Bush declared the Gulf Coast a disaster area two-days before the storm hit. That enabled federal assistance to get rolling beforehand.

I think that what he did was okay, but I don't think it will appease the ankle biters one bit (case in point, your post).

Does anyone remember the heatwave in Chicago, Illinois, July 1995? About 800 people died that month. How about the heatwave in France last August (2004), 15,000 people died. What kind of disaster relief did we see then? The cities and countries were not underwater, or without power. Just adding some perspective. Does anyone remember who took the heat for that? *crickets*
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Lets see if Blanco and Nagin step up and take some blame too. I say they won't now that Bush has accepted responsibility. They will slime around like cockroaches in the shadow of Bushs apology. But I would expect no more.

Why that?


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(Edited per Michele's suggestion)

Wow, Bill, that could be read as a PA....but I doubt you will read it that way. ;)

Blanco and Nagin are the root of the issue; had they heeded the warnings, there would've been more evacuations, and less trauma and death for those who remained. There were 2,000 buses (according to something I read) that were sitting there, hanging around...had they been mobilized, there would've been plenty of seats for some people. Additionally, from what I understand, Amtrack offered to take people on several trains leaving the area; again, some would have made it out.

Had Nagin listened, had Blanco said "leave NOW" when the feds declared it a disaster area (2 days before the storm hit), then...well, there'd have been fewer people in the heart of the storm.

Would the levee still have been breached? Sure, seeing as one did not depend on the others. But had mandatory evacs been issued early enough - and with a cat 4 heading towards NOLA, it being lower than sea level, that would not have been an unreasonable order - then there would've been less death.

So tell me again; how does seeing faults in one's behavior imply fault in my own? I have an emergency plan I will follow, unlike those in NOLA, who wrote one, and then ignored it...And if seeing fault in someone else's behavior truly indicates fault in the viewer, then I'd suggest you take a look at some of the posts you've made. I don't think it does, so that's not a personal attack. LOL!!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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>Wow, Bill, that could be read as a PA.

I reposted one of his old posts; funny you find his words OK when he posts them but not when I do. But you're right, that's not a reason to be rude; I'll edit it.

>had they been mobilized, there would've been plenty of seats for some
> people.

Agreed. Instead of getting 95% of the population out they could have gotten 97% out (or some other fraction.) They should have used the buses.

>Additionally, from what I understand, Amtrack offered to take people
>on several trains leaving the area; again, some would have made it out.

Agreed there too. Had FEMA not blocked them they could have gotten even more people out. A good example of screwups at all levels.

>Had Nagin listened, had Blanco said "leave NOW" when the feds
>declared it a disaster area (2 days before the storm hit), then...well,
> there'd have been fewer people in the heart of the storm.

Uh - didn't you just condemn them for evacuating the bus drivers?

>So tell me again; how does seeing faults in one's behavior imply
>fault in my own?

In yours personally? It doesn't. But some people here seem desperate to pin all the blame on people they despise. I think it's great that Bush has admitted he screwed up; there is still plenty of blame to go around if that's important to you. Let's hope officials from Bush to local police forces take their errors and learn from them, instead of spending their energies blaming others.

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Hi Bill

do you think Mikee II the head of homeland security will be the next person to leave fora job in the private sector? Mikee II was Mike I's (Brownee's) boss.

If homeland security couldn't handle a disaster caused by mother nature with 3 days advance notice what they going to do with a terrorist attack with no advance warning.

Time will tell who's left standing after the blame game is over.

School bus's need drivers. I'm guessing they left days befor the storm hit, will be intersting to find out who was supposed to drive the buses. Civilians want to evac with their families befor the storm hits. National guard are soliders and follow orders.


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If homeland security couldn't handle a disaster caused by mother nature with 3 days advance notice what they going to do with a terrorist attack with no advance warning.

Blame it on San Marino and invade Luxemburg.:|

Did I win anything?:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Morning, Bill. First, thanks for the editing.


