
Manipulation of Gas Prices

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Here's an interesting article I stumbled upon regarding oil companies profiting like mad from our pockets.



* ChevronTexaco’s profit jumped 33 percent to $2.56 billion and profits for its U.S. division for oil refining quadrupled from the same period last year to $276 million this year
* ConocoPhillips, the biggest refiner and fuel marketer in the United States, also had a profit increase of 33 percent to $1.62 billion
* ExxonMobil, the world’s largest corporation, raked in profits of $5.44 billion from January to March 2004, more than its entire 2002 total

If you weren't mad enough as it were.


You be the king and I'll overthrow your government. --KRS-ONE

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thats right! if you (orginal poster) dont like the price of fuel...ride your bike. do you have the balls to finance a multimillion dollar refinerery? its called risk/reward...business 101.

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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It appears your perspective has a short attention span. I understand that it is a long article, but perhaps reading it my cause you to lend yourself to forming more than just a trite response. This is more complicated than a "if you don't like X, don't buy/use it" scenario. Financing refineries has less to do with genitalia and more to do with maximizing profit, apparently.

Bill, I agree, but if enough people wake up from their apathy and become enraged at this kind of swindling, they can affect change. Unfortunately, too many people are chasing their tails and running the rat race to see the bigger picture. If gas prices increase gradually, it's less shocking and people are less apt to rebuke petroleum companies.



thats right! if you (orginal poster) dont like the price of fuel...ride your bike. do you have the balls to finance a multimillion dollar refinerery? its called risk/reward...business 101.

You be the king and I'll overthrow your government. --KRS-ONE

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yeah, gas is going up, but the price of fuel has not kept up with inflation. as in, milk, bread, real estate, have all far outpaced the price of fuel...

i hate to say it, but its time for fuel to go up. and since i am being so trite...mabye less people will drive, leavng me some damn space on the road again!

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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Bill, I agree, but if enough people wake up from their apathy and become enraged at this kind of swindling, they can affect change. Unfortunately, too many people are chasing their tails and running the rat race to see the bigger picture. If gas prices increase gradually, it's less shocking and people are less apt to rebuke petroleum companies.

hi rory :)
i see where you are coming from, but i personally would feel REALLY foolish if i were to chide petroleum companies. just think about ALL the OTHER by-products of these refineries (ie: cars, computers, electricity, and on & on & on). these necessities allow us to work, make money and skydive on the weekends, yaaaaaay! B|

actually almost everything in the world comes from oil (except your silks, cottons, etc) so, while people may "rebuke petroleum companies" due to rising fuel prices. we would also be reprimanding MANY other wonderful items that are derivatives of oil.

please don't feel as though i am underrating your knowledge of this, i just wanted to bring something else to the thought-basket. :P

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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I dropped the price of my gas by 17% by slowing down. My truck ('03 Dodge Durango 5.9 L) gets 12.5 MPG when I drive aggressively at 75 MPH. A couple months ago I set my cruise control to 65 MPH and let all the other idiots pass me by. My drive time is MUCH less stressful and I'm running at 15 MPG right now.

Gas price right now for me is $1.73/gallon. I have a 25 gallon tank. I drive 100 miles round trip per day.

Here are some numbers

100 miles/day * 5 days = 500 miles/week * 4.3 = 2150 miles/month

At 12.5 MPG that is 172 gallons/month * $1.72/gallon = $295.84
At 15 MPG that is 143 gallons/month * $1.72/gallon = $245.96

I save $50/month by slowing down. That is 2 extra jumps :)

What I really need to do is get a hybrid and bump my MPG up to 45 MPG but I need this big-assed Durango to haul my equipment around for work.

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"bump my MPG up to 45 MPG but I need this big-assed Durango to haul my equipment around for work."
As a network geek, what sort of heavy equipment are you hauling around?
You'll get decent 45-mpg ish from a big assed diesel station wagon, or even a diesel truck.

To the thread in general, bear in mind that the dollar has fallen against foreign currency, so the effective price per barrel at a foreign market is bound to go up...

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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"bump my MPG up to 45 MPG but I need this big-assed Durango to haul my equipment around for work."
As a network geek, what sort of heavy equipment are you hauling around?
You'll get decent 45-mpg ish from a big assed diesel station wagon, or even a diesel truck.

I have a LOT of big ass equipment. I run an ISP and have SONET gear scattered around. (Cisco ONS 15454). I have routers in a couple POPs (Cisco 7513, 7609). I have modem pools (Lucent APX 8000). I have wireless antennas (8' omni, 3' parabolic). I'm always moving crap around. It is BIG and EXPENSIVE and I don't want to leave it in the back of a pickup. I also live the New England so I need 4x4 in winter. When the power is out and I need to drive 30 miles to kick a generator.

I can justify my use of an SUV. I looked at Ford, Dodge and Chevy. They are all just as bad MPG. When I need to get somewhere at 2 AM with 2 feet of snow on the ground I really need to get there. I'm itching to get a couple antennas on top of a mountain range nearby so I can justify the 4 wheeler/snow mobile combo :ph34r:

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Regardless of oil's byproducts. Petroleum companies are jacking up gasoline prices at a time when our economy is weak and people have less money to spend. People are out of jobs, people are getting paid less, jobs are being shipped overseas. The American populace is being bled dry by petroleum companies at a time when it's the most difficult for them. Not only that, they're using the excuses of terrorism and the fear of hard-ship in the Middle-East as a reason to inflate prices. They're screwing people and lying to them simultaneously. Also, I highly doubt those in other industries such as dairy and bread producers are reaping in those kinds of profits.




