
michael jackson

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It can be proven that he has porn on his computer, me too.

Tell me that isn't true.


I wish that someone would arrest the parents.

There is no way in hell I would allow my boys to be any where near someone that there were even rumors about his negative behavior. I don't care if I got a million dollars settlement. My boys' well fare comes first.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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other than keeping on getting booted out of Cambodia.

And Cuba...

Actually I heard that he he was refused permission to travel to Cuba - along with suitably draconian threats against whoever was foolish enough to land him on cuban soil!!!B|

You see... That's a benefit of having a one party dictatorship, and showing airlines a search team equipped with sledgehammers and machetes!:ph34r:


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Anyone in here ever hear of a thing called innocent until proven guilty??

Ahh what's the point.....oh look, there's a band wagon everyone!!! :|

A valid point... But any intelligent discussion must include all points of view and certain hypotheses.

And let's be honest, we are collectively a remarkably intelligent group with a wide variety of experiences outwith skydiving.

This is perhaps unsurprising since it takes a certain degree of intelligence and some disposable income (& hence success in life) to participate in our sport.

Therefore, we surely ARE qualified to discuss current affairs and given our superiority the discussion would naturally be intelligent. After all, haven't we as a group evolved from mere worries about survival to the point where we can willingly & wilfully place ourselves in situations of extreme danger and then extricate ourselves while remaining in full control and aware... For ours is no mere instinctive survival reaction, but a manifest sign of superiority which the world will one day come to recognise and accept as we Skydivers finally come together as One People, with One Regime, and One Leader.... Seeking only space to live as the superior beings we so manifestly are... Peacefully among ourselves... with Whuffos placed safely away form us... Where they cannot dilute our superior race... All we ask for is "Living-Room" to be ourselves... And live our life of adventure & superiority... Because of that we require Germany, Austria, The Sudetenland, some of poland, that part west of Danzig... For The Ukraine will be our breadbasket, Romania will be our petrol station and The Black Sea will be our Boogie place... I promise you Bread & Skydiving... We will find Whuffo's a place where they will be suitably employed and can live together where they cannot interfere with our development... Living their own life and working hard as they will... AND OUR SKYDIVING WILL LAST FOR A THOUSAND YEARS!!! Am I alone in hearing cheering and chants of "Hail Victory!" "Hail Skydiving!" ..? I know that I am NOT alone... For I know that all true Skydivers believe what I believe... And hear what I hear... And will one day say what I say... SKYDIVERS... AWAK..

:oOh... Err... Hi Iona... Is it time for my pills already? Now you know I don't like that jacket... The sleeves are far too long.... And now you've fastened the buckles far too tight... I can't even move, let alone type...............>:(:S


IONA xxx.;)

Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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A valid point... But any intelligent discussion must include all points of view and certain hypotheses.

Absolutley, that's why i was having a stab at people who just scream "GUILTY, SEND HIM DOWN" who clearly aren't accepting all points of view and hypothesis. Unless there is something i'm missing and they have already seen allthe evidence in the case and can make a solid judgement on the guy and are incapable of understanding the innocent until proven guilty concept.


Oh... Err... Hi Iona... Is it time for my pills already? Now you know I don't like that jacket... The sleeves are far too long.... And you fasten the buckles so tight I can't even move, let alone type...............


May Contain Nut traces......

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Believe he's guilty, but think he's got enough money to buy an innocent.

Weird tho - heard the other day that they're bringing his anatomy into the case. If he truley bleaches himself, it's possible that a certain part of his anatomy has rings of unbleached areas. Supposedly the child has told his lawyers about the rings. If it's true - it could be his downfall.


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oh, ick indeed! Where is that hurl icon?

And yes, of course, innocent til proven guilty. I *believe* he's guilty, and I admit a lot of that is bias because he is such a freak! But this isn't he first time he's been accused, his behaviour with children is inappropriate at best, and as they say, when there is smoke, there is usually fire. I'm waiting to see the evidence the DA presents but I have a feeling it will be pretty incriminating. And if he takes the stand in his own defense, I doubt he'll help his case any. He's already "lost" a few lawyers because they advised him to quit talking about sleeping with kids like its OK, and he refused, right?

