
bands that I will be boycotting

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OK, so one song makes a band political?

Those are the first that popped into my head for each of them. I'm sure they had many many more. You're right about Zeppelin's lyrics not being the most political, but they didn't write most of them anyway. ;)

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Hmmm. I figured I would boycott Ice-T and Body Count way back when, till I heard the music and was blown away by it, and I found I generally agreed with the messages. The music was just too good to ignore, and I loved it too much.

I never liked Sinatra as a person. A thug of a human being. What a great vocalist, though. He's my favorite of all time.

I'm amazed you left Tom Petty off the list. I saw him in show with Jackson Browne (on the list) a couple of years ago and he railed against Republicans. 5 minutes of that. WHo cares. The other 3 hours of the show were amazing.

I'll never quit listening to and/or admiring Kevin Moore, either. What a fantastic musician, guitarust, and artist. How couls you not support a guy that sings songs about good things like loving yourself, family, and the like? He's a helluva nice guy, too.

Maybe I don't think that way about musicians because I was one, and knew too many of them. Sure, many were drug-addled, alcoholic misogynistic left-wing partiers, but damn, most of them were still nice to me.

I'll keep their music separate from other feelings.

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Well, I've never really listened to John Mellencamp, but, just to clarify a point:

Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA" is one of the most catchy patriot songs in modern music...or is it? I've heard an acoustic rendition of that song, by him, that chills the bones with the seething tone in his voice. It is, and was not, a patriotic song. It was a song about being poor in the USA, going to Vietnam, coming back and being screwed further. His music champions the working-class, those who are quite frequently duped by the ruling-elite via FUD and patriotism to carry out dubious agendas. I don't think many of those singers were recent converts to lefty/liberal, they probably always were and no one ever noticed, and their music was made safe for general consumption. Whether or not the fully support Kerry, they probably all realize that Bush needs to go, and this is how they feel they can affect that change.



Yeah - Cuz John Mellencamp and Bruce Springstein are very well known for their anti-american stance.

Maybe we should just deport everybody that thinks for themselves to France...
actually that is funny that you mention this. Because it proves how radical the left has become. See you thinking about Born in the U.S.A. and J.C.M. American Fool album but what you not thinking is that these came out 20 years ago. They don't make anything patriotic anymore. Because they are going with the liberal left which has nothing patriotic about it.

You be the king and I'll overthrow your government. --KRS-ONE

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Hollywood for years has been blacklisting right-wingers. There are very few moderate Republicans but no hardcore right-wingers because they could never find work.

Great statement. Now what are you basing it on exactly? Are you talking about Hollywood, CA, or TX? Just wondering.


"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Hollywood for years has been blacklisting right-wingers. There are very few moderate Republicans but no hardcore right-wingers because they could never find work.

Great statement. Now what are you basing it on exactly? Are you talking about Hollywood, CA, or TX? Just wondering.


He's probably just never heard of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bo Derek, Bruce Willis, Tom Selleck, Dennis Miller, Mel Gibson, Chuck Norris, Ben Stein, Pat Sajak, Kelsey Grammer, Danny Aiello, Patricia Heaton and James Woods.

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Because they are going with the liberal left which has nothing patriotic about it.

That's funny... I could have sworn that you just wrote that the liberal left is unpatriotic. Quite a generalization. Guage one's degree of patriotism on whether or not they are republican, democratic, right, or left. I wonder which course in college taught you that?

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Because they are going with the liberal left which has nothing patriotic about it.

That's funny... I could have sworn that you just wrote that the liberal left is unpatriotic. Quite a generalization. Guage one's degree of patriotism on whether or not they are republican, democratic, right, or left. I wonder which course in college taught you that?

I studied at Rutgers and got my degree in mathematics there. But some of us have enough common sense that we don't need to use our college education to realize that if one group gets offended by flag wavers and fights with all their might for the rights of flag burners, that this group is not full of patriots. As far back as FDR, there have been Soviet spies in the state department and they got into through the Democrats. McCarthy pulled the plug on them on many of them before they launched an all out assault on his name. So its not a recent thing that the traitors are coming out of the Democrat party. I don't think one needs a college degree to know that a traitor is not a patriot.
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Interesting. So you believe by defintion Democrats are unpatriotic? :S

didn't say that. I said, I believe by definition that anybody associated with moveon.org is unpatriotic. I went further to say that almost as a rule (looking at history) if you find a traitor in government its a Democrat.
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Hollywood for years has been blacklisting right-wingers. There are very few moderate Republicans but no hardcore right-wingers because they could never find work.

Great statement. Now what are you basing it on exactly? Are you talking about Hollywood, CA, or TX? Just wondering.


He's probably just never heard of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bo Derek, Bruce Willis, Tom Selleck, Dennis Miller, Mel Gibson, Chuck Norris, Ben Stein, Pat Sajak, Kelsey Grammer, Danny Aiello, Patricia Heaton and James Woods.

Careful rattling off names haphazardly, it might suggest your guessing. Specially since Kelsey Grammer and James Woods are known liberals. Most of the others are moderate Republicans as I stated. Anyway the point was you can't name and extreme right-winger in Hollywood. But I can name many extreme lefties, hardcore in a stupid and rude way.
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Can you humor me and explain what the "by definition" means? How does someone associated with an association called "moveon.org" is "by definition" unpatriotic? I just spent few minutes looking up the terms in various dictionaries, and couldn't come up with a clear link between moving on and patriotism.

