
Colin Powell for President

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I am bothered by the entire Katrina mess but to blame it one one entity (racism, Bush, FEMA) is illogical. This was a collosal failure at all levels and it was a colossal failure years ago. I have a ton MORE respect for Mr. Powell after his candid interview with Barbra Walters. We need him.

From ABC News:

Powell doesn't think race was a factor in the slow delivery of relief to the hurricane victims as some have suggested. "I don't think it's racism, I think it's economic," he told Walters.


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>We need him.

Colin Powell is far too smart, and has seen too much during his time as Secretary of State, to want to be president.

Hi Bill

I agree.

But what can we do until the next election.

We need help in the short and long term. I hope the current administration and the american public can get there act together.In a meaningful way, no BS, photo ops, politics etc.

I'm afraid of the future, we've found the enemy and it's us.


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>But what can we do until the next election.

Hope no more disasters strike, and that we don't get into any more wars. Then, in three years, we will get to choose the lesser of two evils again. Perhaps this time we will be able to choose between Don King and PeeWee Herman. (Powell, Obama, Rice, Gore and Hilary will be found to not have the right demographics.)

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Colin Powell is far too smart, and has seen too much during his time as Secretary of State, to want to be president.

Darn it, you're too smart, Bill. As ever.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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>We need him.

Colin Powell is far too smart, and has seen too much during his time as Secretary of State, to want to be president.

unfortunantely very true.. ....i was once hoping Schwarzkopf would run, but the best qualified leaders have no desire to ever hold the job [:/]
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Colin Powell is far too smart, and has seen too much during his time as Secretary of State, to want to be president.

The GOP looked at his wife who has had problems with depression and the abuse of prescription medications...no way! I'm sure he'd have been an asset to the country.

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As much as I like Colin Powell, and would vote for him if his heart was in it, I don't think his heart is in it.

His time with DoS was difficult, but it wasn't a one-sided adjustment, and I believe that the compromise or diplomatic touch was hindered by a diliberate action to contain, or restrain, his military leadership style and training.
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>and I believe that the compromise or diplomatic touch was hindered by
>a diliberate action to contain, or restrain, his military leadership style and

I think he was more hindered by a conflict between what he believed and what he was told to do. Per Time Magazine, during preparation for his now-infamous UN speech he threw some talking points on the ground and yelled "I'm not using this shit!" Now he calls that speech the low point of his career.

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>and I believe that the compromise or diplomatic touch was hindered by
>a diliberate action to contain, or restrain, his military leadership style and

I think he was more hindered by a conflict between what he believed and what he was told to do. Per Time Magazine, during preparation for his now-infamous UN speech he threw some talking points on the ground and yelled "I'm not using this shit!" Now he calls that speech the low point of his career.

I understand that, and am aware of the conflict he had with the policy being shaped by the President, but I believe he too had his own adjustment problems and as a whole, it disheartened him.

He's spent his life in service and I feel he has served the US well. If he did run, I think it would be for the wrong reasons.
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He's spent his life in service and I feel he has served the US well. If he did run, I think it would be for the wrong reasons.

That don't make no sense at all.

If you believe in the man (and btw, I do and would vote for him in a minute), then you believe in his personal integrity (which I also do) and if he was given the chance to actually lead (like he did in the first Iraq war) rather than simply following orders (like in the UN speech) then how could he possibly run for "the wrong reasons"?

I really like Powell and he'd be one of the better choices either party could ever run. He had a brilliant military career as a -leader-, which is something we desperately need right now.

Pity it's probably not going to happen.

So, anyway, if you could, please elaborate on what possible "wrong reason" he could have to run?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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What I'm saying is that I believe he would continue to have difficulty adjusting to the institution and vice versa. I believe that would hinder his ability to lead from a political vantage point.

Whereas, when he was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, he could exercise far more direct control. He said it, it got done.

The establishment in Washington will not accomodate that kind of style, especially Congress.

I believe that he understands this and that this is why he has stated he would not seek election. Therefore, I believe he is almost too good for the job.

Take a look at the issues that President Bush has put on the table, for example. Whether you agree with them or not, he has addressed nearly all of the points of his campaigns. That is why you don't hear criticizms from the left about the lack of ideas, nor do you hear any alternatives. Instead, you hear a lot of shrill like: "This energy policy is bad." or "This NCLB act doesn't measure up." (even though it was pretty much written by Kennedy) etc.

Powell, I believe does not have the desire to dirty himself with the compromise that has to be done politically.

I'm sure of his ability, I'm sure of his perception of right and wrong, and I'm sure of his integrity. I'm pretty sure he's not willing to give up a good record of good service. I don't blame him either. Thus, if he ran, I believe he is sacrificing something dear to him, or he was convinced to do so by elements with their own agenda.
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Adjusting to the Institution?

WTF? He IS the institution.. the President completely defines his role in office and Congress serves the people.. If the people actually elected REAL leaders the "institutions' sould change as well..

Bush has yet to compromise on anything, nor is he able to build the kind of broad support a president needs to reach a real compromise or accomplish any sweeping change to a corrupt system. Its simply more of the same from the Repulicrates..

of course Powell is a leader not a politician so he simply isnt electable. The reigning party structure and its cronies wouldnt have enough control over him...[:/]

the fault is in the system, not in the man.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Adjusting to the Institution?

WTF? He IS the institution.. the President completely defines his role in office and Congress serves the people..

the fault is in the system, not in the man.

I think we're saying the same things, but in different ways. Though I believe that one man does not exclusively define the institution, nor the other way around. Alas, there are only 43 people who could really explain it.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
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Colin Powell is far too smart, and has seen too much during his time as Secretary of State, to want to be president.

True.. But he would be a great one..

Ya think? Eisenhower wasn't a great president. He just looks that way compared with the last few we've had.

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of course Powell is a leader not a politician so he simply isnt electable.

I think enough people know what Powell stands for by now that he could run as an independent if he didn't have his party's blessing. True that he is a leader and not a politician. I think this is what our country needs and if there is enough people(which I think there is) sick of all the political bs, then I think he could win by a landslide. Cross your fingers maybe he'll run, or pray;)

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Colin Powell is far too smart, and has seen too much during his time as Secretary of State, to want to be president.

True.. But he would be a great one..

Ya think? Eisenhower wasn't a great president. He just looks that way compared with the last few we've had.

Why wasn't Eisenhower a good President in your view?
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
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Colin Powell is far too smart, and has seen too much during his time as Secretary of State, to want to be president.

True.. But he would be a great one..

Ya think? Eisenhower wasn't a great president. He just looks that way compared with the last few we've had.

Why wasn't Eisenhower a good President in your view?

I didn't say he wasn't good, I said he wasn't great. Do you see anyone carving his face on a mountain?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Colin Powell is far too smart, and has seen too much during his time as Secretary of State, to want to be president.

True.. But he would be a great one..

Ya think? Eisenhower wasn't a great president. He just looks that way compared with the last few we've had.

Why wasn't Eisenhower a good President in your view?

I didn't say he wasn't good, I said he wasn't great. Do you see anyone carving his face on a mountain?

Okay, why wasn't Eisenhowever a "great" President?
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Colin Powell is far too smart, and has seen too much during his time as Secretary of State, to want to be president.

True.. But he would be a great one..

Ya think? Eisenhower wasn't a great president. He just looks that way compared with the last few we've had.

Why wasn't Eisenhower a good President in your view?

I didn't say he wasn't good, I said he wasn't great. Do you see anyone carving his face on a mountain?

Okay, why wasn't Eisenhowever a "great" President?

Because Eisenhowever (sic) was more of a whatever.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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