
My new beef

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Ok. I was outta work for a while. So the state of Fla. suspended my drivers license, dunned my credit, and now this. http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newhire/fop/passport.htm I was gonna travel and make some big bucks and payoff my debt which isn't that much. How do all these laws help me pay my child support? They fuckin want to put me in jail. Will that help me pay? NO. I can't drive legally. Will that help me pay? NO. Opinions? [:/] I talk to my kids all the time and I send them all the extra money I have. This shit is fucked up>:(. DEADBEAT DAD
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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That doesn't surprise me. I lived near Ocala for about 5 years and knew lots of people that were stuck in their judicial system with no good options to get out of it. I never had a problem, but could see how a short string of bad luck could easily put me in a very bad situation.

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Reminds me of the California penal system.
A buddy from AA, was trying to go straight. He quit drinking, drugging, etc. and went to pay his out-standing traffic fines in a town in Northern California.


By the time he had paid all his court costs, probation fees, trips in prison busses, etc., it was almost impossible to to live on the salary of a medium-wage office worker.

Once they get their hooks in you, they never let go!

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Reminds me of the California penal system.
A buddy from AA, was trying to go straight. He quit drinking, drugging, etc. and went to pay his out-standing traffic fines in a town in Northern California.


By the time he had paid all his court costs, probation fees, trips in prison busses, etc., it was almost impossible to to live on the salary of a medium-wage office worker.

Once they get their hooks in you, they never let go!

It's the modern equivalent of debtors' prison.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You must have been out of work for a long time if you owe more than 5 grand. Somehow I think there's more to this story than what you're saying.

I personally think the system is biased against fathers but I have to buck-up every week for my kids...and I do it because it's my responsibility. Obviously you didn't for quite a while and now you want to belly ache because the system is putting the clamps on you. If you want to bitch at someone take a look in the mirror.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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I was outta work for a while. So the state of Fla. suspended my drivers license . . .

They suspended your drivers license because you were unemployed?

How does that make sense?

BTW, I kinda think suspending passports makes sense in a strange way since it prevents people from just leaving the country and skipping out on child support altogether, but there ought to be some way around that in order to work.

Have you actually -talked- with someone at the passport office?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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You must have been out of work for a long time if you owe more than 5 grand. Somehow I think there's more to this story than what you're saying.

How do you conclude that? I guy I know has to pay $1,100/month in child support. Doesn't take very long to build up $5k in arrears at that rate if you lose your job.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Dude, you are not alone. California will do the same thing, and my guess is Florida courts won't view you too kindly.

You lose your job and can't make child support payments? Easy. Go to court and say, "I've lost my job and can't make child support payments." Court will lower, at least temporarily, your child support payments until you can get a job.

Your problem is you didn't do that. You just quit making child support payments without an order saying that you were excused from it. Of course, the longer you wait to tell the court this, the more in arrears you get, and the greater your chances of spending some time in the can.

Bitching on here won't do any good. Instead, call the DCSS and let them know you need to modify the child support order on the basis of a change in circumstance. You can't turn back the arrears, but at least you can make it so that you don't owe as much.

Fix the fucking problem before they put a goddamned warrant out on you.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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You must have been out of work for a long time if you owe more than 5 grand. Somehow I think there's more to this story than what you're saying.

How do you conclude that? I guy I know has to pay $1,100/month in child support. Doesn't take very long to build up $5k in arrears at that rate if you lose your job.

Sure it doesn't if you don't pay them! My point was there's things that can be done but it appears akarunway chose not to do them, then bitches about the consequences. The treatment he is now receiving is a direct result of his actions, or lack of action. It's in response to the multitude of parents who don't take responsibility for bringing a child into this world and then not at least supporting it monetarily. They took his license...but I'll bet he got a really nasty notice in the mail and chose to ignore it. Will they throw him in jail? Yep if he continues to ignore them.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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Are you saying that being out of work caused your driver's license to get suspended? How/why would that be?

I'm sorry you're having a tough time of it. I hope the situation gets rectified. I just don't understand the sequence of events you're laying out. Why do they want you in jail? For non-payment of child support? Yeah, that's f-ed up, because of course a guy who is in jail can't make money to pay. I think they use that as a last resort, however, for people they figure are never gonna pay if not threatened with jail even though they could pay...

I've had a parking ticket in Palm Beach that I still haven't paid -- it's three years old + and I've received a collections notice on it. I found that it still did not prevent me from reregistering my car...

Look, I'm no fan of Florida -- I'm a transplant, and I feel that this state is fucked up in a lot of ways. But I can't see singling out Florida about this, because I think a lot of other places do this kind of thing. My dad was talking with me about how in NY if you live in public housing, and someone in the household is caught with drugs (dealing, doing) they will evict the entire family.

