
Crossing-dressing? (ICK!)

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I grew up with a domineering father who told me all women should have long hair, wear dresses all the time, basically be a slave to their husband, and hmm,what else, give em lots of children?!

Sounds to me like you don't agree with that, maybe because it affects you. But you're all too willing to be offended based on the same stereotypical bigotry when you direct it at someone else.

What do you think of a person that is offended by women having short hair, or wearing jeans, or working outside the home? Guess what, you're post is no different.

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Here we go... This is gonna turn into another one of those S&M threads... :S:P:)

Naturally. Why wouldn't Skydivers be into Bondage, S&M?

After all... S&M requires more equipment (straps, velcro, hooks & stuff), forcing yourself into unnatural body positions, careful and skillful technique, rigging skills.....

It's basically the Skydiving of Sex!:S;):P


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Sounds to me like you don't agree with that, maybe because it affects you. But you're all too willing to be offended based on the same stereotypical bigotry when you direct it at someone else.

no, I don;t agree w/ my father, but why can't I just state that I dont like men cross dressing? It's my opinion, it's not bigotry. Hello, I will not turn down making friends of someone because of what they do, but because of who or what they are on the inside.

What do you think of a person that is offended by women having short hair, or wearing jeans, or working outside the home? Guess what, you're post is no different.

well, I guess maybe you are right. We all get disgusted by different things, you most certainly do PhillyKev. Why am I wrong to point out what I am disgusted by? You can judge me anyway you want to. But, if somene is offended by women having short hair, how is that gonna affect women as a whole?

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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I just state that I dont like men cross dressing?

Once again Sarah, you are entitled to this opinion (and you won't be alone as many people in society are turned off by it as well). It's just that you made certain comments about cross-dressers, homosexuals and the transgendered which were wrong and some of us wanted to educate you a little as to really what is what.


I grew up with a domineering father who told me all women should have long hair, wear dresses all the time, basically be a slave to their husband, and hmm,what else, give em lots of children?!

I can relate. I grew up with a step-father who grew up on the other side of WWII (the dude was a Hitler youth in Nazi German during the war and his slightly older brother was lucky to be injured on the Russian front while the rest of his unit was wiped out). So the step-monster tried to raise me as a good Nazi German boy (despite the fact that I'm NOT German) and he too believed in the "The husband is the master of the house and the wife is his servant" mindset and yes my sister in those early years was told to wear dresses and be all girly-girl like (until she rebelled and left home at an early age as did I and my brother as well).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Oh, and no cross-dressing thread would be complete without pictures of the king (queen?) of all transvestites...

Aghh the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Now that is a cult classic if there ever has been one. I'm just a tad dissappointed that I've never seen the movie in a theater with the audience all dressed up.

By the way, are you still reproducing yourself? I remember a while back you showed us this thread where clones of you could be seen all over you lawn in some pictures. I thought it was cute. :ph34r:

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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So, hey, I thought I'd hop on the SC political bandwagon. Something that's been really bothering me is seeing SO many men, dressing up like women!!! :S I mean, I know some homosexual men may do the cross-dressing thing, (some say they feel like a woman trapped in a man's body?), but what about men that aren't homosexual and still cross-dress? If they do, can we assume they might become interested in having sex with a man?
Hm, I just curious to read a few responses about this, because it's disgusting! I think a man should look like a man, and a woman should look like a woman.

So, Sarah, if you're ever in San Francisco, you should eat at AsiaSF. Good food and cute waitresses dressed as ladies should be.

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Aghh the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Now that is a cult classic if there ever has been one. I'm just a tad dissappointed that I've never seen the movie in a theater with the audience all dressed up.

I've never seen it that way either, but it would be fun. I think a lot of theaters still do that.


By the way, are you still reproducing yourself?

Ha ha... not lately... (Dammit, I should have made an extra 4 million Keelys and had them registered to vote before this election! :ph34r:)

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My brother is gay and frequently cross dresses.....his reason....no reason apart from it's a fuckin laugh, no less, no more. And i'll tell you this for nothing, he's got better legs than most women I know and women always come up to him and tell him they're are jealous of em.

