
Our justice system is screwed up

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How in the hell is this jackass not in jail?


Young killer faces armed robbery charge
Lionel Tate on probation in 1999 beating death of 6-year-old

(CNN) -- Lionel Tate, whose first-degree murder conviction in 2001 made him the youngest person sentenced to life without parole in the United States, was arrested Monday night after a pizza deliveryman said the 18-year-old robbed him at gunpoint in Pembroke Park, Florida.

At 14, Tate received life without a chance for parole after a jury found him guilty in the 1999 beating death of a 6-year-old playmate, but the conviction was overturned on appeal. Tate then accepted a plea deal.

Tate was charged Monday night with one count of armed burglary with battery, armed robbery and violation of probation, the Broward County, Florida, Sheriff's Office said.

Tate is accused of greeting Domino's delivery man Walter Ernest Gallardo with a handgun. Gallardo fled the scene, called 911 and returned to identify Tate, the sheriff's office said in a statement.

Tate pleaded guilty last year to second-degree murder in the beating death of 6-year-old Tiffany Eunick and was sentenced to a year of house arrest and 10 years' probation.

In September, deputies discovered Tate, still under house arrest, outside his home in his Pembroke Park neighborhood with a knife in his possession. A judge extended his probation to 15 years, saying another violation would send the teen to jail.

During his trial, Tate's attorneys argued that Eunick's death was an accident. They said the 170-pound boy was imitating wrestling moves he had seen on television with the 48-pound girl.

The girl suffered some 35 injuries, including a ruptured spleen, lacerations to her ribs and damage to her rib cage, a fractured skull, brain contusions, a partially detached liver and bruises all over her body.

Prosecutors decided against a new trial after an appeals court tossed out Tate's conviction because he was not given a competency hearing before or during the trial. Instead, he was offered the plea deal.


OK so he beats the hell out of a 6 year old and kills her. Plea's out. Then he is seen breaking his "sentance" of house arrest WHILE having a knife!!! And now he pulls a gun?!?!?!?!

How is this shmuck not under a jail?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Lets see... he gets convicted. Then in appeal is found not guilty. The state arranges a plea bargin to keep him arrested with out having to go to another trial. Some punishment is better then none right? It seems if there really was good evidence he would'nt have had grounds for appeal.

The probation after the knife is a bit much. Although thats about the same punishment as multiple convictions for DUI will get you. They just keep extending out your licence suspension and probation.

How the gun was allowed into the house is something that I'd be looking into hard if I was the police or DA in that area. Thats a major felony to give a convict a gun.
Yesterday is history
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The probation after the knife is a bit much. Although thats about the same punishment as multiple convictions for DUI will get you

He killed a girl...beat her to death. And then he is seen outside of his "jail" and caught with a knife? That shows he is clearly violent.


How the gun was allowed into the house is something that I'd be looking into hard if I was the police or DA in that area. Thats a major felony to give a convict a gun.

Who cares? Its not the guns fault he pointed it at the delivery guy, its not the girls fault he beat her, its not the WWE's fault he did wrestling moves on a 6 year old, its not the knifes fault he was outside when he was on house arrest....All of these are HIS fault.

He should be locked up never to see freedom again.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Depending on the conditions of the "house arreast" lots of things can happen. Look at Martha Stewart, the range on her ankle bracelet was such that she could go do all her gardening and still be in compliance. Just since someone is under house arrest does not mean they are stuck inside thier houses walls.

Do you know the size of the knife he was arrested with? Would you say he was violent if it was a swiss army knife? I agree at the time of the second arrest he should have been hauled off to jail for his sentence.
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Hes a murderer, he pleaded, most people plead because they have a good indication they will be found guilty. If I were innocent of a charge, no matter what I would never plead. I dont care, its a principal, because once you plead, you are considered GUILTY. He should not have ever even been on house arrest. He killed a 6 year old. A baby by all means. He took the life of a innocent child. He murdered a baby.