I reposted one of his old posts; funny you find his words OK when he posts them but not when I do. But you're right, that's not a reason to be rude; I'll edit it.

What I was referring to was not his comments, made to a public, non-posting figure (or two). What I was calling a potential PA was your comments directed towards him, a member of these boards. I am unclear as to what comments other than that which you might be referring to...can you link the post you quoted over to me in a pm, so I am clear? Thanks. I don't read all posts here, so I might've missed one. Additionally, I'm not a mod, so I'm not looking for things like PAs; if I see one, I'll point it out...


Uh - didn't you just condemn them for evacuating the bus drivers?

No, not really. While I agree it's an untenable position, there is a duty, as a city worker, to the city, as I see it. And I can almost guarantee you (note the word "almost") that the emergency plans - which were not followed - called for the city buses to assist in the evac. plans. Had they been put into place 2 days before the storm hit, there would've been time for them to run a busload or two 100 miles away, and still evac their family...or, call for volunteers to drive them, or...I dunno. A very sad photo is all those buses underwater, when they could've been used to bring people to safety...that's a very evocative photo, and tells 1,000 words about the failures of the local government.


In yours personally? It doesn't. But some people here seem desperate to pin all the blame on people they despise. I think it's great that Bush has admitted he screwed up; there is still plenty of blame to go around if that's important to you. Let's hope officials from Bush to local police forces take their errors and learn from them, instead of spending their energies blaming others.

So, with that comment, you clear up any questions that in fact you were speaking about a specific person...not me, but the poster in question. Hrm....

Yes, I agree, some people seem desperate to pin blame on people - from Bush down to Nagin - and imho there's plenty of that to go around. It's also something I can point out in your posts, and infer something about the way you think...but that's not fair, is it? It might be fun, it might be provocative, but it's just not fair.

Something I've discovered along the way is that the whole picture is important, not one isolated person or fact. Once the entire picture is clear, only then can there be improvements in something overall. And I think absolutely everyone can agree that there needs to be improvements made in the entire picture, and not just in one person's behavior or actions.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I'm sorry I wasn't online to see Billvons PA against me. I can't quite figure out what it was exactly he said, but if you re-read my post, I only asked if Negin and Blanco would also accept responsibilty since Bush has done so. There's no doubt in my mind that there was a failure at all levels including the Federal level and I applaud Bush for accepting it.


In yours personally? It doesn't. But some people here seem desperate to pin all the blame on people they despise.

I'll respond since this is a thinly veiled reference to me personally.

No where did I absolve Bush from responsibility, nor do I despise anyone. Do you think it's proper for Bush to accept ALL the responsibility? Don't you demand the same level of acceptance from all who failed the people of N.O.? Please explain why you don't think it's proper for Negin and Blanco to admit some failure too. That was my only point and yes I think there are slime for hiding under the umbrella of Bushs apology.

Edited to add: I think this post is appropriate here.


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No where did I absolve Bush from responsibility, nor do I despise anyone. Do you think it's proper for Bush to accept ALL the responsibility? Don't you demand the same level of acceptance from all who failed the people of N.O.? Please explain why you don't think it's proper for Negin and Blanco to admit some failure too. That was my only point and yes I think there are slime for hiding under the umbrella of Bushs apology.

They had a quote on The Daily Show last night...but tim russert was interviewing Nagin and asking why he did order a MANDATORY evacuation not use the buses that we all saw in the picture. His response (before they cut it off)? "That will be debated for sometime."

Jon's response: "Yes, probably by whoever defeats him in the next election." :ph34r:

And for me, I found it pathetic that he was asked DIRECTLY why HE did not use them and responds with "that will be debated" What? His ideas on the matter? Is he going to debate himself? He said they did not have enough drivers. That they barely had enough to get to the Superdome on Sunday. So he is saying that even though they had enough(barely enough is still enough) to get to the Dome on Sunday, there were LESS that were willing to get out of the entire area on Friday?[:/]
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Agreed. I think any public official who didn't do everything within their power to save peoples lives should be held accountable and should accept responsibility.

