
DZ.com & Spaceland

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Ok everyone. Houston is going to be invaded!! We've got Illegal Aliens from all over invading Texas!! Skydive Spaceland is going to be the place they all gravitate too!!
Listen up all you jumpers in the Area!! We are going to have a Dz.com get together at Skydive Spaceland!! When you ask? Nov. 9th thru Nov 11th... I am hoping who ever is in the area will try and make a trip down and do some jumps!
Merrick & Pammi are coming in for the weekend along with chicagoskydiver!! Pammi and myself do not have our SCR's yet and hope we can get an SCR and the DZ.com record! So everyone is invited. Please reply to this thread if you think you may be in the area so we can look forward to meeting you.
We've got: Zennie, Slappie, Jumperpaula, Ramon, AirAnn, cyberskydiver, wwfalling Just in the Houston area... Jessica and Freaksister we'd love to have you join the fun!! Everyone is invited!! Let make this a semi-first-annual-dz.com-type-of-boogie-thang!! :)My New Website with 24hr Chat

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Ya know what we ought to do since we have this big mix of freefliers and RW people...
dz.com hybrid dive! :)Nothing says the formation has to be on one plane. ;)
"Wear the grudge like a crown. Desperate to control. Unable to forgive. And we're sinking deeper."

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thats it, he speaks and its only... Sour Grapes?
Sour Grapes?
One entry found for sour grapes.
Main Entry: sour grapes
Function: noun plural
Etymology: from the fable ascribed to Aesop of the fox who after finding himself unable to reach some grapes he had desired disparaged them as sour
Date: 1760
: disparagement of something that has proven unattainable
Heh, I guess you are exactly right ScRamon, I just cant seem to reach Sky God status.
LOL, gotcha.

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Hey, Snappy,
I merely asked a question. I am the LAST person who wants to do it.
the LAST thing I want to do is figure out stuff and THEN even worse, stand by the door of the aircraft with a mesely little list like I am some Queen of The Load and an Authority Figure with extra special powers.
Yeah, thats it.... Lookie at MEEE... I determine who gets in this here Otter, I am Powerful and I make sure every single person gets a window seat, I am good enough, and by golly ... people like me.
Hey Snappy, hows the plane loading going. Tip: dont smoke and feul the aircraft, bad bad juju.
And think of it this way, its good training incase you want to be one of those bouncer persons who pick people to go in clubs.
Man, people this week on edge er what?
H e l l o?

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This sounds like so much fun! We have the kiddos arranged, and I think we will be able to fly down there (maybe? if not we'll drive) so just getting around down there will be the only trick to figure out.
I want to have one last big 'fling' before winter and other possibilities in the makings occur, and this sounds perfect!
So Sis, Jess, Cloud9?? Where are you guys??
I think they have long deserted DZ.com.... :( I sure don't hear from the Sis at all anymore!
Hemp/skydiving jewelry pics!

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So Sis, Jess, Cloud9?? Where are you guys??
I think they have long deserted DZ.com....

I have not "deserted"!! I just don't have eight hours per day to post anymore...heh heh...
But yeah, I might could do that. I could only hang out during the day, tho...:P I'm busy keepin' the world safe and free at nights....

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Sounds like a blast. I have to be in New Orleans on the 10th but I could most likely be there either on that Saturday night or on Sunday morning. Where is everyone going to stay? At the DZ or other places. How about Sat night where will everyone be?

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For those who need Sanctuary you are welcome. Jess, Cloud, FreakySis-of course, I have a 3 bdrm house big living room, double backyard (great dane) with a pool and jacuzzi in it.
If you guys need and want to stay, let me know and Cybverskydiver and I will make it so. We can also heat the pool. The jacuzzi is always hot. Beverages always cold.
You are welcome here.

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