
Statistics... Child Support... Mothers vs Fathers...

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Fathers with joint custody pay 90.2% of all child support ordered. Those with visitation rights pay 79.1%. Those with no access/visitation pay only 44.5%
Source: Census Bureau report. Series P-23, No. 173

Almost half of all mothers see no value in the father's continued contact with his children following separation or divorce. And approximately 40% of divorced mothers report interfering with the father's relationship with the children.
Source: Sanford Braver, Arizona State University

66% of all support not paid by non-custodial fathers is due to inability to pay.
Source: U.S. General Accounting Office Report, GAO/HRD-92-39FS, January 1992

Custodial mothers who receive a support award: 79.6%
Custodial fathers who receive a support award: 29.9%
Non-custodial mothers who totally default on support: 46.9%
Non-custodial fathers who totally default on support: 26.9%
(Data obtained by asking custodial parents)

Non-custodial mothers who pay support at any level: 20.0%
Non-custodial fathers who pay support at any level: 61.0%
(Data obtained by asking custodial parents)

All the following are for custodial parents:

Single mothers who work less than full time: 66.2%
Single fathers who work less than full time: 10.2%

Single mothers who work more than 44 hours per week: 7.0%
Single fathers who work more than 44 hours per week: 24.5%

Single mothers who receive public assistance: 46.2%
Single fathers who receive public assistance: 20.8%

Source: Technical Analysis Paper No. 42, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Income Security Policy, Oct., 1991 Authors: Meyer and Garansky

"Economically fathers and mothers on average fare almost exactly equal about one year after divorce."

Source: Sanford Braver, Divorced Dads: Shattering the Myths,
(Tarcher/Putnam: 1998), p. 79

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These stats don't necessarily mean there's a built-in bias in favor of women in child support matters.

When it comes to child support, courts are looking out for what's best for the child.

True, but I think Rhinos issue is that the courts have pre-determined being with the mother is best for the child.

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When it comes to child support, courts are looking out for what's best for the child.

You are incorrect sir. The court is a circus. They are blind and ineffective. In the 4 years I have been using the court extensively I have yet to see them make a single decision based on current analysis of data instead of an already decided course of action.

The game is all laid out. They just drop you in the meat grinder. The kids are THE LAST THING they are looking out for.


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I just won a support award after paying close to 20,000 dollars over the last 10yrs...she's supposed to pay me 300bucks a month or so...thing is I know i will not see a dime...yet I will still make sure lauren is able to call and see my daughters mom. even if I hate her guts.

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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You are incorrect sir. The court is a circus. They are blind and ineffective. In the 4 years I have been using the court extensively I have yet to see them make a single decision based on current analysis of data instead of an already decided course of action.

The game is all laid out. They just drop you in the meat grinder. The kids are THE LAST THING they are looking out for.


ya got that right Rob....it is totaly fucked up. if the courts were looking out for the best interest of my daughter it would not have taken close to two years to get my custody worked out, my DL would not have been suspended in FL even though I had been paying support in IL, I would not have had to invest almost 10,000 dollars in a lawyer to make it all work. Right now I am good to go...she owes me...not the other way around. but it was FUCKED up to get it that way. courts suck...ESPECIALY interstate court custody cases. there is now one law that covers it all nationwide. there is an interstate agreement but not all states agree on it. it sucks.

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Totally fucked up but notsurprising.

I have a friend who is going threw the same thing. The courts are very bias in favor of woman when it comes to custody and child support. I think the most annoying part is that many woman claim that they want to be equals but when it is in their favor not to be no one says a word.

The whole all men are evil is getting to be too much.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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When it comes to child support, courts are looking out for what's best for the child.

You are incorrect sir. The court is a circus. They are blind and ineffective. In the 4 years I have been using the court extensively I have yet to see them make a single decision based on current analysis of data instead of an already decided course of action.

The game is all laid out. They just drop you in the meat grinder. The kids are THE LAST THING they are looking out for.


I'm sure you're not in the least bit biased. Sure it sucks being on the pointy end of the stick, but without knowing your specific circumstances I can't really say whether you're getting screwed or not.

Edited to add: I just read one of your other threads detailing your ordeal. If those are the facts, then, yes, you're getting fucked.

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The court is a circus. They are blind and ineffective. In the 4 years I have been using the court extensively I have yet to see them make a single decision based on current analysis of data instead of an already decided course of action.

The game is all laid out. They just drop you in the meat grinder. The kids are THE LAST THING they are looking out for.

Strictly speaking, your opinion has an inherent bias, however.
Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..."

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These stats don't necessarily mean there's a built-in bias in favor of women in child support matters.

When it comes to child support, courts are looking out for what's best for the child.

The courts? Hah! Ask ANY attorney.

