
Kerry supporters rip up 3 year-old girl's Bush/Cheney poster

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Three-year-old Sophia Parlock cries while seated on the shoulders of her father, Phil Parlock, after having their Bush-Cheney sign torn up by Kerry-Edwards supporters on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004, at the Tri-State Airport in Huntington, WV.

Nice. Another reason I don't want Kerry in the White House. How disgusting.


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Three-year-old Sophia Parlock cries while seated on the shoulders of her father, Phil Parlock, after having their Bush-Cheney sign torn up by Kerry-Edwards supporters on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004, at the Tri-State Airport in Huntington, WV.

Nice. Another reason I don't want Kerry in the White House. How disgusting.

I don't want Kerry in the Whitehouse either but you need to differentiant between the man and his supporters. What was her father doing bringing her to a pro Kerry rally with a Bush/Cheney sign? He was too chicken to hold the sign himself so he made his daughter hold it. She would have been happy holding ANY sign. The supporters were wrong to rip it up but the she shouldn't have been there in the first place. I blame the father, with your logic I shouldn't support a person (Bush) whos followers would wilfully put their daughters into a situation where they are likely to get hurt.

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He was too chicken to hold the sign himself so he made his daughter hold it.

How'd you figure that out? Did you finally invent a tool to read someone's mind?


The supporters were wrong to rip it up but the she shouldn't have been there in the first place.

Where should she have been? In the free speech zone down the road?


I blame the father,

You blame the father because the Kerry supporters acted badly? How on EARTH did you get there?


with your logic I shouldn't support a person (Bush) whos followers would wilfully put their daughters into a situation where they are likely to get hurt.

One would expect adults to act like adults, no matter what their political affiliation or leanings. Are you suggesting that the father should have known that the Kerry supporters were going to act badly?

Your entire post is crap.

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He was too chicken to hold the sign himself so he made his daughter hold it.

How'd you figure that out? Did you finally invent a tool to read someone's mind?

If you actually pay attention to ANY rally that has happened in the past several YEARS you'll know that things get heated. You'll know that if you go to a Rally supporting 'the other guy' you will feel the wrath of the rally supporters. This father, went to the rally knowing full well that he was going to stir up shit. That in itself is not a problem. His problem is he goes, brings his kids and then hides behind them. His thought process was probably 'Nobody will hurt my little girl'. No, Obviously I haven't invented a magic tool to know his thoughts, don't be rediculous. This my opionion. It would be the same if it was a Bush rally and a Kerry sign.



The supporters were wrong to rip it up but the she shouldn't have been there in the first place.

Where should she have been? In the free speech zone down the road?

So you suggest that a 3 year old, who cannot read is excersizing HER free speech by holding a sign? Really? HER free speech? The child should have been home or playing with friends. Hire a baby sitter if you have to, don't drag them to a rally when you know it could turn ugly.



I blame the father,

You blame the father because the Kerry supporters acted badly? How on EARTH did you get there?

He should have known better. How many recent rallys have had an issue between supporters? How many times has a person been dragged down for holding the incorrect sign? I can think of 3 or 4 off the top of my head. All in the recent past, ALL had major news coverage. Yes, the Kerry supporters should have acted like adults. The Father should have known what would have happened and should have protected his family. That is the job of a parent.



with your logic I shouldn't support a person (Bush) whos followers would wilfully put their daughters into a situation where they are likely to get hurt.

One would expect adults to act like adults, no matter what their political affiliation or leanings. Are you suggesting that the father should have known that the Kerry supporters were going to act badly?

Yes, he should have known. He also shouldn't be exploiting his children to support his cause. Leave them at home and get the biggest sign to show your support. Don't give a sign to your kid and then hide behind them


Your entire post is crap.

Actually it is a bunch of electrons, forming bits stored on a server somewhere on the Internet. It is aslo my opinion, you may THINK it is crap, in that case I think you are wrong


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Three-year-old Sophia Parlock cries while seated on the shoulders of her father, Phil Parlock, after having their Bush-Cheney sign torn up by Kerry-Edwards supporters on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004, at the Tri-State Airport in Huntington, WV.

