
Why do people hate America?

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Skylark, read the book, or at least some reviews of it....
You can get copies in HMV/Virgin, or most bookstores.


Sorry, can't do proper clickies.

Anyways, back to the chase....
I don't really think the world hates America, its just that US people think they do. For every bad egg burning flags, or dancing around at every AQ victory, how many get filmed quietly minding their own business, or shaking their heads and moving on?

Yes, I have issues with your selection of people suitable to don the mantle of the most powerful man on earth, and I have issues with some of your government's policies and actions, but I don't really hate you guys. I don't really want to see any people, of any nation, come to harm.
Take Aggiedave and me for example, we have opposing views on petrol consumption, domestic politics, gun ownership, US foreign policy etc, in fact just about anything that drives this forum. Do I hate him? Hell no, there's nobody else I 'd rather share a keg of Shiner and a few jumps with. I disagree with Trent on many subjects, but I'd dearly love to jump and hang out with him again.

Hate is a really strong word, and should not be mistaken for "disagree with".

One final thought as we pass on the torch of imperialism from one fading empire to the rising star in the west....;)

The most powerful must demonstrate their power, that is their curse, and their weakness. That said, power is nothing without control and care in its application.

Ah, its nice to have frosty beer, wireless internet, and a summer friday evening.
edit to add...."Fuckem if they can't take a joke! "

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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>i think europe is mad because it only took us about 150 years to
> dominate and they've had 2000 years to get their shit together!

Various parts of Europe have ruled the known world far longer than the US. Do you think we will last even as long as the Roman Empire?

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I disagree with Trent on many subjects, but I'd dearly love to jump and hang out with him again.

How dare you disagree with me or AggieDave, after we made you an honorary Texan! Just be quiet in your Irish swamp!:P

From my travels to places that people supposedly don't like Americans, I've found it to be that MOST people can separate me from whoever is in office at the time, even if I like them. Hell, when I was travelling in Europe and Asia, I didn't even hide behind a Canadian flag on my backpack like some did. No one ever started problems with that. Most people were more concerned with the latest music an styles in the US.

Then again, I only met cool people.:P

OH, and we dearly miss the screamingly fast ScottishDave fallrate! Come back with the little guy sometime!
Oh, hello again!

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>i think europe is mad because it only took us about 150 years to
> dominate and they've had 2000 years to get their shit together!

Various parts of Europe have ruled the known world far longer than the US. Do you think we will last even as long as the Roman Empire?

Regardless of that, tcnelson's response was the funniest thing I've read today...Brilliant!:D:D:D

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As far as Europe goes, I think jealousy has a lot to do with it and, personally, I could give a rat's ass what they think.

Yep. ;)
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Im curious whether you realise how much the world hates you and what you consider the reasons to be.

I think it's because we allowed the "Macarana" to become a big hit. It's going to take a long time for us to make up for that.[:/]


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thank you! thank you!...i'll be in the area all week...or until billvon kicks me out!

i can't wait to wake up in a few hours and jump my ass off!
"Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch
NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329

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Maybe the same reason the world hates pompus Brits?

I'm glad that you were specific there!:P Although for the record, most Brits that I know don't like pompous Brits either!;)

As for hating Americans? That's just stupid. Don't always like everything you guys do... but hate?! I reserve that for the French!:P:)

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Yeah, you know Bush did tons of damage.............
Oh wait he wasn't even in office when I was stationed over seas and got to watch a float of Bill Clinton FUCKING THE STATUE OF LIBERTY DOGGYSTYLE roll around Germany. That was great, made me proud.

Nothing like being in the military and seeing what your host country thinks of your Commander in Chief, you know 'cause Clinton was just fantastic with foreign relations.

(we need an extreme sarcasm emoticon)

Coming soon to a bowl of Wheaties near you!!

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There are other parts to the globe than just europe.

And yes they hate you too.

I'm quite sure and, like I said before, I could give a rat's ass. I just mentioned Europe because I think they're collectively jealous. Other areas of the world hate us for religious reasons and our ties with Israel. Again....rat's ass.

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I could give a rat's ass.

Totally off topic, apologies. I've seen this said lots of times on here and it confuses me. 'Could give a rat's ass'? Surely that should be couldn't?

It's a Southern thing, I guess. I'll say "couldn't" if you'd like for clarity. ;)

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They haven't yet started digging up the American graves in Normandy or the UK. Nobody is tossing the bodies into the channel so I don't think they really hate us that much.You might.

