
Arguments for (or against) the existence of God

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So which commandments do we have to follow? I mean, according to you it's not as simple as reading them and obeying them. According to you the bible could say one thing but mean something completely different.

Are we allowed to have other gods before Jesus? Can we? Is this acceptable?

I say we can. Even though the bible says you can't, I think saying we can't is just a "misunderstanding". Right? Isn't that the word you use whenever the bible contradicts itself? You say it's taken out of context and it's a misunderstanding?

Yes, have all the gods you want. The commandment stating the opposite is just a misunderstanding and taken out of context.


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I just don't think that the bible was either inspired or written by "God". It is a compilation of folk stories chosen by a group of men a long time ago. Anyone trying to convince me of the existance of "God" will have to do so with out the bible.

Pretty tough restriction you've put on yourself but it's still possible. :)

not really... i know several people who have 'found' (although i prefer 'heard') God much more easily once we got the bible and noise of Man's interpretation and political agendas out of the way... in fact i'd wager the bible prevents a great many from even looking very hard
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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your on going argument with Tuna in this thread could be considered one example.... i could pour gas on either side really, but its progressing rather well and i'm impressed with the depth of research your doing..

the bible certainly helps many once they find God themselves, I've got 3 (4 if you count the Boomer, but i wouldnt really.. God is there too but shes laughing more than anything else ;)) sitting behind me and pick them up on occasion for new insights as well, but the signal to noise ratio is just to low for many i've met to start there....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Prove it to yourself by this little exercise. Think back to when you were five years old. Your mind, body, and personality were not yet fully formed; in fact, not one atom of your then body is part of you now, your immature mind was incapable of complex thought, and your personality has likely changed considerably. Nevertheless your sense of I-ness is the same, and when you draw your last breath it will still be "you" who does it. This continuity of awareness is who you are--the one who experiences the sensations presented to it by the senses, the one who experiences the endless swarm of thoughts that are generated by the mind, the conscious entity that lives inside the body. This is the one unchanging thing about us. By isolating our "selves" (by simply noticing it when the mind is quiet) we notice that "we" are unlimited in time and space. This is a very simple experience, nothing flashy or sensational about it. Perhaps it is the "peace that passeth all understanding." Perhaps God really does dwell within, or, as Jesus is supposed to have said, "the kingdom of heaven lies within." When a person discovers that, there is no more need for "proofs," nor will one need religion or any external God.
"Here's a good specimen of my own wisdom. Something is so, except when it isn't so."

Charles Fort, commenting on the many contradictions of astronomy

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Maybe the things that matter the most cannot be proven. Can you prove that someone loves you? You can gather evidence, but you can never know what is really in someone's heart.
"Here's a good specimen of my own wisdom. Something is so, except when it isn't so."

Charles Fort, commenting on the many contradictions of astronomy

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So I'll take you answering a question with a question as a "no, I can't provide proof, evidence nor explain the hundreds of contradictions in the bible.

Got it, thanks.

Tried that...but you're obviously unwilling to dig into the meat of the subject. You simply want short answers to substantiate shallow claims. I'll ask again what Brits17 and I have asked before. What is your standard of proof? From the movie "Red Planet", are you looking to pick up a rock and find "Made by God" printed on the back?

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Perhaps God really does dwell within, or, as Jesus is supposed to have said, "the kingdom of heaven lies within." When a person discovers that, there is no more need for "proofs," nor will one need religion or any external God.

Interesting quote. This I can wholeheartedly agree with. Wrapped in my husbands arms, both of us silent and still, absorbing the beauty of nature around us, feeling the sun on our faces or snow beneath our feet, that is when we are at total peace with ourselves and the world. Nothing goes through our minds but admiration of the beauty around us and not minds cluttered with everything else. If that is God, then yes, I believe in that. To me, at least, it is truly heaven and I could live all eternity that way. Togas and wings aren't my thing and halos would take way too much work to keep polished. Give me good earthy mud any day.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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So I'll take you answering a question with a question as a "no, I can't provide proof, evidence nor explain the hundreds of contradictions in the bible.

Got it, thanks.

This is rather limited in scope and seems like you are not really stretching your brain cells here. Can you prove conclusively that you exist, that we exist, that everything around you is not a byproduct of your imagination or neurons? It is impossible. You can give hedgy supporting evidence, heartrates, etc. But you can never truly know for certain that anything is real and not neural noise or a big fat hallucination on your part. You can only go on your gut and what information you can garner.

I may not agree with Christianity, but even I can see that some things are just not explainable in a sentence or two.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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My wife is full of contradictions both real and perceived...........she contradicts herself all the time, but she is real and her primary purpose or mission in life remains unchanged. I can assure all she is real.

HEY!! Women never contradict themselves. We are unyeilding rocks of consistency. Mostly. Except for when we aren't.....

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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