
Gun Owner Chip Implants

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In the news:

"Palm Beach-based Applied Digital Solutions unveiled the original VeriChip immediately after the 9-11 tragedy. Similar to pet identification chips, the VeriChip is a syringe-injectable radio frequency identification microchip that can be read from a few feet away by either a hand-held scanner or by the implantee walking through a "portal" scanner.

"Chase believes all gun owners should be required to have a microchip implanted in their hand to be able to own a gun. Applied touted the implant as a potential universal method of gun control..."

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>Talk about scary.

I wouldn't be too scared. This is coming from a company that wants to sell its chips, not a supreme court justice.

iirc correctly there is already a bill in the works in NJ requiring gun dealers to only sell guns with the chips installed once they become available..

i wouldnt go with the inplantable chip, but i know alot of people who thought the original ideas using a special ring or bracelet would be useful. of course they could be stolen, but honestly how long does anyone think it would take before there was an easy way to 'spoof' the chips? if its not implanted its FAR easier to upgrade to prevent that from happening..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666." Revelation 13:16-18

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Cannot wait for this and retina scans to become commonplace---headlines will be full of criminals cutting hands off and gouging out eyes to serve as fake IDs...
-------------------------------------------------- They ( U.S.) are in the process of wanting iris scans and fingerprints on the new passports when they have the money
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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>No own opinion on anything, just throwing media news into the
>market, waiting for replies... and keeping the fire burning.

Years ago a friend of mine was held up at knifepoint. He, his sisters and his father were robbed in their store, and the thief tied up his father up before he fled. His father kept that rope for years on a shelf, so he could look at it every day and keep the fire of his anger burning. That's important to some people.

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where the hell are you digging for all these "news" spread out on dz.com?
"In the news:" This is your every day's bible?
No own opinion on anything, just throwing media news into the market, waiting for replies... and keeping the fire burning.
weird, somehow.

It's just a way to start discussions on items of interest. By referencing news stories, it gives the topic credibility, and serves as a reference source for anyone wanting to find out more about the subject.

If you're not interested, you don't have to participate.

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Come on Zennister...fire away. :P

no point your mythos are meaningless to everyone but you.

you cant even credibly stretch them to cover this in the first place
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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>There's no fire or anger in me.

I would not presume to know the inner workings of your mind. I do find it odd, though, that all the news stories you post are things that seem to anger you (or at least things you object to.) You can post whatever you like; I just noted that pattern.

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No, it's not a nice idea.

When they require cops to use something, I'll say it's ok to require everyone else to use it. That's my functionality test, when cops and/or the military start using it.

Besides, do you really think there won't be black market chips available that day? And will these onerus requirements on law abiding owners somehow make the guns already in the wrong hands suddenly stop working?

Also, wouldn't it be just lovely if somebody came up with smething that could jam the chip/ring/bracelet to gun transmission?

Oh joy, now they're robbing my house or coming after me, and they know my gun won't work. Time to SNiVeL.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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>When they require cops to use something, I'llsay it's ok to require
>everyone else to use it. That's my functionality test, when cops
> and/or the military start using it.

Really?? They've required military people to get anthrax vaccines that made some people pretty sick. They've exposed military to nuclear blasts to see the effects on people. Members of the military are generally considered to not have as many rights as citizens when they are serving (i.e. they can't refuse to do things, they don't have freedom of movement etc.)

I can see a system that "locks out" use of a weapon if it's not in the hands of a US soldier being very useful in a place like Iraq. I'm suprised you would think it OK to require for civilian use if that occurred. Think of the massive loophole that opens up - "Sure, you can buy any weapon you want, you just need a government license to get the RFID chip."

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They've required military people to get anthrax vaccines that made some people pretty sick. They've exposed military to nuclear blasts to see the effects on people.

I'm talking about a piece of plastic and steel. We can predict how those react. The human body, on the other hand, is unpredictable. Those were tests on human reactions. I'm talking about tools and equipment.


Members of the military are generally considered to not have as many rights as citizens when they are serving

I didn't mean it would be right to require things of citizens, I meant it is hypocritical and wrong to require a higher standard from citizens than from police or military. As you pointed out, police and military are supposed to have higher standards and lower rights than us "normal folks."

Personally, I would never own a gun that required a chip to work. Machines that are less complicated are more reliable. Period. Just look at the Glock 17. It has what, 33 parts? It's also the most reliable pistol available.


I can see a system that "locks out" use of a weapon if it's not in the hands of a US soldier being very useful in a place like Iraq.

What, you think they'll steal a gun but not steal a ring or bracelet?


Think of the massive loophole that opens up - "Sure, you can buy any weapon you want, you just need a government license to get the RFID chip."

You mean like what we already have?

FOID cards, outright bans, BATFE approval, etc etc etc.

So that's why liberals want more gun control.... they don't know what we already have.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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