My company has people from the UK, France, Italy,Australia, and Norway. None have quit and gone home because of American policy. Most have become Americans and bought houses. The French guys don't like our policy in Iraq just like a lot of Americans. So what. These guys are all good solid people.
PS I don't weigh 400lbs and my wife doesn't weigh in at an even 300, but to have fun, we like to piss and shoot our guns off the front porch. We have a rule: nothing less than 5.56mm.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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This is a question for all Americans out there. Im curious whether you realise how much the world hates you and what you consider the reasons to be. NB I dont hate America or its citizens per se, although I consider it has rather unusual foreign policies.

Judging by some of the Ugly Americans I encounter around the world, it is hardly surprising. Add to that the sheer inelegance with which we traditionally wield both power and "aid" and you have a pretty repellent mix.

When people ask me if we have lost our fucking minds by virtue of one particularly enlightened policy or another, I can only answer "I suspect so."

We are a nation with a short attention span, and we do not tend to do our homework. Our leaders are but a reflection of who and what we really are.

When we are finally and fully hoist with our own petard I will refrain from a good "I told you so," since I will be as badly screwed as my fellow countrymen.

Thus you should all enjoy yourseves, since it is much, much later than you think.

Blue skies (with dark clouds on the horizon),


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The world doesn't hate America. It feels the same way West Virginians feel about California.


I dont agree though.

I'll be truthful here. I'm not American, and dont think that I can ever fully be one in my heart.

I grew up in South Africa, lived in Australia, and then moved to the US. In Australia I was the foreigner kid, along with a lot of others. I was never accepted to be australian, even with my citizenship there.

I came to America, not very excited, I didnt want to get the accent and be known as American. But that is unavoidable. I noticed something in my three years here.

America is a very priveliged country - that is why people want to come here. Opportunites are endless.

The average american is very friendly and welcoming. (I thought it would be much different). I would be accepted here as an american without even having a greencard.

American foreign policies and behavior - as viewed from the outside - is very unsettling and arrogant. America, as a whole, is seen as a giant beast, pushing its way without thought. People do not like association with this (including me)

Americans, though friendly, can be very ignorant as well as arrogant. My first day in school here, we were talking about foreign policy in history class. Someone said, screw it, if they dont agree, nuke 'em! Even though it was a joke, that symbolizes the attitude, and it made me VERY MAD.

There are two sides to this. Americans and America can be a great country and a great people, which I apreciate very much. But as a major power, America and Americans can be the most arrogant and ignorant dickheads alive.

This is such a huge country, with an incredible cross section of people. It cannot be viewed as one people with one opinion. People try to do that, and judge it that way. Impossible.

America is the greatest! (as well as the worst)

There you have it:)

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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Every Morning, i wake up and realize how much i hate the US, specially you, Pajarito. Then i have breakfast while i mumble about how much i dislike Cocacola for being American. At work i refuse to have McDonalds or Pizzahut at lunch for being american, as i chucle to myself thinking about all those fat asses and ugly people.
But in the afternoon, I envy you all for how much cholesteral and grease you have consumed before 1:00 pm. And then think a bit more about how much i hate you pajarito... God, i cannot even take a siesta out of envy and anger at the US. I spend the rest of the evening hating you some more before i got to bed to dream how all the evil things i would do to you. :P

Now seriously. I think as much about Americans as French, or ethiopans. You must be a bit egocentric to think that we have so much strong feelings about you all. Usually in Europe, we care about things that affect us directly. And you as an american do not affect me in the slightest. Your government does, and that is why we are discussing GWB virtues everyday. :S
The standard american, is just a person who is welcome or not based on their personal character, not the whole country´s. Besides, we all know that no one voted GWB :P
I wouldn´t move to your country, my egotistic friend. You don´t have tapas, siesta and a gun control law. :P

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What great feedback! I’m very proud to embody the characteristics of what you consider to be an American. It humbles me and I take that as one of the best compliments. Thank you! I also love the fact that I've affected your life so deeply based on this simple internet chatter. Most of my training in the Army focused on the fact that the mind is the most powerful weapon. I've provoked thought with you even when you're not on-line. I'm in your head all through the day. Excellent! Many times, thoughts, even though they may anger you deeply, also influence change in opinion over time. It’s for your own growth…bro. Hang in there. ;)

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