
Elsinore Labour Day Weekend

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I'll be leaving Phoenix on Friday afternoon and will be jumping on Saturday. Not quite sure if I'll make it Sunday too (I want to go to the beach). But if any of you are going to be there, Look for me. I'm the one wearing the white jumpsuit. Many of you know what I look like from previous posts where I posted some pics. Hope I can jump with a couple of ya too. Let me know if you will be there.

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Let's see if I can entice Monk over to Perris.
$17 jumps, all day Saturday (-$2 off the regular price)
3 - 4 load organizers
Night Jumps Saturday nite (but you have to call manifest ahead of time and tell them you are going nite jumping)
Band Saturday nite
I most likely will be there, and Kimmer may be, as well.....
oh yeah.....almomst forgot ;):
a Turbine DC-3 is scheduled for all day on Saturday. To altitude in like 12 minutes. Don't forget that we have 2 twin otters, and the Skyvan, as well, for that day (or so the rumor goes...) - 4, yes, count 'em, 4 planes!!!
Come on over, Monk - the water's (o.k., the sky!) fine!
Ciels -
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Hey, Sharkie...

You say something about NIGHT jumps???

S A T U R D A Y N I G H T........yup, night jumps. Yup, I said something about it. Yup, they're happening.....
check it out:http://www.perriscam.com/super17.htm
(sorry, I don't know how to post the link......) here's all the info.
See you there!!!!!!!!!! (right, Monk?)
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Ah Crikey! Now what am I supposed to do? Hehe. Ok, I'm sure I can get my family to switch over to Perris on Saturday. We'll see. I'll do my best. I would really love to jump with you all. In fact, let's just plan on it. I mean come on...I am making the LONG driver over there so if I want to jump perris, then I should get perris. No?
So are we all meeting at Perris on Saturday then?

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I'm the one wearing the white jumpsuit.

Phew! There's probably a reason for that! I know I certainly don't have the balls to wear all white while jumping! LOL!
Have fun you guys :) Nice to see you back on occassion Monk.
(and you single girls who do NOT know what Monk looks like, I'd suggest you go find out ;))
A new page! Bi-Plane pics!

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(and you single girls who do NOT know what Monk looks like, I'd suggest you go find out )
Ah you give too much credit. I'm blushing. But I am single. :)

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i'm gona be doing the 20 way skills camp on sat and sunday, but i think it should be done both days before maybe 5pm so i'll save a jump for ya!
p.s. the bigest dz.com way i've been on is a 4 way. how large can i hope to say after sat.???? come on people at elsinore and close by dz in CA ya know ya want to come to perris on sat. the 1st. of sept.!!!!!!!

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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Oh well, I guess you can't have everything. Plan on having some sort of entertainment if we can't jump. I haven't been to LA in a long time (since the day before the big earthquake) so I would love to look around even if I can't jump.....but i REALLLLLLLLYYYYYYY want to jump.

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The jump that Nelson got hurt on was a 5 way of DZ.com and that is the largest that I ahve seen. I am going to be at the 20 way camp so maybe that will get at least 8 of us up at the same time.
Mouth you are welcome to come party with me in LA I make a great host and we can always party at night and jump all day.
Flare Damn it!!!!!

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Albi...I've already got my ticket. Depart ATL on Dec 21st and hang out until the 24th. No sleep will be necessary while I am there!! I am excited. Give me some ideas of stuff to do so I can research everything before I come. Michele has my itinerary and agreed to get me at the airport and sorta babysit me but heck I think everyone out there should meet me at the airport so we can begin our celebration early. Seriously ya'll plan on everyone doing some fun stuff while I'm there.
BTW guys we had a 5 way at Deland in Aug so watch whose toes you step on. All DZ.comers. 5 of us and no points turned ... LOL!!!

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