
OPEN CALL for Elsinore naked jump

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It seems as though the men in these forums...THINK they have balls. Throwing such bullsh*t at us chick jumpers that we haven't jumped naked....while all along it's them hiding behind their computers all shriveled talking smack. Oh yes I did GO THERE...lol...YES I am provoking something here...Albatross has agreed to anti up so I'm asking if there's anyone else, guys or girls who want to participate in the naked jump at Skydive Elsinore...We can all compromise on a good date to ensure we won't have someone chicken out. So anyone ...anyone? <---(in the tone fromt he teacher from Ferris Buellar) hahaha
BITE ME.... :P

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Hey, I would love to jump naked wth you. Unfortunately, I'm so poor that I can hardly get out to the dz, much less across the country. Plus, naked jumps are kind of painful for me. Certain parts are always draggin on the ground when I land.
Blue Skies,

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Shame I won't be able to get out there, but... First it's too far, & second, Iona would Feckin' KILL ME>:(.
Still, we have heard such claims before so this time we WILL EXPECT POSTED PICTORIAL EVIDENCE (purely so we can all assure ourselves that the claims & pics aren't faked):o!!
Mike D10270.

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Boys....please stop the excuses...I can't bear to grown men whine. I'm simply asking you fellows to whip it out in the air and go balls out...I'm not going to be carrying a ruler or anything, well not in the air at least. Fruce...don't you be giving away any formation secrets now...
oh and yes I can wait until it gets warmer...that way I can get rid of my tan lines by then
BITE ME.... :P

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Hey now!! I may get my ass kicked by my girlfriend but I said I would be there O natural and I will be there. Come on guys and gals it not like there's anything that we haven't seen before. Playmate be kind it is my first time (smile).
Blue Skys and Safe Landings

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Skyhawk, there is only one rule for minors jumping nude... since you are a minor, and respectfully, not as accustomed to witnessing the beautiful qualities of the flesh as a "more experienced" adult (I am not saying you're not experienced, but as a minor, you SHOULDN'T BE!!!!).....
So the rule is quite simple!!!!.....
Crack a fat in the plane, and you're freeflying the jump!!!!
(regardless of what sex(es) is in the formation)
Any questions?
NZPF A-2584

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