
bands that I will be boycotting

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you forgot Willie Nelson

and since you appear to like german quotes here's another one:

Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen.

Heinrich Heine 1820
Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true

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That list is pretty respectable but it smells like Democratic Revention, I meant Convention.. You notice how movie stars and famous bands always back the Dems? and most movie stars and famous band members have controversial problems in their lives and have no real clue what is going on in life because the lives they live is in a dream world where everybody adores them.. I am a swing voter but at least Bush, when Bush makes a bad decision sticks to his guns. Kerry and Edwards scare me. Actually nothing against women but Kerry's wife "Heinz Ketchup" scares me more than Hillary.

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I am a swing voter but at least Bush, when Bush makes a bad decision sticks to his guns.

Maybe this is where we part company.

If he is incapable of admitting that he fucked up, that in my mind is a serious FLAW, not an admirable trait.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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>You notice how movie stars and famous bands always back the >Dems?

Right! Next thing you know, some liberal democrat actor will try to run for governor of California - or even president.

>and most movie stars and famous band members have controversial
> problems in their lives and have no real clue what is going on in life
> because the lives they live is in a dream world

As a post on dropzone.com, there's a bit of irony there.

> I am a swing voter but at least Bush, when Bush makes a bad
>decision sticks to his guns.

Then you're not a swing voter. You've made up your mind. In any case, I prefer a president who can make good decisions - and who can change his mind when the decision turns out to be the wrong one.

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***Everything in moderation... unfortunately I don't do moderation very well.

did you miss the second line? it gets you off the hook..

"Everything in moderation. Including moderation..." ;)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Clinton Lied under oath. Clinton has actually raped a woman by biting her on the lip while he is doing his thing. I am a pretty dirty mother efer but I have never. Bush and Tony Blair lied about attacking Iraq after 911 but what would Iraq be doing to you 10 years from now if they had not. If you study history, you would realize that most great leaders did things that were very unpopular amongst the crowds at the time.. Why were they so popular after squashing afganistan taliban but as soon as you loose a few troops in Iraq, Notice how that kind of disapperead after re-election became so important.

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you really really want to reevaluate your record collection then... I think you'd be very very surprised if you found out the political leanings of the musicians who created all that music... the reason the public is largely unaware of a particular artist’s political thought is because the musicians generally realize it has nothing to do with the relationship between them and their fans..

did you ever start listening to band because you heard about their political affiliations? why would you stop listening to one for the same reason? Unless they are overtly beating you with the pipe of social commentary, what does an artists political views have to do with the arrangements of rhythm and tone they create?

That's exactly what the problem IS. They are beating us with their political views. The musicians who I will not cease listening to are the ones who have the sense to realize that their political views are best kept between them, their friends/family, and the ballot box. I'd be pretty turned off if I went to a Rush show and Geddy Lee started berating the President! I'd probably walk out! I didn't pay to listen to a diatribe, I paid to listen to music (note: Rush is just an example here, since they are a band I like. Haven't heard of them doing political crap and honestly don't wanna know, if they have.) There's nothing wrong with musicians and entertainers having their own political ideologies. The problem, for me, arises when they abuse the fact that they have the public's ear to amplify their individual views to distorted levels. Just imagine what kind of crap would ensue in the politcal reality of this country if someone with droves of mindless drone fans, like Christina Aguilera, started "mobilizing" those fans to vote a certain way.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Would you walk out of a performance of someone if they were saying some highly political thing but you agreed with them?

Say you went to a Ted Nugent concert and just off the cuff between numbers he happened to mention how he hopes the assault weapons ban sunsets soon and is not renewed.

Would you walk out or would you stand up and cheer him?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Unless by "concert" you really meant "kill it and grill it cookout," I probably wouldn't be spending much money to hang out around him.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Would you walk out of a performance of someone if they were saying some highly political thing but you agreed with them?

Say you went to a Ted Nugent concert and just off the cuff between numbers he happened to mention how he hopes the assault weapons ban sunsets soon and is not renewed.

Would you walk out or would you stand up and cheer him?

