
She aint all that

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The guy is a multi millionaire NBA superstar with a hot wife. If you are going to risk your career and marriage wouldnt you at least do it with a hot chick? Granted you cant see her face, and maybe its because i am an ass man but she does not look like she is all that in this picture.....

Go right ahead, flame away:P


ps- i am one of the few remaining morons who dont know how to make things clicky

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Have you seen the chick that Bill O'Reilly was supposedly harassing? She's not hot either. And let's not forget Monica.

What the hell is wrong with these people? If you're going to inappropriately harass, rape or play hide the cigar, at least make it worth the risk....geez.

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Dude, please. When you are composing your post, can you see a little button on the far right under the writing area called "url"? Just click it once before you paste the url, and once after.

Give it a try... ;)

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Check out Kobe's interview with police if you don't know what I'm talking about.

I am glad they put that up. You can at least get a feel for what Kobe was thinking. After reading that a few weeks ago, it became a bit more clear what happened.

She did tell Kobe "NO", but only after he asked if he could shoot his man candy all over her face. It pissed her off and she figured she would get even.

Someone else said something about her getting bent over a chair and and fucked till she bled.

I used to have GF that liked to have sex standing up bent over a chair. Big deal. I had another that liked to be choked while having sex (I only did that once, I was scared I would hurt her). Bleeding? Well I have had that happen to girls before as well.

All Kobe did was cheat on his wife (I don't condone that) and try to get freaky with that girl. She felt disrespected and is trying to get even. At least that is the way I see it. She wants the money plain and simple. If she wasn't after the money she would have kept up the criminal case. By saying that she didn't want her reputation to get ruined is B.S.

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Really? You've been with a sexually active woman who bled while she was having sex with you? Not a virgin, not someone who was menstruating? That typically does not happen during consensual sex, which is one reason the DA felt they had a strong case.

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Maybe he figured a more attractive woman would have a problem with being bent over a chair, strangled and f*ed til she bled. Silly Kobe, this woman didn't like it either!

I think Kobe is silly for not picking a chick with a nicer ass.

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Maybe he figured a more attractive woman would have a problem with being bent over a chair, strangled and f*ed til she bled. Silly Kobe, this woman didn't like it either!

I think Kobe is silly for not picking a chick with a nicer ass.

Maybe he hangs with Sir MixALot. "I like big butts ..."

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Really? You've been with a sexually active woman who bled while she was having sex with you? Not a virgin, not someone who was menstruating? That typically does not happen during consensual sex, which is one reason the DA felt they had a strong case.

I asked her what the hell was that all about and she said "you should have seen it before I had my baby" This girls was TINY down there! As much as I would like to think it was the huge size of my manhood, the fact is she was just very, very tight.

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Really? You've been with a sexually active woman who bled while she was having sex with you? Not a virgin, not someone who was menstruating? That typically does not happen during consensual sex, which is one reason the DA felt they had a strong case.

I had a friend tell me once that she bled after having sex with this guy who has a notoriously large penis. Judging from Kobe's overall body size, I think there's a good chance that he might have a large penis too, so it's possible that he could have caused her to bleed from normal consensual sex.

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Yes, its possible. Its also possible she's telling the truth and he raped her. Unfortunately, the criminal case was dropped before it went to trial, and the civil case will most likely be quietly settled. Sadly, a lot of personal and very damaging information about her was leaked to the press before trial. The information about her injuries and his own statements weren't made public until the case was dropped. That evidence, presented to a jury, would have been extremely damaging. Whether he's "just a guy who tried to get freaky" or a rapist, he doesn't look too good these days and that's 100% his fault.

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Sadly, a lot of personal and very damaging information about her was leaked to the press before trial. .

What damaging information was leaked to the press? Her sexual history? Perhaps if she didnt have that type of "history" she wouldnt be in this mess.

