
Mike Moore's Bodygaurd?

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I hate Moore more than words can describe.

Which is most likely the reason he has a bodyguard that packs
heat. ;) ... even though he deserves favor, I can see
the irony. [:/] oh well, this silly little incident doesn't
make facts not facts anymore.... he's still informative.

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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I also agree.....facts????:S

Now I'm not an American so some news I may not get? However what I can't understand is how someone so unpatriotic to there own country hasn't been shut down, freedom of speech or not.

Like I said I'm not an American, never been there, but I can't stand the way he talks about his own country?


I wonder if he has diner at Charlton Hesston's now?:S

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unpatriotic to a rogue country who's constitution was written for and by gun slinging rednecks. you guys make me laugh. seems stupid you have to licence a gun in separate states? who knows where you are gonna end up if you are a bodyguard!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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Oh come on please. Lets have a look at the bigger picture here, does it really matter what piece of friggin dirt on this planet your mum happens to squeeze you out on? The human brain is powerful enough to see us all as one and the same.

Patriotism is just plain BS at the end of the day and only breeds hate for other countries. It's good for one thing and one thing only....sport.

May Contain Nut traces......

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unpatriotic to a rogue country who's constitution was written for and by gun slinging rednecks. you guys make me laugh. seems stupid you have to licence a gun in separate states? who knows where you are gonna end up if you are a bodyguard!

Thank you for that brilliant and insightful analysis about America.

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The human brain is powerful enough to see us all as one and the same.

One and the same?
You've got to be kid'in. I don't bag my native country to the stage I need a armed bodyguard...
I don't go around with a bomb strapped to my body and blow others up because've different religious beliefs.

But that's for another thread.


Patriotism is just plain BS at the end of the day and only breeds hate for other countries.

Partially true, maybe? But because I am proud of my country doesn't mean I dislike Iraq, (for example) just some of the people there. It also doesn't mean I don't dislike anything about my country, there are heaps of things, I would never go on international TV and tell the world... Like Greene said


He is just filling his pocket .>:(

If Moore dislikes America that much he should focus his time, energy and money on changing it for the better, not try to swing others down his unpatriotic way of thinking.

That only creates allot of people sitting around pissed about a few thing's because they unfortunately put the wrong TV channel on at the wrong time. They are not going to do anything for the good, they will just become a Sheep and follow in his shadow. Sorry to anyone that has done something for the good, and has become Shepard.

Now I do admire a few things he did, (I have watched him too) like the bullet's at Kmart, well done.


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I'd say it's being confused with jingoism or ultranationalism, both of which are "BS at the end of the day."

However, I strongly disagree with the idea that patriotism is harmful.
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I don't mind that he says horrible things about my country. I want to keep my freedom of speech, so I have to support his, especially since I disagree with him wholeheartedly.

I just hate that he passes his ideas off as fact, and that some people are dumb enough to take his word for it.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I believe its called dissent.

Yes it is... I have a degree of dissent towards my country. However it seems he likes to bag the hell out of the people that are trying to make America, (and the world a safer place) that is been unpatriotic. He doesn't seem very devoted to his country, other wise he would be allot more productive than destructive...also unpatriotic.



Is to voice your concerns or not conform to the general way of thinking, he has gone way past that.
He may be trying to get a so called policy of national independence, that is nationalism, that can be just as bad as been unpatriotic. The two are so closely related they can be interpreted as the same...


What is unpatriotic about questioning those in power ?

Nothing, he goes past just questioning, he should run for congress and voice some of those questions/concerns there?



Yes that is BS...its way over the top.



This is a very strong word, I don't see how jingoism can be confused with Patriotism, they are at the opposite ends of the scale. This word could be used if people believe in his BS facts? Perhaps Mr. Moore needs to be a bit of a ultranationalist however???

You as American's have got to realize he is not helping you as a nation. Now more than ever people need to stop listening to his BS and do something worth while if they have concerns, ranting about what is wrong, hoping someone will hear you and do it for you will not work. Be productive...


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trying to make America, (and the world a safer place)

I strongly disagree, all the signs point to exactly the opposite.


Nothing, he goes past just questioning, he should run for congress and voice some of those questions/concerns there?

He is raising his concerns in the public domain, where all discussion should take place in a free society, in the open and in plain sight, me thinks you may be quite happy to stifle any opinion you see as 'unpatriotic'

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unpatriotic to a rogue country who's constitution was written for and by gun slinging rednecks. you guys make me laugh. seems stupid you have to licence a gun in separate states? who knows where you are gonna end up if you are a bodyguard!

did anyone read what the actual violation was? Is it just flat out illegal to posess the gun, even in a locked case, in the lovely state of New York? I guess you'd need to check your luggage through to your final destination if you had a layover there.

Also note that the guy isn't really "MM's bodyguard," rather one that has served that role from time to time.

Rhys - the US is a republic of individual states, who set the local laws separately. For the most part this has become less true over time and the federal government supercedes local jurisdiction, but that's where we came from.

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Rhys - the US is a republic of individual states, who set the local laws separately. For the most part this has become less true over time and the federal government supercedes local jurisdiction, but that's where we came from.

yeah but you all live by that out dated constitution. so the N.R.A. and gun hording christians get away with possessing weapons that are exclusively man killers. get with the times man! we don't need that shit!

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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