I admit that I would probably be less likely to leave if I liked or agreed with the message, but I would think it out of place nonetheless. And I would not fault others for leaving if they opposed the views. A concert where you pay to hear the MUSIC is not the place for the artist to do political grandstanding. Are you saying that it is?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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really? i can count the number of actual songs and movies that (so far) are overtly beating you over the head on one hand....unless your talking about country music...hell rap has more political content per measure than most rock bands ever dream of...

but then i guess i don’t buy my music based on the musicians personal political leanings even when they are completely opposite of my own....i've got quite the punk collection could be considered rather fascist, and anarchy was cool when i was 12 but as a political system it kind of sucks.......and we really don’t want to start listing speedmetal bands with politically charged songs from any quad of the political realm.....this list of music i would be depriving myself of would be staggering.. all because it didn’t align with 'correct thought'

pretty much the fans decide how well they like the concert...some tours always do better than others...to much babbling during the set is often a killer it’s the songs that got the crowd there to begin with..

so your saying if you hear a new album, you like an album based on what you heard, but then are told the drummer happens to be rabidly anti gun... you wont listen to them because the drummer's personal issues??
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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> A concert where you pay to hear the MUSIC is not the place for the
>artist to do political grandstanding. Are you saying that it is?

If I just wanted to hear music I'd play a CD. At concerts it's often hard to hear because it's so loud. I go because it's different at a concert; the peformer adds his or her own touch to the songs, and they talk between sets. Which is cool, because I went there to hear them live, complete with all their comments. I remember one U2 concert where Bono stood up and said "There's been a lot of talk about this song, maybe too much talk. This is not a song for war. This is not a song about fighting. This is Sunday, Bloody Sunday."

His opinion on it:

" That's why music has the ability to LIFT people up. It lifts me up when I listen to our music, or to other peoples' music that inspires me. It lifts me up and makes me want to fight back, not with sticks and stones, but fight back in yourself -- refusing to compromise your own beliefs and standing up and saying, "NO, there's MUCH more, much more!" That's what it's about, isn't it really, when you're faced with an audience... not to hide behind your haircut, not behind your stance or your statement. Just be who you are FOR people. "

Bruce springsteen started off a song in a similar way in 1980:

"I don’t know what you guys think about what happened last night, but I think it's pretty frightening. You guys are young -- there’s gonna be a lot of people depending on you comin' up, so this is for you."

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> See you thinking about Born in the U.S.A. and J.C.M. American Fool
> album but what you not thinking is that these came out 20 years ago.

In 1980, Springsteen made this comment on Reagan's election during a concert:

"I don’t know what you guys think about what happened last night, but I think it's pretty frightening. You guys are young -- there’s gonna be a lot of people depending on you comin' up, so this is for you."

So 24 years ago, The Boss was just as anti-authoritarian as he is today.

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You notice how movie stars and famous bands always back the Dems?

Ted Nugent to Manifest please . . .

The people you and the other greenie keep mentioning are exceptions to the rule, so what's your point?

For every conservative music or movie star I could name, how many libs could you name? 20?

. . =(_8^(1)

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Because they are going with the liberal left which has nothing patriotic about it.

That's funny... I could have sworn that you just wrote that the liberal left is unpatriotic. Quite a generalization. Guage one's degree of patriotism on whether or not they are republican, democratic, right, or left. I wonder which course in college taught you that?

I studied at Rutgers and got my degree in mathematics there. But some of us have enough common sense that we don't need to use our college education to realize that if one group gets offended by flag wavers and fights with all their might for the rights of flag burners, that this group is not full of patriots. As far back as FDR, there have been Soviet spies in the state department and they got into through the Democrats. McCarthy pulled the plug on them on many of them before they launched an all out assault on his name. So its not a recent thing that the traitors are coming out of the Democrat party. I don't think one needs a college degree to know that a traitor is not a patriot.

Dude! You must start taking some medication.

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*** Elect Kerry/Osama 2004 ***

shouldn't that be Bush/Osama (see att)

No, it shouldn't be Bush/Osama. The attachment is a cute excursion into fantasyland.

I really wish there was anything cute about it ...
... but if you say so it must be cute


-- it must mean you've run out of relevant arguments.

Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true

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>The people you and the other greenie keep mentioning are
> exceptions to the rule, so what's your point?

That if there are lots of exceptions to a rule, it might not be a rule, more like a general tendency.

On a percentage basis, I do not believe there are all that many exceptions to the rule among artsy type people. That's why the famous exceptions can be listed in a short paragraph.

. . =(_8^(1)

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I really wish there was anything cute about it ...
... but if you say so it must be cute

Yea, cute was a bad choice of words -- incomplete, misleading, and disgusting is a much better description.

That cartoon is easy to pick apart -- but why bother typing it out? Your response will obviously be something along the lines of telling me I need to start taking medication.

Besides, anyone who actually agrees with a message THAT lame and shallow is not about to be swayed by facts. Enjoy.

. . =(_8^(1)

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but at least Bush, when Bush makes a bad decision sticks to his guns.

That's his worst quality. Making a bad choice and then pretending it was the right thing to do and plodding on in a bad direction. Maybe change and progress are slower when you take the time to re-evaluate your position and choices mid-stream. But the end result will be better.

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