Nice. Another reason I don't want Kerry in the White House. How disgusting.

What's disgusting to me is that a man would use his 3 year old daughter in the first place to promote his own political agenda. It's one thing to bring her to a Bush rally and let her experience the excitement of the campaign. It's quite another to set her up at a Kerry rally with a sign that's calculated to start trouble.

That being said, the Kerry supporters shouldn't have ripped up the sign.


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What's disgusting to me is that a man would use his 3 year old daughter in the first place to promote his own political agenda.

He did nothing wrong. Just took his daughter to support the president. Very American.

What's disgusting is the liberals acting like all liberals do...like cowards tormenting a little girl just because they are patriotic. Very unamerican.


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like cowards tormenting a little girl just because they are patriotic***
Supporting Bush = patriotic?
Supporting Kerry=unpatriotic?
Since when has the Stars and Stripes been replaced by Bush/Cheney '04?

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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What's disgusting to me is that a man would use his 3 year old daughter in the first place to promote his own political agenda.

He did nothing wrong. Just took his daughter to support the president. Very American.

Bullshit. He used his daughter as a pawn in his own media campaign. He knew exactly what to expect because he's done it before:


A Barboursville man with a history of having physical confrontations at political rallies denies he set up an incident at a gathering for Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. John Edwards on Thursday.


In October 2000, Parlock said supporters of Vice President Al Gore grabbed Bush-Cheney signs from his 12-year-old son and a woman he allowed to sit on his shoulders at a Gore rally. In August 1996, Parlock said a supporter of President Bill Clinton knocked him to the ground when he held up a sign saying “Remember Vince Foster,” the deputy White House counsel who committed suicide.

Source: http://wvgazette.com/section/News/2004091748


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He used his daughter as a pawn

agreed. can't see it any other way. they weren't just supporting the president. they were in a confrontational location. who knows, he coulda told the girl to cry nice for the cameras if someone yells at her and takes the sign...

yes, the people who did this are cowards. but this dad's a little high up on the coward scale too don't ya think?

shoot, what's the power of a presidential campaign sign anyway? when's the last time you all saw a campaign sign and it educated you or changed your mind on how to vote for president anyway?

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What's disgusting to me is that a man would use his 3 year old daughter in the first place to promote his own political agenda.

He did nothing wrong. Just took his daughter to support the president. Very American.

What's disgusting is the liberals acting like all liberals do...like cowards tormenting a little girl just because they are patriotic. Very unamerican.

This coming from the guy who advocated physically assaulting Linda Ronstadt for dedicating a song.

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What's disgusting to me is that a man would use his 3 year old daughter in the first place to promote his own political agenda.

He did nothing wrong. Just took his daughter to support the president. Very American.

What's disgusting is the liberals acting like all liberals do...like cowards tormenting a little girl just because they are patriotic. Very unamerican.

This coming from the guy who advocated physically assaulting Linda Ronstadt for dedicating a song.

When liberals act like liberals, nobody notices; except maybe forname/anatomy jokes.
When a conservative resorts to 'liberal' tatics?!

The bad part is: that little girl will probably grow up to be Squeaky Frome or Sarah Jane Moore .


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For what it's worth I'm seeing lots of destroyed or defaced Bush/Cheney signs in this area, but I haven't yet seen a damaged Kerry/Edwards sign. In my experience the left is much less civil than the right.


(For the record, I'm not voting for either of these teams...)

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In my experience the left is much less civil than the right.

This is true. Conservatives are more calm, cool and collected. It's liberals who are insane. It's liberals who put out "documentaries" which are grossly distorted, biased and outright lies. It's liberals who attack 3 year-old girls.

I often wonder what it's like to be a liberal. What it's like to be in constant misery. To be bitter 24/7. I mean no liberal will ever admit that they are any of these things, of course. In fact they'll state the opposite. But look closely. You'll see angry, bitter, whiny people who are in absolute misery. It's truly sad.


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In my experience the left is much less civil than the right.

This is true. Conservatives are more calm, cool and collected. It's liberals who are insane. It's liberals who put out "documentaries" which are grossly distorted, biased and outright lies. It's liberals who attack 3 year-old girls.

