
slow page downloads

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Same here! I've been trying to catch up after not being online last week and it's taking forever for the pages to load. I only have a 56k modem with slow phone lines so I thought maybe it was my computer but other pages were loading normally. Hope it gets better as I still have 500+ posts to catch up on! You guys talk a lot! :)Skies,
D :P

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yep- slow here too. Maybe if enough of us keep complaining we will convince dropzone to buy a new server! To their credit, they are doing quite a bit of processing so that each page is custom built depending on the user making the page request. But... they do need to fix it because it is running REALLY slow.

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I had dropped HH a private message about that a few days ago. He said it was my connection, but I'm on a 100mbit network that's on a DSL...usually everything is really freak'n fast. huh...
AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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Maybe if enough of us keep complaining we will convince dropzone to buy a new server!

I doubt it since 'they' is just 'he' and he just moved it to a new server I believe. Also, he is the one who has been paying for it all out of the kindness of his heart, so I'm grateful to get whatever he is willing to provide.
Merrick's SCR Ceremony

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Maybe if enough of us keep complaining we will convince dropzone to buy a new server! To their credit,

There is no "they". It's just Sangiro to the best of my knowledge and he pays for all this himself. If you'd like a faster server please send him some money to help pay for it. I'm sure we'd all appreciate the extra speed but until then I'm happy with what the service he's provided for us.
I'll see you at 13,5 amongst the clouds.

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Sorry, didn't mean to be too critical. If Sangrino put this site together out of the "kindness of his heart", then that is completely amazing. I could not even imagine why someone would do something like that! Having a little hobby site is one thing... but this is no "hobby site". This is a very complete, well rounded site- and it has to be a full time job for one person to keep up with. So my compliments to Sangrino on the site as a whole whether you make money off it or not. And if you really don't make money off of it, then you are one extrordinarily generous dude!

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No he doesn't make money, he loses money. You can give him a donation on paypal, there is a link in the pub I think, or somewhere else on the site. I did and I got a personal thank you email! :) Sangiro is a great guy and yes this all started as a hobby. We love our Head Honcho! (It helps that he is a hottie, too!) ;)
It isn't brave if you aren't scared...

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Well, I work at an ISP and at least in Central Texas, the net has been hell the last few days. Everyone is still trying to figure out why. So far, we have found two reasons. A) a train wreck in Baltimore took out UUNET's eastern backbone. B) there is a new IIS worm out and a nasty one-- http://www.eeye.com/html/Research/Advisories/AL20010717.html

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