
Crossing-dressing? (ICK!)

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Actually, one of my favorite comedians is a transvestite: Eddie Izzard. He so totally rocks!

Cake or Death???

Um, cake please.

Just as long as they're not weirdo transvestites, living in a cave, hoarding women's shoes. I prefer Action Transvestites (running, jumping, climbing trees) and Executive Transvestites.

Oh, and I do think we should establish a Transvestite Army Airborne Brigade, who could parachute in behind enemy lines with big guns and fabulous makeup. They'll be caught so off guard that we'll take them without a shot being fired.

"Hey, look at that."
"Are they wearing makeup?"
"They're wearing makeup! Ahahaha! Guys, look at that!"
"Oh shit! They've got guns! Agh!"
"Oh bugger."
"We surrender. You really caught us off-guard with that makeup. Nicely done."


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I am very accepting of people, it's just the things they do that I don;t agree with that bother me...


that has to be one on the funniest and most hippocritical statements I've ever heard!!! Right up there with "I HATE intolerant people!"

Um, es-squeeze me? Just because I don't particularly agree with a thing some one does, does NOT mean that I wouldn't still make an effort to get to know the person or love them. You can still love people, accept the good things about them, yet still disagree with certain things. Are you tellling me that if you're an alcoholic, it's better for me to just hate you completely, instead of still loving who you are, but hating the fact that you drink, which is hurting you? :S
You probably don't know too many people who love others regardless of things they do. Loving a human being and wanting what's best for them as a person, is one of the best things you can do for them. I am not going to accept the bad things in someone's life though, ESPECIALLY if I know it's hurting them

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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