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Can you humor me and explain what the "by definition" means? How does someone associated with an association called "moveon.org" is "by definition" unpatriotic? I just spent few minutes looking up the terms in various dictionaries, and couldn't come up with a clear link between moving on and patriotism.

"By definition" is like saying therefore, or this in turn means. Lets see if I can give a few examples.
Liberachi was a person who made a living playing the piano, so by definition he was a pianist. Moveon.org is not a website talking about the great things about this country. Quite the contrary it portrays this country in a negative light at every turn of the way. Some will try to argue that no it just attacks the right wing. But with a little experience listening to the liberal left one can find why the have well earned the right to be called the blame America first crowd. I would hope it would not be too difficult to see that somebody who wants to blame the U.S. for everything is by definition unpatriotic.
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Is it portraying the country in a negative light, or those who are at the helm doing what moveon may feel is akin to running it into the ground?



Can you humor me and explain what the "by definition" means? How does someone associated with an association called "moveon.org" is "by definition" unpatriotic? I just spent few minutes looking up the terms in various dictionaries, and couldn't come up with a clear link between moving on and patriotism.

"By definition" is like saying therefore, or this in turn means. Lets see if I can give a few examples.
Liberachi was a person who made a living playing the piano, so by definition he was a pianist. Moveon.org is not a website talking about the great things about this country. Quite the contrary it portrays this country in a negative light at every turn of the way. Some will try to argue that no it just attacks the right wing. But with a little experience listening to the liberal left one can find why the have well earned the right to be called the blame America first crowd. I would hope it would not be too difficult to see that somebody who wants to blame the U.S. for everything is by definition unpatriotic.

You be the king and I'll overthrow your government. --KRS-ONE

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I would hope it would not be too difficult to see that somebody who wants to blame the U.S. for everything is by definition unpatriotic.

And I would hope it would not be too difficult to see that somebody who wants to own up for the mistakes the U.S. has made is by definition patriotic.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Things I'll boycott:

I boycott all music approved by Tipper Gore
And I boycott the President because he doesn't boycott war
And I boycott Pepsi but I forgot what for
And I boycott hospitals whose medical waste shows up on the shore
And I boycott Beatrice products even though I don't know what theyproduce
and I boycott Gilette because the institute bunny rabbit abuse
And I boycott GE because they make nuclear weaponry
And I boycott Led Zeppelin becaus eI think Robert Plant sings horribly
and I boycott Folgers because they exploit the Columbian coffee picker
And I boycott fur because it's something I read on a bumper sticker
And I boycotted work last week because I had to attend a political rally
And I boycott tuna because I was told to by Kirstie Alley...

- from "Hippie's Lament" by Wally Pleasant..

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I just went to moveon.org's website for the first time after reading your post. I don't get the feeling that America is being blamed for the ill of this earth. I think the website targets the administration, but I find its contents politically motivated but certainly not unpatriotic. At least no more unpatriotic than espn.com or enchantedlearning.com (which by the way had a great article on frilled neck lizards not long ago...).

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Careful rattling off names haphazardly, it might suggest your guessing. Specially since Kelsey Grammer and James Woods are known liberals.

Where do you get this shit?

"Woods on fire
Actor James Woods says he hates to talk about politics -- yet can't seem to help himself. In a let-it-rip interview, he defends Bush, calls Clinton a "liar," and sounds off on everything from his sex life to the war with Iraq."

Kelsey Grammar 'Comes Out of the Closet' As a Republican

Who's the one guessing?

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Don't you know it's better to ignore other opinions. Otherwise you're at risk of chaning your mind. And that's never good.

Oh, I see, so we should all respect all opinions, except those who choose to not support bands or individuals whose interests seem opposed to their own.

Steel is not entitled to feel distanced from bands he may have used to like because now he finds that his and their politics are dissimilar. His opinion -- that he should withhold his support from them -- is not valid, but all other opinions must be considered valid.

You set up a nice double standard, there, Kev. What's wrong with feeling different and at-odds with the opionions of others. Just because they HAVE opinions does not mean that I have to RESPECT those opinions, or even the people who hold them. This is not the same as trying to suggest they don't have a RIGHT to their opionions: they do. But there is no truth to the bizarre notion that all opinions, no matter how ill-conceived and how frivolous, must be given equal respect.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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hmm i pretty much only boycott musicians when their music sucks... after all no one is buying a political opinion when they purchase a CD....

some people are wired really really strangely if sound somehow connects directly to political leaning and therefore affects how they perceive music...

did you like it before you learned they supported unrestricted access to inflatable monkey balloons? ;) how does that knowledge affect the melody, rhythm, progressions and intervals you enjoyed before?? :S

I am with Steel on this one. I can like something produced by someone, and then find out something I find really really objectionable about them -- for example, they are staunch gun control supporters -- and I will find myself thinking about that whenever I see their movies or hear their music, and yes, it robs me of the unrestrained enjoyment of it that I had previously had. And yes, I will find myself listening less, not making purchases that will put money in their pockets, etc.

You said that no one is buying a political opinion when they purchase a CD -- but sometimes that is EXACTLY what they package with that CD.

If I found out that Rush was using the money they earn from their music and funding HCI or AGS or any other gun control group that engages in actions that are contrary to the preservation of my rights, I will yank my support from them. I won't want them to be using MY money for things that are antithetical to MY interests. That is part of the two-fold reason I would stop listening. The other part is that I would be reminded of their position whenever I listened, and it would annoy me. So I'd stop listening.

Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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