
Bodies of WWI soldiers found in glacier

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If we were under attack - would france come over and defend us?

duude im so sick of thouse comments about Germans and frensh people...>:(
Ofcours boths countryes would help you if needed,if you ever open your eyes and see who is complaining about another countryes you will see that US are the one that complains most...
i whish that US would get over the ego that soon has lived an human age.Time moves,if you dont,your the problem...

thanks i feel better now:)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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my husband is French: Just imagine his reaction...



and international complications!

okay im ready,were should we meet:D:P

EDIT:oh can i bring my kids:)(not for the sex but,i guess we aswell could moove together then:D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I see your point - yes time does move and everything is going in one direction or another - sometimes advancing and declining at once.

I do believe, however, that there would be a giant protest should the US need help and the european countries were needed to help.

This is not a far fetched fantasy I am refering to.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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I do believe, however, that there would be a giant protest should the US need help and the european countries were needed to help.

i do belive your right,but i actualy think that the scream would rise from US itself.. sorry[:/]

you know US and Europe are like brothers,we like each other and we hate each other.One thing US just should rember,Europe is bigbrother,even as US is the strongest(now read that whitha smile on your mouth and laugh whith me:P)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I do believe, however, that there would be a giant protest should the US need help and the european countries were needed to help.

There wasn't when we went into Afghanistan. In fact they volunteered to help. Now that Bush and Rumsfeld have harpooned the good will that the world had for us after 9/11, things are a bit different though, that is true.

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I do believe, however, that there would be a giant protest should the US need help and the european countries were needed to help.

This is not a far fetched fantasy I am refering to.

Once again, there were very little protesting about going to Afghanistan. It's when the motivation is not clear that you will get protesting. The US did NOT back up the intervention in Egypt by the French, British and Israeli in 1956 (it actually vetoed military intervention at the UN). And I have no problem with it.
Also, the US did NOT get militarily involved in neither WWI nor WWII until it had been attacked by Germany and then Japan. Why? Because the government COULD NOT justify sending GIs to get killed to the US population. Am I wrong?

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I do believe, however, that there would be a giant protest should the US need help and the european countries were needed to help.

I doubt it. Picture a hypothetical war scenario involving attacks on the US by Chinese forces. Do you really think our NATO allies would sit around and refuse to help? I don't. Same as I'd expect us to rally to the defense of european territory were it invaded.

The fact that we yell at each other on these boards does not mean that our leaders are foolish enough to abandon our alliances.
-- Tom Aiello

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ps are you older than my mom?not that it matter,but i just try to figure a way to tell my mom

ask you mother just to join us, she will love it ;)
how old is you old lady? Hey, I was 20 when I had to marry :) or so....

I think it's better to come back to topic, right? :D:D

I will go and ask my father/grandfather if they ever saw an Austrian uniform? And we should not forget, that Austria/Hungaria were playing an important roll in these days (WW1 and before). Wonder if anyone outside Europe still knows it?


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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...Austria/Hungaria were playing an important roll in these days (WW1 and before). Wonder if anyone outside Europe still knows it?

Would you like a short discourse on the transformation of the Habsburg empire into the dual monarchy? Or perhaps a dissertation on the Treaty of Trianon and it's effects?
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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Would you like a short discourse on the transformation of the Habsburg empire into the dual monarchy? Or perhaps a dissertation on the Treaty of Trianon and it's effects?***

I dare you, Tom. And you can't use Google!;)


"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Would you like a short discourse on the transformation of the Habsburg empire into the dual monarchy? Or perhaps a dissertation on the Treaty of Trianon and it's effects

No, not really. Fact is, it's easy just to do a "google search". This is not my way of entering any discussion. What I'm throwing into a "discussion" is my own knowledge, my own brain. (Probably a small one, who knows? ;)) So I do not need to read a discourse I'm able to do by myself.

My question was not ironique, simply a question, as I could imagine, these time periods are mainly forgotten. I just tried to remember what I learned, what I still have in mind.

Very important to know: How do other countries outside Europe judge these events, ending with 1st WW?

This was my very first idea upon reading in news paper that these Austrian bodies were found. And such would be my answer to you.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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I don't have to. How many people do you know (not just Americans) outside of Hungary who can tell you what the Treaty of Trianon even _was_? But I'm sort of cheating, having spent a year of my university time in Budapest, I've had several courses on Hapsburg history.

BTW, Austria didn't fight in WWI. By that time (post 1867, if I recall correctly), it was the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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So, with no google (just for you)...