My brother-in-law (attorney) told me, "It's not whether you're going to get screwed, it's how bad. It will cost $7,000 to determine that."

My attorney: "No man ever gets custody unless the woman has a new b/f waiting in the wings and the kids are in the way of her new party life."

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I just won a support award after paying close to 20,000 dollars over the last 10yrs...

You can support a child on $2,000 per year? $166 per month? $41.50 per week?

Do you live in Ethiopia? Or did you mean $200,000 over the last ten years?


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You can support a child on $2,000 per year? $166 per month? $41.50 per week?

Do you live in Ethiopia? Or did you mean $200,000 over the last ten years?

Obviously you have no clue as to what we are talking about. He is talking attorney fees. I've paid over $125,000 in the last 4 years and I am sure that will double in the next 10. That's the price to pay for standing up in family court.


More than 10,000 of us are getting together in June.

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These stats don't necessarily mean there's a built-in bias in favor of women in child support matters.

When it comes to child support, courts are looking out for what's best for the child.

The courts? Hah! Ask ANY attorney.

My brother-in-law (attorney) told me, "It's not whether you're going to get screwed, it's how bad. It will cost $7,000 to determine that."

My attorney: "No man ever gets custody unless the woman has a new b/f waiting in the wings and the kids are in the way of her new party life."

Not quite. I am an attorney, and I've gotten custody for dads. It doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen.;)

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I'm a mom, and I agreed that our son should live with his dad. He needed his dad, and got a lot more attention from him living there than he did when he was living with me (while we were separated).

It was another year at least before I began to date again, and yes, I paid child support.

Evaluate people one at a time, on what they actually do, rather than on what you think will happen.

I know mothers who are suffering because the fathers won't do anything -- does that mean all fathers are bad? Nope.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I know mothers who are suffering because the fathers won't do anything -- does that mean all fathers are bad? Nope.

Actually, IMHO there are more divorced mothers out there than divorced fathers that aren't worth 2 cents, the divorced fathers for the most part do what the court orders them to do in the final divorce decree. I mean, it's easy do it, or go to jail. Why is this NOT imposed on the divorced mothers? I know of quite a few (more than 2 dozen cases where the divorced fathers did do the right thing, me included) paid the support, even bought seasonal clothes and toys (which the "Court" deems as "Gifts") for years on end only to have the mother come back when the youngest is 16 or so and sue for one thing or
another. My case is a horror story, i hate to even
disscuss it, it's that painful. In the cases i stated, all of the divorced fathers did the right thing. Divorced mothers on the other hand all too often use the children as a "Tool, or Leverage" to get more $$$ or just plain agravate the shit out of the divorced father. If i had a dime for every time i went to get my kids on my weekend visitation and they were not there, i would not have to work anymore. Even though i filed numerous complaints in the county in which she lived, they would do nothing to her. The guy my ex-wife married in 1986 has NEVER had a job, go figure. Rob & Marc are right, the family court is a JOKE. It's so obviously one sided it's not even funny, it's actually pathetic. It makes me physically sick.

Wendy, you surely realize your one in a million........right?

"She got the gold mine, i got the SHAFT"
Jery Reed
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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I'll bet that you trade stories with guys who have been shafted -- your experience base is heavy with that. I used to have a neighbor who patrolled in one of the rougher, and more African-American neighborhoods in Houston. To him, most black men he dealt with were guilty, and he had to fight really hard (not always successfully) to avoid generalizing that.

Guilty until proven innocent is way different from innocent until proven guilty. And "assumed guilty because someone similar was" is also not so good.

The mothers I know who think all men are cads hang around with other mothers whose partners/husbands don't do what they should. They've moved to distant states, or just made it an unbelievable pain in the ass to get support. Some are hard to get along with. Some of the fathers are hard to get along with.

Take the baggage out. Leave it on the doorstep.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Wendy, you surely realize your one in a million........right?

You so artfully dodged this comment. Face it, the courts favor women. As far as african americans are considered, i can't speak about that because i have no real personal knowledge of those situations. The ones i commented about in my post, i do. My ex-wife married a loser, they have nothing they never have and never will. She now has such a bad taste in her mouth because i "Made It" and she has a junk yard in her back yard.


Take the baggage out. Leave it on the doorstep.

Classic remark. But face it, wrong is wrong, i'm just trying to do everything in my power to see to it that no other father has to go through what i went through. If that doesn't set well with you, i am sorry.
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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This is statistically a fact.

That it most certainly is. This has been a well known fact for many years, some just seem to ignore it for their own personal reasonings.


It cannot be disputed.

Well Rob, yes it can. It has been as much disputed by one certain person in this thread. It is my opinion that this person is in a state of denial for what ever the reason. But, fact is a fact, a duck is a duck and a spades a spade, so on and so forth.

Blues my brother! :)
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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