
Strange habbits

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O.K. I have been taking my new canopy and repacking it like every 2-3 days just so that I feel better about getting on back to back loads this weekend when I jump. I have even taken to timeing myself. Have I gone off the deep end or is this just another step on the path to being a true skydiver? Does anyone else have this type of odd habbit.
Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together

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Nah, fuck no! I don't repack that shit until I jump it again! LOL
Honestly, there are probably a bunch of other gravity addicts around here that repack all the time, but myself...I hate packing so once its done decently, I leave it until the next jump, which obviously is about a month later lately!! fucking A, I have to get my reserve repacked this Saturday before I can even make a jump! ARGH! I hope they have a buttload of riggers there....
Peace, habbit rabbit...sorry just poking fun at your spelling! :D damn I have cut down on my drinking significantly and tonight two beers has me rolling!! woohoo!!
uh oh gotta get up in five hours...better hit the pad
"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.Campbell

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Sometimes I will take my canopy out and repack it just for shits & giggles...rainy day, snowy day, whatever...its good practice...you can take your time and inspect the canopy a little more than you normally would. Anything skydiving related is better than anything associated with "real life". Dont worry about it...
"I'll jump anything!"

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i'm with sis on this one! i sometimes just stuff my canopy in my gear bag when i'm done jumping for the day and repack it at home because i'm to lazy to do it at the dz before i leave. plus, why pack outside in the wind when ya can do it inside where it's warm and dry. now taking it out after i repack it is a big hell no! i did that when i was first learning to pack, after i got it down i stoped. there's a reason people pay $5 or more to have thier main repacked!.............but hey do what ya want, whatever floats your boat!...

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O.K. I have been taking my new canopy and repacking it like every 2-3 days just so that I feel better about getting on back to back loads this weekend when I jump. I have even taken to timeing myself. Have I gone off the deep end or is this just another step on the path to being a true skydiver? Does anyone else have this type of odd habbit.

Well, if you've gone off the deep end Albatross, you've got lots of company! :D I repack my main all week long. I've got a new Spectre 170 and I'm getting better and quicker at packing her all the time. I try different ways of doing things too. (Nothing major, just things like holding the bag between my knees when making my line stows as opposed to scooting across the floor with the bag.) So, if repacking our mains is a habit, well no worries, 'cause there's alot worse! B|
Colorful Canopies,

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FallnAngel, I haven't done that, but maybe I should start. I only have 45 jumps, and I'm pretty slow at packing. It would probably be good if I did what you do to get faster at it, plus I could really use the money if I got fast enough to pack for other people. The only problem is that my canopy is a used F111 nylon, and if someone asks me to pack their brand new 200 sq ft zero-p canopy, I probably won't be able to handle it.:)Does anyone know how much a packer typically makes on a busy day at the DZ?
Speed Racer
"Blue Skies, Red eyes, Sore thighs!"

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Does anyone know how much a packer typically makes on a busy day at the DZ?

I'm sure the packers here can answer the question better than me, but I know they generally get about $5 per pack job. Most of them can easily put out ~6-10 packs per hour. Let's say they pack 10 hours. That's $300-$500, not including tips. But it's hard work.
Blue Skies!

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I absolutely hate packing, so I'm like Freaksis...I only pack when I have to! However, I've noticed I can pack my canopy pretty easily now. I've gotten used to her I guess. I *did* pack Merrick's two weekends ago for him, and it was a huge pain. His is slippery and larger then mine. I don't think packers get paid nearly enough, regardless of however much they get! LOL! I can't even imagine packing those huge student rigs. ICK! It makes me nervous packing for anyone but me too. I was scared to death when Merrick jumped the one I did for him...I guess I'm okay with packing a mal for myself if it happens, but would hate for it to happen to someone else because of me! Maybe I'll get used to it enough to not feel that way later, but for now, I prefer just packing my own when I HAVE to :)
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
-Joan Borysenko

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Extra packing? No thanks. I just got my gear and I brought it home unpacked because I didn't feel like struggling in front of everyone. I practiced pro-packing a few times never quite happy with the results. A friend suggested that I psycho pack it and the second try it went in the bag with no coercion needed and now the rig is sitting in my gear bag waiting to be jumped. I'm on the reward system 1 pack job = 1 jump.

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Does anyone know how much a packer typically makes on a busy day at the DZ?

well, my *friend* from CSS made 360 dollars this weekend, on saturday alone! aint that some shit? Ill answer that question for ya when i actually start packing. shouldnt be more than 2 weeks from now. Season opener is next weekend! whoo heee! i love spring :)

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I only have 45 jumps, and I'm pretty slow at packing.

hehe...Speedy, we could be twinsies! Same # of jumps and same packing skills! :P
Seriously, I know what you mean about not having a zp to practice on. And when you're at the dz, "packing practice" is more like "pack that sh!t up, get it in the bag/container, and jump!" I finally got my own gear about 5 weeks ago, and my skills really are improving now that I can practice at home without being rushed. What's nice, too, is you can get all packed up on Friday night, then when you get to the dz on Saturday, you're ready to roll...er...jump. Hopefully you'll be able to get your gear soon!
Blue skies,

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Sometimes I work two weekends in a row, so I pack at home a few times during that period just to stay sharp, and to try to learn a little more about my canopy. Packing at the DZ is a great time to ask others questions about gear, but at home there is a lot more time to inspect and study the thing...

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His is slippery and larger then mine.
Hey Pammi,
Thought we were talking about packing????

EW! That's implying I have one to compare! ICK! The only one I 'have' is attached to Merrick :)Pammi
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
-Joan Borysenko

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Damn people, get ya minds outta the gutters, jeez. :-P
I actually dont mind packing. I dont pack other peoples gear, but I kinda enjoy packing my own. At this point my dz is way to small to make any significant amount of money paking, except during boogies when we bring in turbines.

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