Not that i've ever looked at his legs of course ;)

Honestly though, what difference does it make to you? Does it affect your life in anyway what-so-ever? I very much doubt it.

Now where's my thong.....

May Contain Nut traces......

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you'll scare everyone with a stiletto, even yourself :P:P

hey, good idea, a size 11 4'' heel stiletto, I'll hafta carry one of those with me next time I go running alone, and if any weirdos come near...>:( I can poke em with my razor-edged heel! :ph34r:

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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I was referring to this kind of stiletto... Not the sharp knife... :D

haha, oh,yeah...:|
I would certainly scare the heck out of anyone with a stiletto at this point, seeing as how I've had to have my rental jumpsuit sewn in 3 different spots for 2 landings :S
still, a stiletto shoe would be even scarier! :D:P

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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One of my ex-husband's good friends was a cross-dresser... He was a fashion designer in London who made some interesting women's clothing from vinyl and various cartoon-print fabrics. He was a good-looking guy who happened to make a good-looking woman too. ;)

He wore his own fashions and often had hot women with him, dressed in his designs (I believe he was heterosexual, if I remember correctly, not that it matters). I never got to know him very well, but from the time we spent with him he seemed like a really nice and cool guy. :)
We all have our little quirks... >:(

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I'd prefer to see pictures of you with the shoes rather than the canopy at this point...:$:$

hhmm, something to keep in mind when I go to Rantoul...
come on, what could be a better thing for a skychick to wear, than a canopy?

heck, the size of a guys' rig doesn't matter anymore to me, so long as I can wear his canopy :):D

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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I am very accepting of people, it's just the things they do that I don;t agree with that bother me...



that has to be one on the funniest and most hippocritical statements I've ever heard!!! Right up there with "I HATE intolerant people!"


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I just state that I dont like men cross dressing?

I am a man. Society dictates that as a man I should wear trousers and not a dress.

I work in an office. Society dictates that as I work in an office I should wear a suit.

Tomorrow it is “dress down Friday”. I shall not wear a suit but I will still work in an office. Will that offend you? After all, I will be breaking with the rules laid down by society with regards to my attire.

Are not these two things the same? Why should one rule laid down by society with regards to my attire be more important than another? They’re both from the same source and both relate to the same subject. Why would one cause deep offence to you and the other not?

Some men enjoy dressing up as a woman. This does not harm you but you feel a sense of anger when you see them doing it.

Some men enjoy skydiving. It does not harm passers by who see them under canopy. Do those passers by have any business feeling anger that some men are skydiving? Do those passers by have any business expressing that anger to the skydivers? Do those passers by have any business trying to stop the skydivers skydiving?

Why would one personal choice be ok for someone to do without being attacked for it while another personal choice not be? Is there some difference between skydiving and cross-dressing in terms of rights or whom it affects?

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come on, what could be a better thing for a skychick to wear, than a canopy?

heck, the size of a guys' rig doesn't matter anymore to me, so long as I can wear his canopy :):D

I have a Safire, you wanna wear only a Safire ??
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Is it so bad to be like a woman?
Yes, if you weren't born one! :S

And I am no where near being a feminist, so I might differ from you in how I view males.

Why do you think it's so much worse for a man to show some feminine traits than for a woman to show some masculine ones?

I'm just saying it's more common it seems for men to cross-dress

Oh, contraire...
I've seen more shows on Bravo and other networks with those sorts of specials on female transvestites and transexuals than on male cross dressers. Besides, think about it. When my mother was in school in the 60's, women weren't allowed to wear pants of any kind, only skirts. Now, women can wear what they want. Why can't men? In Scotland, traditional garb is a kilt or a plaid, which is a piece of material wrapped in a way that it's basically a skirt with another piece wrapped around one shoulder. Men have worn those for centuries.
All I'm saying is, don't bash something so trivial as men who want to wear skirts...you never know if, 10 years from now, it's a commonly accepted practice!

Blondes do have more fun!

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I am very accepting of people, it's just the things they do that I don;t agree with that bother me...



that has to be one on the funniest and most hippocritical statements I've ever heard!!! Right up there with "I HATE intolerant people!"


I totally agree!:P

Blondes do have more fun!

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