Who cares what size the knife is, he is a known criminal, a fork in his hand should be considered dangerous.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Depending on the conditions of the "house arreast" lots of things can happen. Look at Martha Stewart, the range on her ankle bracelet was such that she could go do all her gardening and still be in compliance. Just since someone is under house arrest does not mean they are stuck inside thier houses walls.

Did you read the artical?

In September, deputies discovered Tate, still under house arrest, outside his home in his Pembroke Park neighborhood with a knife in his possession. A judge extended his probation to 15 years, saying another *violation* would send the teen to jail

That part about violation tells me he was not where he should have been.


Do you know the size of the knife he was arrested with? Would you say he was violent if it was a swiss army knife?

Yes a knife in the hands of a VOILENT criminal while breaking his "arrest" would be grounds to throw this asshole away and lose the key. For the record Im all about hammering Martha from breaking her house arrest as well.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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The system has already demonstrated to him that he can get away with it. So he's out of his house in the park with a knife in violation of probation. The judge says, "Don't do it, or I'll tell you don't do it again."

It's not his fault, ron. It's yours. You and your whole society keeping him down. What do you expect from him?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Hmmm your a lawyer or something to do with law, in the US right? How is it Ron who is causing the problems.

Its a bunch of uppity criminals I call lawyers, who wont even ask their client if they are guilty because they dont care. They want money, thats all it is. It is lawyers and liberals who push for lenenicy in our judicial system. The judge is a idiot, the kids lawyer is a idiot and they should all three share a cell.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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had he only had a joint on him, i'm sure he would be spending quite a bit of time in jail....

you are correct.. another fine example of to much conservative involvement in the justice system...

lock you up for what you do to yourself and ignore what you do to others.. :S
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Ha! I guess my sarcasm was a little too subtle.

What's even more amazing is that when I put something out there like that, there are people who believe I mean it. Actually, it's not amazing. There are millions of people who believe the drivel I just typed.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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"Doc: The justice system works swiftly in the future now that they've abolished all lawyers. "

Well, we're nearly to 2015 and it hasn't happened yet.

What we need is folks willing to upload the laws in place, not just the law enforcement folks they're out there in the streets busting their ass. We need the rest of the judicial system to unplant their heads and fully enforce the laws.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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It's not his fault, ron. It's yours. You and your whole society keeping him down

I think we all can agree its not my fault....I'd have shot him;)


What do you expect from him?

Ya know I can KINDA go with the plea bargan...and I do mean KINDA. He was young and did something stupid. Its a shame a girl died becasue he was young and stupid.

However once he showed no adjustment and continued to thumb his nose at the law....Well I'd have shot him.

The problem is some pansy ass is gonna defend him and claim he is just "misunderstood". He killed a girl to act like a wrestler, basicly escaped from prison and was found with a knife, now pulled a gun. I have no doubt that WHEN this jackass is back on the street he will kill again.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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absolutely shoot the kid in the head he is gonna be nothing but a drag on society for the rest of his life ... I would think twice being given a chance to change is enough, time to end a miserable life before he has a chance to affect anyone else's life.

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I think we all can agree its not my fault....I'd have shot him

I would've given you the gun! ;)


some pansy ass is gonna defend him and claim he is just "misunderstood".

They've already done it.... some counselor/psychologist stated that (paraphrased) 'we just didn't get him counselling soon enough)'.

Right... Way to encourage people to be responsible for their own actions lady...

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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In Reply To

had he only had a joint on him, i'm sure he would be spending quite a bit of time in jail....


you are correct.. another fine example of to much conservative involvement in the justice system...

Now that's funny, potheads thinking there the victim of the conservatives. What a shock. (not assuming you guys smoke pot). I have friends that have been caught with pot more than once and have spent at the most that night in jail, and they were driving their car while stoned.

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everyone is a victim when the system criminalizes behavior that only affects the individual participating...

and please dont start the strawman of 'driving under the influence' as that is a completely seperate crime no matter what the substance, as is the "it supports criminals" arguement... of course it doe, because it's illegal... the system itself creates the market enviroment.....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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