
Dropzone.com t-shirts.....is there intrest??

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Hey all...just wondering if there is still interest in getting dropzone.com t-shirts. I was thinking of the front having that logo that is on the top-left of the screen and on the back we can have a witty slogan and then our screenname.
Let me know if there is still interest and I'll talk to HH about it! :)--------------
Richmond Boogie pics...

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Great idea. Not only will it be just cool to have a DZ.com shirt, but it will help DZ.com'ers who haven't met before to spot each other at boogies.
[I'm still drunk from last night. Ugh!]

"Don't be afraid of death so much as an inadequate life." -- Bertolt Brecht

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I will certainly find out if it is OK from him first, but I thought it to be wise to see if there is intrest before putting time into it.
I'm going to find out if he wants me (or someone) to do this and if you have ideas for something (quote, motto, etc) to put on the back, please put it here!! Thanks guys!
Richmond Boogie pics...

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quote, motto, etc) to put on the back, please put it here!!

I've seen quite a few and heard some good ones.
1. Drive Fast, Take Chances, Pass on the Right and Talk Back to Cops!!
2. If a skydiver can't eat it, drink it or fuck it then they'll break it.. jessica help me here?
3. I'd much rather burn in at 120mph then die in some useless natrual distaster.
I can't remember most of them... c'mon guys I know we can come up with some :)My New Website with 24hr Chat

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I'm actually quite pleased with how well the cafepress.com shirts came out. For something with no up-front costs, it's quite impressive, and has stood up better than a lot of cheap screen printed shirts I've used. And even if you don't like the shirts, the cafepress.com coffee mugs come out beautifully.
That said, assuming I find a job soon, I'll be interested.
And I really like the quote from above: "If god had wanted me to stay on the ground, he would have given me roots."

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