Bill, I agree, but if enough people wake up from their apathy and become enraged at this kind of swindling, they can affect change. Unfortunately, too many people are chasing their tails and running the rat race to see the bigger picture. If gas prices increase gradually, it's less shocking and people are less apt to rebuke petroleum companies.

hi corey :)
i see where you are coming from, but i personally would feel REALLY foolish if i were to chide petroleum companies. just think about ALL the OTHER by-products of these refineries (ie: cars, computers, electricity, and on & on & on). these necessities allow us to work, make money and skydive on the weekends, yaaaaaay! B|

actually almost everything in the world comes from oil (except your silks, cottons, etc) so, while people may "rebuke petroleum companies" due to rising fuel prices. we would also be reprimanding MANY other wonderful items that are derivatives of oil.

please don't feel as though i am underrating your knowledge of this, i just wanted to bring something else to the thought-basket. :P

You be the king and I'll overthrow your government. --KRS-ONE

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3 words: Oil is Power :)
yes, i agree, it sucks that this "may be" the reason refineries are raising prices... but do you work for these companies and know the TRUE reason for this?

i don't know your other sources, but i can see how a website with all these "sources" infuriate individuals with this "information" about refineries. i base my opinions from experience. working in the oil industry is full of risks/highs/lows/etc. there is more reason than you, me or a website can address for that matter.

yes, people are in AND out of jobs. people are getting paid more AND less than before. we (americans) are not being bled dry.... i'm sure you are having fun skydiving on the weekends ;).


they're using the excuses of terrorism and the fear of hard-ship in the Middle-East as a reason to inflate prices.

i apologize if this sounds arrogant, but i like to consider sources :)
again i want to address that i am not criticizing your concern. you are really bringing up GREAT points of interest.

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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>The American populace is being bled dry by petroleum companie . . .

Oh please. We have the cheapest gas prices in the world. Anyone "being bled dry" is opening their own veins.

>They're screwing people and lying to them simultaneously.

And people will continue to support their efforts to do so. ALL companies do whatever it takes to maximize their profits within the law. If baby food manufacturers could charge $100 a jar, they would. Since people would switch to alternatives before they paid $100 a jar for baby food, they cannot charge that much and stay in business. People are unwilling to do the same for gas.

The day we are willing to refuse to buy gas at high prices is the day gas prices will stop rising. Many Americans would rather declare bankruptcy than give up their boats, SUV's and ATV's, so that won't happen anytime soon. And when gas hits $5 a gallon? It will be because we are willing to pay it.

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Cool, I had visions of a couple of reels of cable and a few busted cards lying in the back of the truck. I guess you can justify your big assed truck then.:)I'd still be tempted to look into Diesel powered variants though.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Someone else said it, but thats capitalism baby. Its what you sign up for when you vote.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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I have no problem with a "for profit" company turning a profit........Lets see......other businesses that are "for profit".......dz operators,gear manufacturers....videographers......aircraft manufacturers,fbo's etc.:SThe name of the game is return on investment.And like any "liquid commodity" it is subject to supply and demand price fluctuation....but you knew that didnt you?
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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It's unfortunate that people are so ignorant and/or apathetic to getting screwed. Either they don't know they're getting screwed, or they do know it and don't care. People CAN put a stop to it if they wanted to...they're just not getting screwed hard enough, yet. Capitalism: A few people screwing everyone else until there's a revolution.



Someone else said it, but thats capitalism baby. Its what you sign up for when you vote.

You be the king and I'll overthrow your government. --KRS-ONE

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It's unfortunate that people are so ignorant and/or apathetic to getting screwed. Either they don't know they're getting screwed, or they do know it and don't care.

hmmm, ignorant and/or apathetic? so, if we need to start a revolution to put an end to rising fuel prices.... could you enlighten me on how we could go about doing this?

if it involves taking time off of work, and investing money into an organization, i'm afraid i cannot do that [:/].

my friend, i wouldn't consider that Ignorant OR Apathetic. it's called having a Life :)

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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>so, if we need to start a revolution to put an end to rising fuel
>prices.... could you enlighten me on how we could go about doing this?

Now, THAT is a piece of cake. Stop using gasoline. The laws of supply and demand will cause the price of gas to drop rapidly.

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yes THAT is the BEST idea

On the surface it appears to be a good idea, but it is logically flawed. Those most concerned with the price of gas are those that rely most upon its utilization. If an individual is in the position to simply discontinue his or her use of gasoline, then real concern about gas prices on the part of that individual would be a non sequitur. In the absence of real concern, there is no motivation to alter consumption, no subsequent cessation of consumption and no resultant effect of lowering gas prices.

In simplest terms, this is much like saying "stop breathing" to someone who is running out of air.

You can however point to other sources of air. And we can move to other sources of energy.


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On the surface it appears to be a good idea, but it is logically flawed. Those most concerned with the price of gas are those that rely most upon its utilization. If an individual is in the position to simply discontinue his or her use of gasoline, then real concern about gas prices on the part of that individual would be a non sequitur. In the absence of real concern, there is no motivation to alter consumption, no subsequent cessation of consumption and no resultant effect of lowering gas prices.

that's why i had the ":D" before and after ~ i was being very sarcastic ;).

i agree with what you are saying --- it's easier "said than done" :)

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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It's unfortunate that people are so ignorant and/or apathetic to getting screwed. Either they don't know they're getting screwed, or they do know it and don't care. People CAN put a stop to it if they wanted to...they're just not getting screwed hard enough, yet. Capitalism: A few people screwing everyone else until there's a revolution.


So companies don't have the right to make a profit for their shareholders?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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