
A welcome outcome

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Let's just see if a) he shows up, and b) if Bush doesn't pardon him.

Gesse you have to slam Bush at every chance don't you....

I am amazed at your hatred for him...
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Let's just see if a) he shows up, and b) if Bush doesn't pardon him.

Hmmm. Amazingly, thsi bad deed goes punished, even though he did head a corporation.

So, I guess my question for you is:

"Is it wrong to take other people's money?"

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Let's just see if a) he shows up, and b) if Bush doesn't pardon him.

Hmmm. Amazingly, thsi bad deed goes punished, even though he did head a corporation.

So, I guess my question for you is:

"Is it wrong to take other people's money?"

Not if you believe its yours not theirs, apparently.

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Doubtful, Worldcom's boss Shows was a democrat.

OF course, now everyone will start screaming that out of all the corp scandals this was the only one thats led to jail time, and the only one that involved a democrat voting CEO.

heh heh heh.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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I am still waiting for the Enron trial.....

After this, do you think the Enron guys are going to stick around to see what they get? I'm guessing they will flee the country, but then again, they don't think they did anything wrong.:S

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Greedy bastard got what he had coming to him. Have to feel sorry for the guy's wife though. Ebbers lived the charmed life for a long time before the SOB got greedy and turned to the dark side. Amazing how he ended up where he did.

I agree Kallend - a most welcome outcome.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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you must be replying to ebsb52. i'm assuming you're saying that it's doubtful that bush will pardon ebbers.

Actually I was trying to have a bit of fun given the reaction of some of the more incendiary posters on the forum.

It surprised me that "the left" hadn't jumped on the democratic thing as evidence of a conspiracy.

I was also wondering if democratic CEOs were as bad as republican CEOs, or if their position cancelled out party affiliation and made them evil in the eyes of the anti-corp guys here.

Disclosure: I dont believe corporations are evil. I simply believe that some have major ethical issues that should be dealt with. (and from what I know of the new SOX stuff it seems to be getting under control on the finances side).

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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Without disagreeing that he deserves every year of that, its worth noting that you can murder someone in this country without getting that much time. Even with time off for good behavior, the earliest he can get out is 2027.
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No, I meant murder. The average time served for murderers released in 2001 in Illinios, for example, was under 14 years.

Justify however you want which crime is worse, I'm not trying to say either is. Its just something to think about. Which would you rather have walking the streets?
There is a fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness'.
--Dave Barry

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It was just more than three years ago that the fraud at WorldCom began to come to light


But the judge said she would take written arguments over the next six weeks on whether she should allow Ebbers to remain out of prison while he appeals his conviction, a process likely to take at least a year.

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