I often wonder what it's like to be a liberal. What it's like to be in constant misery. To be bitter 24/7. I mean no liberal will ever admit that they are any of these things, of course. In fact they'll state the opposite. But look closely. You'll see angry, bitter, whiny people who are in absolute misery. It's truly sad.

Actually, it's worse than that - I met one last week, at the place I work as a volunteer.

This dimbulb went on and on about how "entitled" she was to all the benefits she was getting from local public services because of her "anxiety condition".

Wanted us to bend over backwards for her because if we did, she would refer cases (like her own) from the dept of vocational rehab. This involved providing her with all kinds of additional services she didn't have to pay for. She kept us there until 10pm, despite the fact that we're unpaid volunteers.

Demanded to use our phone. We've only got one.

Bragged about how she was interviewed on local TV when ol' fatso came to town recently.

Urged us to vote for Kerry because "things will be so much better"...

...yeah, right.

It was all I could do to keep from flogging her with a power cord.>:(



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This is true. Conservatives are more calm, cool and collected. It's liberals who are insane. It's liberals who put out "documentaries" which are grossly distorted, biased and outright lies. It's liberals who attack 3 year-old girls.

I often wonder what it's like to be a liberal. What it's like to be in constant misery. To be bitter 24/7. I mean no liberal will ever admit that they are any of these things, of course. In fact they'll state the opposite. But look closely. You'll see angry, bitter, whiny people who are in absolute misery. It's truly sad.

hahahhaa. that is funny stuff man. you seriously mean that? :S

MB 3528, RB 1182

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I often wonder what it's like to be a liberal. What it's like to be in constant misery. To be bitter 24/7. I mean no liberal will ever admit that they are any of these things, of course. In fact they'll state the opposite. But look closely. You'll see angry, bitter, whiny people who are in absolute misery***
There are actually rumors that they can now only be found in circuses. However, I heard from a reliable source (he worked for the CIA prior to the war in Iraq) that there are few more held in captivity at various psychiatric institutions. Tests are being performed on them, mostly to make sure their liberalism is not contagious.

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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He used his daughter as a pawn

agreed. can't see it any other way. they weren't just supporting the president. they were in a confrontational location.

Wait a minute, aren't you the person who just pointed out the oxymoron of "free speech...zones?

Now you're saying this guy shouldn't have brought his daughter into a "confrontational location"?

What do you call it when thousands of disruptive Democrat supporters show up to misdirect and harass Republican supporters at the RNC in NYC? Isn't being there "confrontational"? Or is this only about being in a "confrontational location" with his daughter?


who knows, he coulda told the girl to cry nice for the cameras if someone yells at her and takes the sign...

So, you throw out a "he coulda" and now what, we operate on the assumption that your conjecture is the fact?

Who knows, Kerry coulda had his minions implant mind-control devices in the brains of the guy and his daughter so that they would go to the "confrontational location" and make themselves look like troublemakers.

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"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Three-year-old Sophia Parlock cries while seated on the shoulders of her father, Phil Parlock, after having their Bush-Cheney sign torn up by Kerry-Edwards supporters on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004, at the Tri-State Airport in Huntington, WV.

Nice. Another reason I don't want Kerry in the White House. How disgusting.

An asshole is an asshole is an asshole. they all come in all sizes & shapes. There's probably a picture somewhere of a little kid crying because they tore up her Kerry-Edwards poster too.

Not to mention all the kids who've been killed because they're Russians, or Chechens, or Arabs or Jews, or black Africans in Darfur.

I doubt very much thhat anyone can prove there was a directive from Kerry Campaign Headquarters to tear up Bush-Cheney posters being carried by small children.

This is just a sad reflection on the general level of public incivility and not on either Kerry OR Bush, for that matter.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I often wonder what it's like to be a liberal. What it's like to be in constant misery. To be bitter 24/7. I mean no liberal will ever admit that they are any of these things, of course. In fact they'll state the opposite. But look closely. You'll see angry, bitter, whiny people who are in absolute misery. It's truly sad.

Just look at yourself and similar people during the 90s. Same exact personality. No matter what Clinton did, you couldn't stop him.

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