They just arrested the operators of a Nursing Home for abandoning 34 people who lost their lives as a result. Why do we give a pass to politicians?


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If homeland security couldn't handle a disaster caused by mother nature with 3 days advance notice what they going to do with a terrorist attack with no advance warning.

Blame it on San Marino and invade Luxemburg.:|

Did I win anything?:|

Hi Frenchy

You won a free cavity search from homeland security:P

Go to the nearest airport to recieve your prize:|


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You won a free cavity search from homeland security:P
Go to the nearest airport to recieve your prize:|

Wow, they have dentists at the airport now?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Now this has GREAT opportunity for fun!!! All the people that said she was not to blame and Bush was the one who caused it all will have a field day defending themselves!

By the way.... They are BOTH right. They are both to blame. I just wish the mayor had the grit to say he had a part in it as well instead of blaming everyone else.


He who swoops the ditch and does not get out buys the BEER!!

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Now this has GREAT opportunity for fun!!! All the people that said she was not to blame and Bush was the one who caused it all will have a field day defending themselves!

By the way.... They are BOTH right. They are both to blame. I just wish the mayor had the grit to say he had a part in it as well instead of blaming everyone else.

I don't agree they both are to "blame" but they both bear some responcibility. I think the blame is coming out now....but that is just my opinion.....
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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but they both bear some responcibility

Your way of putting it better describes the way I feel about it. I do think its commendable that they are willing to say "the buck stops with me and I take responsibility." Even though it sounds like She wishes she had kept her mouth shut on the satellite feed:)


He who swoops the ditch and does not get out buys the BEER!!

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> I'm sorry I wasn't online to see Billvons PA against me.

Wasn't a PA. It was one of your old posts.

>I can't quite figure out what it was exactly he said, but if you re-read my
> post, I only asked if Negin and Blanco would also accept responsibilty
> since Bush has done so.

Blanco has.

>No where did I absolve Bush from responsibility, nor do I despise anyone.
> Do you think it's proper for Bush to accept ALL the responsibility?


>That was my only point and yes I think there are slime for hiding under
>the umbrella of Bushs apology.

Was Bush slime before he aplogized? Apparently Nagin is now as unslimed as Bush, in any case - at least if your sole criterion for sliminess is refusal to apologize.

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but they both bear some responcibility

Your way of putting it better describes the way I feel about it. I do think its commendable that they are willing to say "the buck stops with me and I take responsibility." Even though it sounds like She wants wishes she had kept her mouth shut on the satellite feed:)

Let's get something clear here. For over 99% of the people of the USA the competence of the mayor of NO is of no consequence. For around 98% of the people of the USA, the competence of the governor of LA is of no consequence. For 100% of the people, the competence of the President of the USA and the people he appoints to run federal agencies including FEMA, and of federal funding to Army Corps of Engineers for flood control and other infrastructure projects is of significant consequence.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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but they both bear some responcibility

Your way of putting it better describes the way I feel about it. I do think its commendable that they are willing to say "the buck stops with me and I take responsibility." Even though it sounds like She wants wishes she had kept her mouth shut on the satellite feed:)

Let's get something clear here. For over 99% of the people of the USA the competence of the mayor of NO is of no consequence. For around 98% of the people of the USA, the competence of the governor of LA is of no consequence. For 100% of the people, the competence of the President of the USA and the people he appoints to run federal agencies including FEMA, and of federal funding to Army Corps of Engineers for flood control and other infrastructure projects is of significant consequence.

what the hell are you smoking:S As for the money to the Corp YOU had better do some resarch as apposed to reading at Moveon.org or youngdemocrats.com.

You being so interested in posts is quite enlightening though[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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