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oh, ick indeed! ...his behaviour with children is inappropriate at best, and as they say, when there is smoke, there is usually fire.

One word of caution. Sexual abuse is singularly easy "Mud to sling", with the advantage that it is extremely sticky!:(

Now... Where were we with the "World Domination" & UberMensch plans? Or is it "Buckle-Up-Time" again?:ph34r:


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Mike, I agree. Some sticky mud there. I even admitted I have a certain bias in this case because, face it, the guy is a freak!

I am very aware that false accusations happen, however if I were a parent I still would not let my child near anyone who I KNEW had been accused of molesting kids unless I also knew those accusations were 100% false. As much as I believe in our justice system (and fundamentally I do) I wouldn't take the chance with my own children.

Every time these stories come up about Michael Jackson, his people try to spin it as if he considers himself a child as well, and his excessive involvement with other people's kids is altruistic and innocent. Sorry, but I don't buy it!

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Yeah... That's why I'm trying to confine myself to using it as a source of satire.

Of course, IF what LadyBug says is true about MJ's "stripy anatomy" appearing in court, he'd better change his defence:

"My client considers himself to be a child as well Ring-Tailed Lemur, and his excessive involvement with children is altruistic and innocent proof that he is in fact tame and cuddly. He is not a persistent danger to children because he believes he is also a child only eats shoots and leaves."


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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I'm not saying he's innocent or quilty. I just would never leave my kids alone with him.


The jury will decide whether he is guilty or not. Parents must protect their children at all costs.

I have my opinion, but I am not seated on the jury. Therefore my opinion means nothing in this matter.



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Yeah... That's why I'm trying to confine myself to using it as a source of satire.

Of course, IF what LadyBug says is true about MJ's "stripy anatomy" appearing in court, he'd better change his defence:

"My client considers himself to be a child as well Ring-Tailed Lemur, and his excessive involvement with children is altruistic and innocent proof that he is in fact tame and cuddly. He is not a persistent danger to children because he believes he is also a child only eats shoots and leaves."


IONA reduced the dose? You seem to be quite aware what's happening around you, even in the US :P

MJ, the ring-tailed Lemur "monkey"
Holy Moses, can't help myself, LMAO :D:D:D

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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MJ, the ring-tailed Lemur...

Oh dear. I feel a song coming on!:o With sincerest apologies to Rudolph The Red--Nosed Reindeer...

" MJ the Ring-Tailed Lemur,
Had a very stripy :o
And if you ever saw it,
Your family got a new Buick.

All of the other Jacksons,
Used to laugh and call him strange,
They never let poor MJ,
Join in any adult games.

Then one sunny cali day,
Michael bought a fair,
Down came children poor & sick,
company for his :o :o :o

Now the poor kiddy's D-A
Smiles and laughs and shouts with glee
MJ, The Ring-Tailed Bad-Boy,
Is going down for Thirty-Three."

Right. That's THAT out of my system.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Wow. Looks like one of us has some time on their hands...:P

Naaah... Stuff like that just pops into my head. That one took all of 10 minutes & a quarter glass of wine. Simple. Especially with something like the MJ Trial where the jokes almost write themselves!:)


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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"The teenager who claims he was sexually abused by Michael Jackson has admitted telling his former teacher he had not been molested by the star.

Gavin Arvizo made the admission as he was grilled by Jackson's lawyer Thomas Mesereau."


The prosecutions case is falling to shit.

May Contain Nut traces......

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So... Who is the child lying to? The court now? Or his teacher then?


PS. I'm still waiting for the "anatomy" pics :S:D

Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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What seems like the most likely one? If you take a look at the kid, his background, his family and the things they have done in the past it begins to give you a rough idea of the kind of people they are.

May Contain Nut traces......

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