
Chute graveyard

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So does anyone know waht ever happens to mains or reserves after they've made there last jump? Is anything recycled or is it all just thrown away?
p.s anyone jumping the VX or FX 46 ( i cant remember which)from Icarus on its last jump can sell it too me!! that would make a great bed spreadB|

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I have seen them used for training purposes (non-jumping stuff just to show students how a canopy is put together) or they make a great roof for a Tiki Bar...unfortunately they dont hold up well under flames. We cremate them so they can go to canopy heaven.
"I'll jump anything!"

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Heh Heh,
Old flat rounds used to make it into Kindergarten or Primary School as a sort of class or team plaything... In fact, I understand that someone now makes new round "parachutes" for schools!!
I remember when Lauren, my (then) 4 year old was first shown such a "parachute". At the end of that day I went to pick her up & was "taken to one side" by her teacher who was "a bit concerned" :(. Apparently Lauren had taken one look at this thing and had announced in a loud voice "THAT ISN'T A PARACHUTE!!! REAL PARACHUTED ARE SQUARE!!! thereafter she would have nothing to do with it on the basis it was the wrong shape, didn't have "strings" on it so it wouldn't pack & couldn't be attached to the skydiver, didn't have a harness, etc...
Apparently she took something of a "temper tantrum" at being asked to have anything to do with such an unsafe "parachute"!
Maybe I have a budding rigger in the family (the shame:$).
Mike D10270.

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that is the cutest thing ive ever heard! your daughter sounds like a jem. is that parachute game the one where you hold on to it all around and throw a ball in the middle and bounce the ball? I cant believe i played with a parachute when i was that young and didnt know it! i remember lifting it up and running underneth it.

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i remember lifting it up and running underneth it.

I remember doing that too!!!! We would also have everyother person while inside the chute try to crawl across the floor to the other side before it deflated. The chute we used also had a big hole about 2' dia in the middle and I remeber thinking "how can this thing fly with big hole in it!!!

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They fly even with the big hole in the middle. I think the idea is to keep the chute falling straight. Probably to keep the assembly from 'Potato chipping'. All of the military cargo parachutes I've seen have been like that. We've given some of the chutes with damaged lines to the local schools for just this reason (after the lines are removed of course.)
Blue skies

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I thought the purpose for the center hole is to allow air to escape from the canopy so that it will stay inflated. If the air doesnt escape then the canopy will overflow and fall off of the mass of air rammed inside of it. Will someone please verify this?
Safe landings,
Alex D-something

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i remember that! lol. getting all excited because friday was gym day and we might get to play with the big thing. Too bad my parents werent like MikeD and able to educate me about parachutes and all. but youre right, wonder how many other skydivers out there use to get all excited when it was gym day in thier elementary school and they were gonna play with the tarp? Funny how things work out isnt is?

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"I thought the purpose for the center hole is to allow air to escape from the canopy so that it will stay inflated. If the air doesnt escape then the canopy will overflow and fall off of the mass of air rammed inside of it. Will someone please verify this?..."

Hell, I don't know... We had a huge Red & white one, I thought the hole was to stick your head through to invoke a beating by Ms. Jackson (scary P.E. Teacher)... either that or a 5th grader would zing a dodgeball at your head.... "ahhhh, good times!" :)"Peace & Blue Skies!"

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Purpose of the center hole is to keep the chute from oscillating(bad spelling prob}. First rounds used without it would sway like mad from what ive read. Rounds can be fun to. I know ill take flak for that. Some that are used now have panels cut in the back for control and they got toggles for min. of control.

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