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Her name for starters. It, along with most sexual assult cases was to be a sealed case with the victims name not being released. Instead the courts forgotto erase it from a bunch of documents they released to the press, and the press did'nt take the time or effort to remove it.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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when you make allegations against a known worldwide superstar you have to accept the fact shit is going to happen.....It is sad, but that is why alot of famous people get away with this shit, people choose not to press charges because of these very reasons....She was probably told by her attorneys that it was highly possible her name would come out and shit would be talked about her...

Sad but true, she chose to accept the risks by going to court.

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Kind of chicks that would double up on a dude like me

Actually seriously, studies show that the biggest factor in infidelity, etc is not 'hot' but accessible and willingness.
And as far as Kobe and O'reilly, there is such gold digger risk, who can even be sure.
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If there is even a possiblity that a 'victim' had sex at least once after the incident and then when to the police, the entire bulk of physical evidence is no longer evidence.
There were a lot of questions raised that were far from unfortunate in my opinion. The lack personal responsibility these days is absolutely ridiculous. If you don't want something questionable to happen then don't end up naked in the room with someone you know nothing about for starters. Additionally, if you do choose to take action against something that happened from a bad situation, then do so ASAP, and play it straight.
All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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I know that rape is a touchy subject. I am not trying to take away from what she may have went through.

But after reading the statements that Kobe gave to the police and hearing the things that her "friends" said about her. I truely think she wasn't raped. She got in over her head and when he asked if could leave a present on her face she felt disrespected. She even asked forhis autograph after it was over. Does that sound like someone that was just raped? She even wrote a letter to the police to apologize for lying in her statments to them about Kobe and the things that happend that night. Go to www.thesmokinggun.com and you can read it for yourself. If she lied about part of it. How can you think that she didn't lie about more of it.

The other thing thing is that rape is a crime of violence and anger. Rapists usually hate women and want to hurt them. Kobe doesn't seem to be that type of person. OF course I only "know" him from TV and his ads, but he just doesn't come off in any situation I have seen him in as an angry man that hates women. Could I be wrong? SURE I can. I am just giving my observations on this.

Now if she had said that Allan Iverson, or Latrell Spreewell had done this , I might believe her. Those are a couple of angry guys at times. Iverson has even pulled guns on people.

Another thing. She said she stopped working with the Police because she didn't want her reputation to be hurt and didn't want her sex life out in public. Whatever! All that has already been put out there.

Now she is going for the money. Her name legally has to be made public now. All of her sexual history is fair game in a civil trail as well (unless I misunderstood what I have been reading the last few days).

So what is her true motivation? It has to be the money. She could have stuck to her guns and not went for money and tried to put him behind bars. Then, I may have believed her. All she would have got out of the deal is Kobe behind bars. Isn't that where he bleongs if he did this to her?

Or if she had stuck to the criminal case and won and then went ofter the money. I would have thought that she was telling the truth. Now it just looks like she knew she was gonna lose the criminal trail and decided to go for the money before that was shot down as well.

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Each side had expert witnesses with regards to the DNA evidence. The leaks came from the testimony of Bryant's "expert" witnesses, the prosecution had their own who refuted those allegations. But, since the case never went to trial, that side won't be heard from.

All in all, the press leaks were extremely one sided and the accuser/ victim was tried in the media and convicted of being a gold digging slut by the general public while the majority of the facts weren't known.

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Now that tings are coming out in the open. Name one thing that we didn't know that has came out that points a finger at Kobe? Other then what she say's.

Kelly brought up a good point. Kobe is a BIG guy and I am sure his Johnson is big as well. From behind would make it seem bigger as well.

I wonder what the results of a poll would be if they asked every woman that has had sex with an NBA player if their vagina bled? How many would say yes? I bet there would be more yes's then no's.

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I see your point, while I don't totally agree with it. Either way it goes the other way many many many times in cases where a superstar is not involved. If it went this way in a high profile case, I am crying no tears.
I think we are overrun with gratitious litigation in this country. The fact we are even debating this speaks to that. So many people have cried wolf, there is ensuing debate whenever one gets mentioned.

Rape and sexual abuse is a very very grave subject. The individuals that have cheapened it by false suits have done as much damage as an attacker.
All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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