
Who will win the election, I'll go with this.

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edit: shit.. I forgot I was in speakers corner..

TD = Touchdown. Thats when the offense carries the ball over the goal line. They get six points added to the scoreboard for this accomplishment. :ph34r:
It is, however, possible for the defense to score, but thats bad for the team playing offense.

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You really want that prissy Kerry in office? He wouldnt defend his mama, much less our freedom.

Funny. But how does Bush defend our freedom from himself. [:/]

I cant answer a question posed like that. All I can say is that the mentality of our culture (ie.. lets talk this out and reason through it.. killing people is bad, starving your people is bad... ) will NEVER correspond or be received by the mentality of middle eastern culture. They hate Americans, and they hate freedom, and since we cant talk them out of it, we can only defend ourselves in a language that they can understand.
They have tenth century mentality with modern day weapons. How freaking scary is that?

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Now I'm confused. Who is they? I keep hearing you guys saying that they hate freedom and hate democracy. But then you say that we're in Iraq to free them and give them democracy. Why are we giving them something that they hate? How do you expect that to succeed?

Or are you saying that Bush's stated objectives and goals in Iraq are completely impossible?

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Or are you saying that Bush's stated objectives and goals in Iraq are completely impossible?

I dont think we are in Iraq to free them and give them democracy.. or at least to not force it on them, but rather give them an opportunity to take it.
I dont think that Bush's stated objectives and goals are completely impossible. But I have serious doubts that things are going to turn out as he has planned. It may take a long time for the Iraqui people to find peace and comfort in thier home land. And honestly, I dont care what kind of government they develop.. whatever makes them happy is fine with me. As long as theyre not pointing nukes at the USA, or any other country.
I want peace. And I hate that it takes military power to acheive it.. but it just does. And yes, fighting for peace in the middle east may well be a losing battle.. but what would happen if we just sat here like dumbasses saying "its none of our business what you do"? So while it may very well be true that what we are doing over there will accomplish nothing, we know that doing nothing over there will destroy us. We're not trying to take over Iraq. We're just playing defense.

peace out.

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We're just playing defense.

From what?


And yes, fighting for peace in the middle east may well be a losing battle.. but what would happen if we just sat here like dumbasses saying "its none of our business what you do"?

There IS a middle ground between doing nothing and total war.

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Chaos -

One thing you have to realise here in SC. If you attempt to argue with PK - the subject is subjective. He will go around in circles, change the subject, and generally rearrange the contexts of the statements that he or anyone else makes.

Wait until you try to get him to answer a direct question that requires a "Yes" or " No" answer. If and that is a big "If" he cannot find a flaw in your question and he does not agree with you, but, he has been forced to admit you are right by answering one way or another, well, that is where the fun begins. You can ask him to answer, and he won't, Just ignores the question like it didn't exist, yet he wants you answer his questions. It's pretty rediculous most of the time, but every now and again he does provide humor.

Good luck in your adventure.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I'm not interested in arguing. I'm just infatuated with the fact that we, (I'll go ahead and define "we" as Americans), have the right to have opinions that differ from the leaders of our country, and our friends, and we can express them without getting our heads chopped off.

I'll listen to anything PhillyKev has to say as long as he listens to me with the same respect.

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Thanks, I have no desire to argue with you. I am interested in having a discussion and I'm glad you, and most other people on here do as well.

I'll leave the paragraph long attacks on other people's character and integrity to those who would prefer controversy to intelligent discussion.

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We're just playing defense.

From what?


And yes, fighting for peace in the middle east may well be a losing battle.. but what would happen if we just sat here like dumbasses saying "its none of our business what you do"?

There IS a middle ground between doing nothing and total war.

Your right that middle ground was during the clinton years when we said... Oh well it is the UN's problem.... Let SH fire at our planes every day, and send money to suicide bomber, Ohhhh yeah and steal money from the Oil for Food program!!!!

Nice middle ground!!!!

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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I firmly believe that if 9/11 had not happened, we would not have gone to war. But it did happen, and we did go to war, so its neither here nor there at this point. We are still in Iraq, but the war we are fighting now is the war on terror.

Think back in history, to the many cultures that extinguished themselves. You would think that the same thing would happen to the muslim extremists who tape bombs to thier teenagers and put them on a bus. The problem is, protecting everyone else while they take themselves out.
Thats sick, isnt it?

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>Nice middle ground!!!!

Middle ground was containment. Let SH fire at our planes then destroy his air bases, until they were reduced to firing at patrols with AK-47's. Isolate him. Let him do whatever he wants until he is finally overthrown by an insurgency (you may have noticed those in Iraq.)

The extreme is what we have now. 1000 US soldiers dead. Over 10,000 innocent Iraqis dead. A country in shambles, and tens of billions of dollars of reconstruction to do. An occupation that will last years at the very minimum. A rise in terrorism worldwide. A resurgence of Al Qaeda. This is a good outcome? Other than providing a great backdrop for a "MISSION ACCOMPLISED" party and some really great CNN footage, can't see the war as anything other than a negative right now.

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