How do other countries outside Europe judge these events, ending with 1st WW?

Honestly, I'd say that the events resulting from the first world war were more significant from those leading up to it. Previously, European wars (and most other wars) were fought as "gentleman's conflicts". No real mass armies (although that had it's roots in the Napoleonic wars, particularly with the Levee En Mass), repatriation of officers and nobles at wars end, very minor territorial concessions, etc. But the end of WWI was completely different. Entire nations were dismembered and forgotten (such was the fate of the Austro-Hungarian empire). Largely, I'd blame the American influence on the peacemakers in Paris for this (remember Wilson's "prisonhouse of peoples" comment?). Still, this idea that the map not only could, but _ought_ to be redrawn along ethnic lines had massive consequences leading up to the second world war. It's fairly easy to see the ideas beginning with Wilson's misguided attempt to "free" the minorities in the Austro-Hungarian territory leading almost inevitably to Hitler's attempts to "unify" the ethnic germans into a greater Germany in WWII.

I'll stop rambling and admit that I don't really understand your question. Which events leading up to the first world war are you thinking about?

Why is it that people always assume your using google to find things, when there really are people who have knowledge still stored the old fashioned way--in their brains?
-- Tom Aiello

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BTW, Austria didn't fight in WWI. By that time (post 1867, if I recall correctly), it was the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.***
Indeed, it was the AH empire, ruled by the Hapsburg at that time (whose heir, Francis Ferdinand, was killed in Sarajevo...).
BTW, Hapsburg is also the brand of an exquisite absinthe from BulgariaB|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Why is it that people always assume your using google to find things, when there really are people who have knowledge still stored the old fashioned way--in their brains***
I was just kidding...;)

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Why is it that people always assume your using google to find things, when there really are people who have knowledge still stored the old fashioned way--in their brains?

At first, sometimes I simply read: "A quick google search showed that....."´. This is not my way of discussing, even it's helpful especially regarding details, f. e. years of special events etc. But to really talk with others, it needs more than a PC, probably I am wrong and should reduce my opinion on personal discussions.

At next, this event of discovering dead Austrian soldiers (they do not have a "star" on their cap, it's a alpine flower called "Edelweiss" ) really is a sensation and should show not only Europeans, what the past is able to show us.

And furthermore, one interesting point is that the WW1 was not initiated by Germans;

Our allied in those days were the Austrians(Austrian/Hungarian Donau Monarchy), later attacked by Serbia (their allied were Russians) which finally killed the successor of the throne in Sarajewo). The 1st WW begun.

I do not remember in detail in which threads it's been mentioned: We, the poor, small Germans :S) did inflame all fires of war, i.e. 1st n 2nd WW. This seems to be a general opinion outside Europe. This was my reason to ask: What does the world "outside" really know about these events in the begin of 19th century? You know, it's easy just to blame us on all, WW1 and WW2. And that's incorrect.

I never would apologize for anything happening before I was borne. That's not my biz. It's simply surprising to read the ideas of others, which seem to still remain in days 60 years ago (ore more?)

OK, thats enough and should not inflame something else. You understand what I mean? If not, just blame it on my bad English :)


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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And furthermore, one interesting point is that the WW1 was not initiated by Germans;

Our allied in those days were the Austrians(Austrian/Hungarian Donau Monarchy), later attacked by Serbia (their allied were Russians) which finally killed the successor of the throne in Sarajewo). The 1st WW begun.

That's pretty much how it's taught in American schools. Franz Ferdinand definitely figures prominently, as does Gavril Princip (sp?). Most American schoolchildren would probably tell you that WWI was a military response to a political assassination.

I don't think anyone over here is teaching that the Germans started that war.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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And furthermore, one interesting point is that the WW1 was not initiated by Germans;

Our allied in those days were the Austrians(Austrian/Hungarian Donau Monarchy), later attacked by Serbia (their allied were Russians) which finally killed the successor of the throne in Sarajewo). The 1st WW begun.

That's pretty much how it's taught in American schools. Franz Ferdinand definitely figures prominently, as does Gavril Princip (sp?). Most American schoolchildren would probably tell you that WWI was a military response to a political assassination.

I don't think anyone over here is teaching that the Germans started that war.

I suspect MOST American schoolchildren wouldn't know what you were talking about if you asked them. I deal with students for a living and their ignorance of history is appalling.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Most American schoolchildren would probably tell you that WWI was a military response to a political assassination.

Which would be an incomplete answer as well. It was really about class war fare, the dying of monarchies and the influence of the bolsheviks that led to the assasination.

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