
Anti-americanism explained

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For those of you who don't understand all the anti-americanism in Europe, just take a look at any of the anti-french threads floating around. Nothing wrong with slamming the french, but don't get your knickers in a knot when someone else does the same to the US. People who live in glass houses and all that.

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Again jokes in bad taste against groups does not help the cause.

Which puts me into an endless loop that I just can't seem to get out of.

Can we make fun of Saddam Hussein or does the rule about personal attacks apply to him as well?

I say no, let's make fun of him, but I'm curious what others might think.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Since you've served does that automatically make it acceptible to make anti-*insert any country here* comments? If your allowed to do that why can't they say that about us?I'm sure that they have had lots of people serve in the military too.

And I'm not buying that serving in the military suddenly makes you more or less patriotic then someone that did'nt.
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Can we make fun of Saddam Hussein or does the rule about personal attacks apply to him as well?

I say no, let's make fun of him, but I'm curious what others might think.

Well, since Saddam presumably doesn't post/lurk here, I don't think making fun of him is technically personal.
So, I say no as well- feel free to make fun of the bastard.


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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That is why I love being South African - we have always been such tolerant, easy-going open-minded people. I would give you all a great big virtual hug but the Americans are too fat, the English have bad breath (rotting teeth), the Irish are too drunk and the Canadians are just too stupid. Apart from that lot everybody else is OK in my book! :)

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I can't think of a time (I may be wrong but I don't think so) that I've made anti comments about anyone's country, so please don't accuse me of that unless you are sure of it. Btw, have you served America? I didn't say that whether you have or haven't makes you more/less patriotic - you suggested that with your statement...but I guess bottom line is this - you'll never know what I'm talking about till you've placed it all on the line for a belief.


"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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That's not much of an explanation, and a trivially over-simplified at that.

I don't slam the French or any other nation/culture/people. I take quite the offense when other's aim comments at me because I am American. It particularly goads me when those comments are regarding events that occurred before I was born.


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I think we should quit the joking and just invade. We KNOW they have weapons of mass distruction.

Just like we KNOW that Nixon was not a crook, that there were no US forces in Cambodia, that there would be "no new taxes", and that no there was no US involvement between Iran and the Contras.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The anti American comments were coming from the French a long time before the anti French comments started up. Besides it's France that is criticizing the US for unilaterlism at the same time it goes into the Ivory coast to protect its interests. France dumps on the US simply because it cannot compete with the US on any other level - cultureal, political, military.
And besides, the French only like the American Army when the German army is in Paris.
France owes the US far more than we owe them.

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One simple little question - why does this site remind me of rec.sky more and more?? All the arguements and bickering belongs there and not here. This was a great site once and could be again if people could show a little respect for others and not try to pick apart everything. We've lost some great people due to the nitpicking and bullshit.


Looking for solutions, not to place blame.

"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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>I didn't say that whether you have or haven't makes you more/less patriotic - you suggested that with your statement.

Would this not be that rephrased?

Maybe you just aren't as proud of America as those of us that have served/fought/bled for her
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>Maybe you just aren't as proud of America as those of us that have
> served/fought/bled for her.

And perhaps you don't understand that other people have died and bled for their countries - and they take insults to their country no less seriously. If we're gonna make fun of France for being a "surrender monkey" then expect people to make fun of the US for being a warmonger.

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Its not about whats owed or a competion, its about respect and that flows both ways. Just because another democratic policy does not mirror yours it dosen't make it wrong. In the end its probably just a different way to try and achieve the same result. It may not be right in some peoples eyes but thats democracy and there right as free people with an elected government.


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But we KNOW North Korea has no nuclear weapons so no need to invade there right? Makes me laugh, just today I read this (North Korea in nuclear breach).

I also find it rather amusing that the same war-mongers who state that the UN is a pathetic useless organization, cite Iraq's breach of UN resolutions as reason to invade. But I suppose the irony escapes them.

This war is about oil. OBL asks for Iraqi peoples' co-operation to overthrow their government (who he calls infidels) and fight the Americans. Trying to include Saddam in the Axis of Evil based on what OBL and his cronies did is ludicrous. Obviously Saddam is an evil man, but as has been pointed out here so many times - so are so many other dicators in the world today. Why not invade them?

Dubya probably sees the solution to the recession as follows :

Oil good.
Pretzels bad.
Saddam very bad.
Kill bad man and get more oil.
Daddy happy.
The end

Apologies to Billvon for hijacking this thread.

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