
Perris this weekend.

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Well, for a first post I thought I'd ask who's going to Perris this weekend? This will be the first time in six years since I've been to Perris (that's beer, right?) and it would be great to meet people from this board, if anyone is going to be there. Some more info on me: 260 jumps, mostly a long time ago. 10 or 12 since jumping again on the Fourth of July (Ceremonial for me) after this six year hiatus (WHAT WAS I THINKING!!). My new gear should be arriving at the end of next month, I can't wait. Looking forward to seeing some old friends, and sadly toasting some no longer with us.
Blue Skies,

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Hi, Steve!
First post? Beer!!!!!!!
As to who will be at Perris, here is a partial list of DZ.commers who will be there.
Me, Zclubber, DZbone, Monk, Wingnut, Gman, Albatross, ltdiver, Shark, (afternoon Saturday) Mark Brown.
Possibles include Kimmer, and a host of others.
I have times I will be at manifest, hoping to meet all of you. But I forgot those times, so I will go look them up and post/edit in a few...
I'm back: here's the schedule:
"I will be getting there early, like 7ish, on Saturday morning, so I propose the following meeting times/place:
9:00-9:15 am at manifest
12:15-12:30 at manifest
3:00-3:15 at manifest
5:00-5:15 at manifest."
This is a great weekend for you to renew your Perris acquiantance. There will be so much going on!!!!!
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Hi Michele,
Hey, I gotta say I love your stories. I've read them, remembering the feelings I had from my first few jumps. Thanks for the reminders.
Now, on to meeting times. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it on Saturday, but at this point I'm planning on being out both Sunday and Monday. If at all possible, I may come out on Saturday evening. I'll have to see how my day goes Saturday. I'm sure Ed could point you out to me also, so if I see him, I'll check.
Blue Skies,

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I'll be there camera flying for;
Perris Fall Guys on Saturday,
Kate & Tony's Mini-way Camp on Sunday and
back with the Fall Guys again on Monday.
Probably won't have a lot of time on my hands, but I'll try to swing by Mark Brown's groups from time to time to say hi or if you see me in the loading area introduce yourselves and say hi. I'm pretty obvious, my camera helmet says, "Perris Fall Guys" on it and my rig has the name "Quade" on it.

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I'll be there on Sunday; possibly Saturday evening. Not sure exactly what time either one yet.
My kid wants to go ask about a weekend job, so I will definitely show up Sunday even if I'm not jumping.
pull and flare,
I chose the road less traveled. Now where the hell am I?

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I'll be there Saturday. Leaving directly from work tomorrow and I'm sure I'll stumble up to manifest (hangover of course) around 8 to 9am. Looking foward to meeting some of the DZ.com'ers. And I looked at CNN's weather for Perris and they're saying high of 84. WOOOOOOOOOO.

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Hey, Jenn
All the instructors know who I am, so if you can't find us in the group, have them point me out to you. Or alternatively, have manifest page me. What time are you doing level 2 and 3? Who were your JM's for level 1?
Arthur, yes I want those stills, but $$ is still tight. Barely enough to jump on Saturday.
Lisa and Cptn, I will most likely be staying to watch the night jumps on Saturday night. Should be on the patio of the bar, watching my friends toast the skies (I get to stay sober because I am likely driving home late Saturday night....pout...).
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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I love Jeanie but if I see her I am more likely to be trying to get the shirt off her back. That sounds bad. Looking forward to meeting all of you. I am going to be out Friday night to take my B and C test and Sat, Sun, nd maybe monday if the cash holds out. Michele knows me and I would like to meet you all.
Flare Damn it!!!!!

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See you on Saturday, for sure. Anything I can help you with to get that A license sewn up, just let me know !
I should be doing Walt's 4-way skills camp (if the Las Vegas guys show) on Saturday, but should be able to get a jump or two with you (video-wise) if you still want it, in between times.
Team training with Perris Xtreme on Sunday and Monday. Should be a full weekend.
See you there!

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Hey michele aslong as you buy one or two i will have reason for coming b/c my mom is super anal about what i use the car for (she pays for the gas) So if i tell her i am going up there to make a sale she will shut up.
ALSO IF ANYONE ELSE WANTS TO BUY A PHOTO FROM ME I WOULD BE HUMBLED AND VERY HAPPY :)I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet

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JennLove, are you at Jim's school or the other school? I'll stop on by and say Buongiorno.
Wooohooo...this is gonna be a big Love In. I'll also be sticking around for the Night jumps.
Work is going to be very hard tomorrow.

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Tick Tock, Tick Tock!
I planned on being there early tomorrow morning (Saturday), but I'm now sitting in my office trying to decide if I should just leave everyone here to their own devices and leave now. If I do, they sure as shit won't get a damn thing done. I just wonder if they'll burn the building down while I'm gone. Decisions, decisions.
Well, if don't go today, I'll be there tomorrow morning and I'm staying until at least Sunday night. This weekend's gonna be a blast!!
Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump, Booze
Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump ,Jump, Booze
-can't you trip like I do-

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Anyone who is going to be there tonight I need drinking buddies. My councilor told me that drinking alone is a bad thing. I'll have on a white KAMAN Shirt( With a Kickboxer on the back) and my little blue addidas hat. Got to take my damn b and c licence tests. See you this weekend. PARTY
Flare Damn it!!!!!

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Wingi, there's a bar there called the Bomb Shelter. You can buy beer there. However, you can bring your own, but you have to drink in the specified area.....
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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You can always bring beer, but the Bombshelter gets a little pissed if you keep a cooler right on the patio. You could put the cooler around the corner of the building and pull from there, or you could just buy drinks at the bar. $3 a beer's not too bad.
If I do end up there tonight, which is about 50/50 right now, I'll be more than happy to get tanked with you guys.
-can't you trip like I do-

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O.K., guys.
I'm gonna be "mom" for a moment...If you choose to leave work early, and get to the DZ, remember that everyone else is going to do the same thing. Therefore, a 75 minute ride will take like, uh, 4 hours.....people will be heading out after noon, so I suspect the traffic will be nutzo nightmare time through at least 8:00 tonight.
And what do you get when you have nutzo nightmare traffic? COPS. Lots o' them. So drive safely, drive with one eye behind you, and take your time!!!
FYI, Cal Highway Patrol tends to overload their night shift on holiday weekends, with a goal of drunk drivers. Night shift starts at 11 and goes to 7 a.m...and the overloading starts on Thursday nite and continues through Monday/Tuesday shift.
O.k., I'm done being mom.....
Have great trips from wherever you're coming in from, and we'll see you tomorrow!
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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