
Do I owe beer?

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I will say that this is definately a First for me, but Ive been told that this is NOT a beer first.
During a jump over the weekend, I managed to momentarily attach my leg to a sharp piece of the airplane during exit, causing a large cut, my FIRST visit to the doctor (due to skydiving), and 18 stitches.
So, is this something I need to take beer for? I am willing, at least it gives me a chance to have a few with my buds....

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attach my leg to a sharp piece of the airplane during exit

What plane were you jumping from and what did you cut your leg on? I mean if it (whatever caught your leg) could do that much damage (18 stitches) to your leg, imagine if it was your container that had caught on it...:S

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at least it gives me a chance to have a few with my buds....

Max...I think you are allowed to buy beer anyway for your buds. I am sure that if you showed up with a case of cold ones, they wouldn't mind a whole lot and would probably drink them with you! :)Just a word of advice (in case I ever meet you and you feel like buying...heh heh heh)
blu skyz

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Hmmm..someone offering to buy beer and being told NOT to. What a concept! Tell ya what, give me a credit card/debit card #, I'll go buy some and drink it for ya!
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
-Joan Borysenko

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Have you ever seen someone bleeding in freefall. It is pretty odd. A buddy of mine got a bloody nose...till this day we still arent exactly sure what happened. He didnt get kicked or hit with anything, but the I was across the formation and you could see it splattering all over his goggles & helmet & in the air. It was interesting to say the least.
"I'll jump anything!"

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It a corner piece of the door frame on a cessna 182. the plastic around it worked loose from the wind and exposed the corner. So when I jumped out me leg caught it and left a 3 inch cut on my left calf. I knew I hit it, but didnt know it was cut until I was under canopy.
I landed, bandaged it myself, drove myself to the urgent care, got the stitches, drove back to the DZ, and jumped again that same day. Hell, i even found the corner that got me on the plane, it still had a piece of skin hanging from it...lol.

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i bled in freefall before. A tiny surface cut, caused by my instructors fingernail. Its not like it gushed blood or anything, afterall it was only a little nick. But as soon as it started to bleed i felt it. It was one of those annoying cuts on the knuckle. the ones that actually hurt. Under canopy it started to trickle down my hand. That was pretty funny. Pull, 5 second count. canopies square, sliders down, steerable. Head for the dz. lick my hand (wasnt wiping my blood on a community jumpsuit!), turn, lick hand, let the canopy fly, lick hand..
you get my point.

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Hi Max,
BTW... What was the original post about??:P
Mike D10270.

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MikeD: "Ice in the beer"??!! Not even Americans would do that!!
At my dropzone, if you're dumb enough to ask if you owe beer, you DO! They'll use any lame excuse to get you to buy beer!! Carol Clay (aka the Queen) is notorious for this. One time this girl was talking about how a week earlier she had run in the Marine Corps marathon, and it was the first marathon she'd ever run.
"....But it isn't even skydiving-related!"
:)Speed Racer
"Blue Skies, Red eyes, Sore thighs!"

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okay okay....Ill buy it...Actually I was gonna bring some in anyway, Ive gotten to the point now where I know ive done something that warrants beer.
And after all this I learned a new phrase, Ill see if it works..
Bones heal, pain goes away, chicks dig scars, and Glory is forever....

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OK, OK, eventually I’ll be subjected to the endless trips to the liquor store, so I want to add something to the original post. So, you owe a case, and you go to the store and buy one, two, or whatever. Then you get back to the DZ, and where does it go? Do you give it to whoever tells you that you owe one or what? Is it just distributed to whoever wants some? What I mean is this – picture me walking back onto the DZ with a case of beer in my hand, who do I give it to? Enquiring (and drunk) minds want to know. This is important, because beer is important. Thank you.
Yeah, I know, go to bed - Josh

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you walk onto the dz w/ a case of beer, ready to do some drinking (after the beer light has come on of course!) and you shouldnt have any problems finding somebody to share your stash with. Hell, at least you wont if im around. Jimbo's still my favorite person for that case of Carona he delivered to my tent last week (thanks sweetie!)
so, get the beer, and you just might become some young girls favorite person :) (jimbo rocks!lol)

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okay okay....Ill buy it...Actually I was gonna bring some in anyway, Ive gotten to the point now where I know ive done something that warrants beer....
Ya like boasting about making out in the cesna...like who hasn't.
And after all this I learned a new phrase, Ill see if it works...
Bones heal, pain goes away, chicks dig scars, and Glory is forever....
No I think this phrase refers to skydiving not clumsiness. Yup got the shirt back at Quincy 98. Goes more like this...
Chicks Dig it, bones heal, pain is temperary, glory is forever....SKYDIVE HARD.

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If you have to ask..................
Best Policy is to keep your trap shut unless you are jumping new gear, new big way, first CReW etc, real skydiving firsts. Or if you just like to buy beer...come to Skydive Spaceland..ha ha.
bloo skies

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Last year I was at this party and the guy that threw it rented a friggin beer TRAILER. I didn’t know such a thing existed. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. 10 taps with all the free beer I could handle. It was heaven. Although I did pass out on a friends floor and when I woke up I realized I pissed my pants at some point during the night. Damn cheap beer. Anyway, just thought it would be cool to show up at the DZ towing that thing behind my car. Think I’d get some free jumps? I’d definitely need em considering what it must cost. Free beer rules! At least it will when I’m not a student and the free beer isn’t on ME! And Froggie, you get all the beer you want! (I’m going to regret saying that someday :S)
Gonna jump soon, WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
See yah!

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