
NY and TX Extremists Try for Full Hunting Ban

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New York and Texas 'Animal Superiorty' activists try back-door ban on all hunting.



New York hunters are in an uproar over state assembly Bill 1850 that would make sport hunting a punishable act of animal cruelty.

The bill, introduced by Assemblyman Alexander Grannis, New York City Democrat, would revise the state's definition of animal cruelty to include the "killing or injuring [of] wild game and wild birds." The revision would make hunting and trapping activities criminal offenses. The bill is now being considered before the body's Agriculture Committee.

"The bill creates a contradiction in the law [because] the state code allows regulated hunting," said Tony Celebrezze of the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance, a national watchdog group that is ready to enter the fray whenever Americans' right to hunt is challenged. "If [this] becomes law, anti-hunters will have a field day ensuring that sportsmen are prosecuted on animal cruelty charges."

The proposal is similar to a Texas bill that also would turn everyday hunters into criminals. Hunters in Iowa and Connecticut also have had to defeat animal cruelty bills that threatened hunting with dogs.
from Gene Mueller's Outdoors column

witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Check the language in the article, it's not an ouright ban, but it would classify hunting as punishable animal cruelty. It was a cheap attempt to slip it in hoping no one would notice. In NY he came right out with the asinine idea, at least.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Eh, couldn't see it, login required...B|

I wish people that try to pull that crap would at least try to get something done that was useful. It seems like the persistance of special interest groups is directly related to the absurdity of their cause.

Just once, why can't they try to sneak in a bill for harsher punishment for drunk drivers or ban cell phone use while driving?

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That was funny, but if you ever really want to see animal cruelty, see if you can find video of wolves bringing down their prey. You don't see that one on Animal Planet. It's not quick like the big cats or cute like the primates. It's ferocious. It leaves a mark.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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The bill, introduced by Assemblyman Alexander Grannis, New York City Democrat, would revise the state's definition of animal cruelty to include the "killing or injuring [of] wild game and wild birds." The revision would make hunting and trapping activities criminal offenses.

I hate it when elected officials worry more about their personal agendas than the issues pertinent to their constituents.

If they make hunting illegal, guns will be next.

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A lot of stuff like this is the "first pass". Kind of like old feudal wars where they sent a wave of serfs against the castle wall to locate the defenses. A quick sacrifice to learn something about the other lawyer..

Then, the incrementalism starts. Keep filing lawsuits until it becomes too expensive to fight them. Or, identify the opposing lawyers opinions and slowly pick at them.

The best method is the "little children" offense. Try to figure in a phrase like "What about the little children/kitties?" If facts or law are not in your favor, appeal to the emotions.

They used to widely publish the aerial counts. Then, when the water was clear and the count was high, they discounted the numbers. Only use the facts when they favor you.

In Florida, the animal rights group for Manatees spent years going after boating bans. First, they got manatee-speed zones near bridges. Then, they expanded it to the area between the bridges. Now, whole rivers and bays are speed zones.

Incrementally, bit by bit, they nip it away.

Has anyone discussed how cruel fishing is? :)

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The bill, introduced by Assemblyman Alexander Grannis, New York City Democrat, would revise the state's definition of animal cruelty to include the "killing or injuring [of] wild game and wild birds."

So when my house cat deposits dead critters at my back door, do I:

a) Apprehend Tabby and take her down to the local PD for arrest and paw-printing?

b) Hire an attorney, because as Tabby's owner, I am liable for her "crime"?
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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A snowballs chance in Hell......

(disclaimer - I don't care for cigarettes, this is just an example of the process)

Once upon a time... a city banned smoking in govt buildings...

Then there was "non-smoking" sections. Since the air circulates, it is like a "non-peeing" section of the pool. Then it was banned for all parts of the restaurants. Then all buildings.

Now there is companies who are telling their employees that they can't smoke at home. :S

I just took a drug screen test. Anyone want to bet how long before nicotine is added to an improved drug test ?

Same process for anything else. It takes a first step.

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That was funny, but if you ever really want to see animal cruelty, see if you can find video of wolves bringing down their prey. You don't see that one on Animal Planet. It's not quick like the big cats or cute like the primates. It's ferocious. It leaves a mark.

Human morals do not apply to wolves. Unlike us, they usually kill because they need to eat. The fact that the wolves do not always kill fast does not mean that they are cruel. The killing methods vary depending on the kind of prey, however they are always effective.

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Hunters in Iowa and Connecticut also have had to defeat animal cruelty bills that threatened hunting with dogs.

Hey, I would like to see these bugger-eating morons in Arkansas stop using dogs. Every year I have to put up with some idiot turning his dogs loose and they run across my property. It's unfair to the deer and it messes up hunting.

Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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Banning hunting in TX? They've got a better chance of banning beer!:P

My thought exactly. Clearly someone wasn't planning their legislative strategy very well:

"...so, Nigel, we should like to try banning hunting. Which states ought we to start with?"

"Well, boss, Texas seems like a sure bet..."
-- Tom Aiello

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