So a mom who works two jobs and has a son who unbeknownst to her is dealing, gets evicted when they arrest him on the corner. So now we have a system that punishes people who have not committed a crime, by association. :S

Good luck.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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If you get behind in paying your car insurance they will suspend your drivers license.

Oh yeah I have one friend that had their license suspended because the state lost the paper work and thought that she didn't have insurance.

According to my dad, a 35-year insurance agent in NY state, IF YOU KEEP YOUR PLATES (your car is still registered for use on public roadways) and your insurance policy cancels, you have 90 days in which to get your policy reinstated.

For the first 90 days of cancellation of the auto insurance policy, you will be fined $6 per day as an uninsured motorist (and don't kid yourself, the DMV is in cahoots with the insurance companies about the status of your policy). After 90 days, if you still have not gotten insurance on the registered vehicle, you continue to be fined as before AND you lose your license for one day, for each additional day past the first 90 for which you have no insurance on the registered vehicle.

Interestingly, if you have insurance on a vehicle, that insurance covers you for EVERY vehicle you might drive, even if you borrow a vehicle from a friend and he has let his insurance lapse. (This may vary from state to state, but it was the case when I lived in NY.) So if you got stopped in a car, and it was registered, and you have a valid license and you have insurance on your own car, you are not "driving an uninsured vehicle." Be aware of this if you ever get a ticket for it. My dad had an insured client beat a ticket for that because he happened to call my dad and mention he had gotten an uninsured motorist ticket in someone else's car. My dad knew his client had a current policy. He told the guy to go into court with proof of that, and the ticket was dismissed.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Kevin, I'm curious.

How long were you out of work? how long didn't you pay child support? Why didn't you go to the courts and tell them what was happening, and see if there wasn't something you could work out? Why did you ignore the letter the DMV sent you, letting you know your DL was being suspended? Did you pay your child support directly, or was it garnished by the courts? And if so, why was it being garnished? Have you ever stopped paying child support before? What have you been living on? How come you left your last job?

My point is, you allowed it to get this far. It's absolutely not fair to the kids to not pay the child support, but if you can't, then you can't. But there are ways to handle it so as to preserve your abilities....sounds like you didn't take advantage of them.

And before you tell me "I didn't know about them," why then do I know about them, a childless, single woman who would have absolutely no reason to know about this subject at all? It's easy info to obtain.

Sorry you're in a bind. But my sympathy is limited to also saying see how you placed yourself there, and what it has cost the children (I could care less about the ex...she's grown.) and not just in terms of $$.

Figure out what you can do about it now and go do it. Take those steps, fix the problem, and move on.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Here goes. I work const. and after 9/11 the bottom droped out in Fla. They were gonna throw me in jail for 300 fucking dollars behind. The wife (slut) had already got EVERYTHING. I sold my last gun to pay that. So I came to Ca. w/ nothing but the clothes on my back and some tools. W/O the D/L work is like 6 mths a year. I saved enough money to get my D/L back and pay the, I think 3 grand in back child support. I call Fla. to see about my D/L and they tell me they lost all my paperwork and by the way we tried you in absentia and TRIPLED your child support. I hate govt. and I hate the court system so yes I ignore them for the most part. My bad. I start my new job this week and will pay this shit off in short order. My point is the govt. needs to come up w/ more innovative ways than to kick you while your down. And in three years (when the last kid is payed off) I'm buying my boat and I AM OUTTA HERE. South Pacific Seas baby:P
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Here goes. I work const. and after 9/11 the bottom droped out in Fla. They were gonna throw me in jail for 300 fucking dollars behind. The wife (slut) had already got EVERYTHING. I sold my last gun to pay that. So I came to Ca. w/ nothing but the clothes on my back and some tools. W/O the D/L work is like 6 mths a year. I saved enough money to get my D/L back and pay the, I think 3 grand in back child support. I call Fla. to see about my D/L and they tell me they lost all my paperwork and by the way we tried you in absentia and TRIPLED your child support. I hate govt. and I hate the court system so yes I ignore them for the most part. My bad. I start my new job this week and will pay this shit off in short order. My point is the govt. needs to come up w/ more innovative ways than to kick you while your down. And in three years (when the last kid is payed off) I'm buying my boat and I AM OUTTA HERE. South Pacific Seas baby:P

OK, I feel bad for you, and I hate to see people having tough times, but.... It is NOT the governments fault that your Wife is a slut, or that you chose to marry her, or that you got her pregnant more than once....

None of these BAD decisions were the Governments fault.

When ever you or I make a decision, it has a consequense down stream. If, your wife is a slut as you say, I am sorry, but you need to get a Lawyer or a better lawyer, and make her more responsible for the actions which caused your break-up/ separation.

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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