
Who hates the Brits

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Well, I think it is not the issue about liking or not UK subjects, but certain attitudes that also transpire of your fellow citizens against the US.

Then when confronted with the that funny article from the BBC, they get all pissy and defensive. Pretty lame.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Ya know, if you always fall to the lowest behavior and name-calling you see, rather than trying to rise to the ideal behavior, then the general tone falls, rather than rising.

"He did it first" didn't work when I was 5, and it's not a good reason to insult folks now.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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It is not about who did it first or not. If it annoys you, you have 2 alternatives:

Disregard, two confront. Either way is not your business, just the greenies, HH as long as the forum rules are followed.:P

Why aren't you as appasionate to respond when they are bashing the president, the US or anything american, or even inciting to kill or maime americans?:S
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Why aren't you as appasionate to respond when they are bashing the president, the US or anything american, or even inciting to kill or maime americans

What you see as bashing I don't always see as bashing, I see as criticism; sometimes I agree with it, sometimes I don't. I happen to think that GWB is a lousy president, and so I'm likely to agree with people who say that.

And let me go down in history as saying that people who threaten to maim and kill anyone are evil. Americans don't deserve more protection because they're American. That's also not treasonous to say. Targeting any nationality or people (including Americans, probably excluding OBL and al-Zarqawi) for evil is bad.

And, well, I can post here if I want too, even if I am just trying to get people to be polite and see the other side sometimes.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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The brits are great! Their country is great (albeit expensive) to visit. Although the BBC is so weighted to the left, I can't watch it anymore without falling over. Need an equal dose of FOX just to balance out my system.

As for Skyrad's "limey" thread I still think the Guardian fabricated most of those so called "letters from americans". Pretty easy to see: spelling, slang, phrases, etc.

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What you see as bashing I don't always see as bashing, I see as criticism; sometimes I agree with it, sometimes I don't. I happen to think that GWB is a lousy president, and so I'm likely to agree with people who say that.

And let me go down in history as saying that people who threaten to maim and kill anyone are evil. Americans don't deserve more protection because they're American. That's also not treasonous to say. Targeting any nationality or people (including Americans, probably excluding OBL and al-Zarqawi) for evil is bad.

And, well, I can post here if I want too, even if I am just trying to get people to be polite and see the other side sometimes.

It is so nice to read an enlightening voice of reason on here sometimes........ :)

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I hate when she comes in and ruins all my fun with her reasonableness

That's OK. I fixed it. I put us back on track with my previous post.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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That's OK. I fixed it. I put us back on track with my previous post

Ha! And I fart in your general direction:P:P:P

Take that!

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I'm a brit wot uses this website. I've never felt any hate directed at me.

But the amount of hate that democrats and republicans direct at one another is frightening.

I sincerely hope my perception of it is somehow mangled in the translation from American to English.

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But the amount of hate that democrats and republicans direct at one another is frightening.

Unfortunately you're right. I read an article recently about a guy who got busted for assault because he attacked his girlfriend when she said she was voting for Kerry. Pretty sad.

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Yeah... At least Britain is a (reasonably) united kingdom. Particularly in our enjoyment of the "discomfiture" of our wayward former colony.

The "United States" are obviously a sham! How can states claim to be united when it takes no more than 5 carefully chosen words to get half of them at the other half's throats?


PS: I do think it should be made cheaper for Americans to visit here... Nowadays, Fat Americans in loud check trousers, baseball caps, sunglasses (in Scotland!?), and those Pringle sweaters that ONLY americans buy (you know, the ones with the pattern that'll scare animals and small children) are becoming a bit of a rare sight in Edinburgh. I remember when we had a whole industry devoted to making a "certain type" of Tartan... MacSchwartzenburger, McGiacomo, MacPodulski, even MacDonalds, McDisney and MacBurgerKing. Yep, show us an American name and we can make their ancestral clan Tartan!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Grumpy buggers with overpriced beer and shit weather.

I wish I was French:)

I just love the English sense of houmour, "I wish I was French" I laughed so hard it hurt,

I'm A PuddleTown Boy (Crawthorne)

Gone fishing

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