
An Animal-Rights Lie

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In the news (Maryland):

An animal-rights activist has sent out a mass mailing to property owners stating they should not allow bear hunters on their properties because 40 percent of them are drug addicts, drunks or mentally unstable.

Earle Hightower, chairman of the Institute for Public Safety, acknowledges the statistic printed on 600 cards is phony, but says it's all for the cause.

"My personal opinion is that anybody who goes out and shoots helpless animals has a psychiatric problem," said Mr. Hightower. "Logically, statistically if you look at a sample of the regular population, certain people will have some kind of psychiatric problems."

Full Story: Washington Times

To the anti-gun crowd, lying is okay, if it helps achieve what you want. The end justifies the means...

Oh, and if bear hunters can't be trusted, since some percentage of the population has psychiatric problems, then shouldn't we also disarm the police? And for gosh sakes, no one should be trusted to drive a motor vehicle!

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An animal-rights activist has sent out a mass mailing to property owners stating they should not allow bear hunters on their properties because 40 percent of them are drug addicts, drunks or mentally unstable.

The first time I read this, I thought the comments about drugs, alcohol, and mental instability applied to the bears, not the hunters.:D

I have a vision of a world of vegetarians. Bears should be natural converts to the cause. We have a chance with lions and wolves. I'm not sure how we're going to train the great white sharks, but I'm sure the PETA Extension Office will help. Won't you contribute to the cause?


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Wow John, did they do a profile on you when they wanted to find out more about people who carry guns?

<Damn, where is that Kissing Face Icon?>
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Oh, and if bear hunters can't be trusted, since some percentage of the population has psychiatric problems, then shouldn't we also disarm the police? And for gosh sakes, no one should be trusted to drive a motor vehicle!

The difference there is that the bear hunters have proven themselves to be individuals that enjoy killing and the power trip it gives - and hence shouldnt be allowed out in public, whereas the police are hopefully trying to control these primates when they break their curfew :D

Bodyflight Bedford

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The difference there is that the bear hunters have proven themselves to be individuals that enjoy killing and the power trip it gives - and hence shouldnt be allowed out in public

Do you eat meat? Wear leather?

Your theory is full of crap.

There are about 15 million hunters in America. If they were so darned dangerous to the rest of society, we would have heard about it. Just because someone likes to shoot a deer and put venison in their freezer, doesn't mean that they are dangerous to people. That kind of extrapolation of motivations is total bunk. You might as well accuse baseball players of being drunk on the power of hitting things with bats, and using that to suggest that they like to club people to death.

That theory is yet another fine example of anti-gun bigotry.

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John, he had a smiley, and I'll just bet that post was intended to be funny.

Drop that chip off your shoulder and back away slowly :P;)

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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