
"Ghouls Rush In" : Tsunami Tourists Sunbathe On Beach

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(And KelpDiver, "Ghouls Rush In" was the title of the article I linked. Not my creation.)

I know that - my criticism was directed at their editor, not you.

I can appreciate your point of view - but for me it wouldn't be much easier to enjoy vacationing there on any given day given the severe poverty seen just off the beaten path. You do what you can, but at some point you're entitled to enjoy life too.

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I know that - my criticism was directed at their editor, not you.


I can appreciate your point of view - but for me it wouldn't be much easier to enjoy vacationing there on any given day given the severe poverty seen just off the beaten path. You do what you can, but at some point you're entitled to enjoy life too.

I agree, at some point you get to enjoy your life to the fullest. I just think it's abhorrent to do so on the graves of 150,000 dead folks, complaining about champagne and the view.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Might I suggest that the last thing these people need is for their tourist industry and source of jobs to be decimated by attacking anyone who goes there as a ghoul.

Do you really think the people on that beach are so different from you or I? They probably saved the whole year for their paltry 2 weeks in the Sun that they booked months ago and wound up in the middle of a disaster area making the best of a bad situation.

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I don't know much about the NY Daily News but i would question some of the validity of what's quoted in that article, only because anyone going to an area to complain about the view after a natural disaster of this magnitude is either not very up on world events, or it was made up by the reporter (there is no direct quote of who said what other than "a Russian guest" etc.

While reading some BBC news today, i came across this article:


which is quite interesting.

"Skydiving is a door"

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I don't know much about the NY Daily News but i would question some of the validity of what's quoted in that article, only because anyone going to an area to complain about the view after a natural disaster of this magnitude is either not very up on world events, or it was made up by the reporter (there is no direct quote of who said what other than "a Russian guest" etc.

The media is, as usual, really on in it to report on sensational stories, even if they have to make them up.

If anybody caught the CBS news last night, you might have seen a story on the coral reefs. That footage was filmed from my uncles boat. He only gave permission after he was assured it would be a fair and balanced piece.

To make a long story short, they ended up reporting that all coral reefs have sustained major damage. This is just plainly not true. As a matter of fact the footage they used ot show the state of the coral reefs prior to the tsunami was really shot after the tsunami.......

Naturally now the local producer is blaming the New York producer etc etc. In the end they got another sensational story, who cares whether or not it is true. Unfortunately, the average viewer will just take it for gospel.

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I don't know much about the NY Daily News but i would question some of the validity of what's quoted in that article, only because anyone going to an area to complain about the view after a natural disaster of this magnitude is either not very up on world events, or it was made up by the reporter (there is no direct quote of who said what other than "a Russian guest" etc.

The media is, as usual, really on in it to report on sensational stories, even if they have to make them up.

If anybody caught the CBS news last night, you might have seen a story on the coral reefs. That footage was filmed from my uncles boat. He only gave permission after he was assured it would be a fair and balanced piece.

To make a long story short, they ended up reporting that all coral reefs have sustained major damage. This is just plainly not true. As a matter of fact the footage they used ot show the state of the coral reefs prior to the tsunami was really shot after the tsunami.......

Naturally now the local producer is blaming the New York producer etc etc. In the end they got another sensational story, who cares whether or not it is true. Unfortunately, the average viewer will just take it for gospel.

Yup if anyone's the ghoul it's the asshole writing the story. There's a disaster on an unimaginable scale and this waste of flesh flies in there to cover it and winds up writing sensational stories attacking tourists there with typical tabloid fare. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

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Yup if anyone's the ghoul it's the asshole writing the story.

And now clarity hits the thread. Thankfully.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>I would not be hanging out on the beach. I don't dance on caskets, either.

An MSNBC reporter was in Phuket recently talking to the locals. Their most common request was "tell people to come back."

I don't think it's "dancing on caskets" to go to a place like that. People have fun in Nagasaki, Dresden, even in Indonesia where 200,000 children die annually from GI problems. It's just that we are more aware of this because it was sudden and unexpected.

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They need the business

Much like the city of New York, which spent a considerable amount of money advertising, trying to get tourists and businesses to come back to the Big Apple post 9/11.

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Good on the people who continue to head to thailand for a holiday..now would be the best time to ever go there for a holiday. The Thai people are very nice people and i holiday there around 2 times a year for a month each time. The Thai people want you all there now more than ever. Most people in thailand live off selling us things that they make and sell. All the many great bars and food wagons are needing our money more than ever. For anyone to sit there and call the people travelling there are wrong, well you can not be very well educated on a third world country. I have just come back from 5 days as i went to help a thai family i know clean up their bar, i have never seen and never thought this world would come togethor until i went back there and saw all the love that the world is sharing in thailand. Good on the people for the donations but if you are donating money do not sit there and say the tourist is wrong. Maybe it is time for everyone to learn something about this country and realise they strive on tourisim instead of just donating money and thinking you have the right to rag on the tourists that are now over there helping. Yes you might see them on the beach, it is very hot, so what, you also see them helping.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Nicely said Bigway. Glad you could go in person to help your friends.

{I wish I had all your vacation time}

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Thanks, i went to portugal for xmas and my hotel got broken into on xmas night, took my canon rebel and my pc105 that i had with me as well as 800 euros cash from the safe that they"somehow" opened. really pissed off, very mad, woke up in the morning about to go back to england for a quick finish holiday, when i turned the news on to this devistation. A couple of days later here i am thinking, i was meant to be in thailand on boxing day but we changed our xmas plans(nemerous times). So what, changing our plans saved our lives but we could still go and help right? Went over and found some friends from previous visits and helped them clean up....i wish i was still there as i feel thailand is my special place, it is a place where you realise that the way of life we all live is not the important part of life. The important part of life support for one another and food. Now this is all that matters in thailand but if i had stayed any longer than i did i would have lost the plot. That place is a disaster, it is one thing seeing it on the news but having a 360 degree view of absoulte disaster is another, i could keep my head so come back to England. I want to be there so badly but i just can not deal with the disaster as part of my real life....it might be selfish but i am not strong enough to deal with what has happened. Everyone is always fighting in this world and everyone thinks this is a disaster. Well wars are disasters and kill just as many people, nothing ever comes of it, wars just keep going.
This is not a disaster, sure it is a disaster on many levels, but it has bought the world togethor, it is bringing peace in many areas of asia, and is showing that the USA does care. Everyone is working togethor and not fighting for once. Every country is in aggreement with what needs to be done. The world is showing the humanity i never thought we could.
Congratulations world.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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